
The girl in the painting

Anrianah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The love story of us (Part I)

A handsome young man came to the mansion.


the first word he said. He looked around and saw the paintings that I paint throughout these years.

I walked down from my painting room, he looked at me.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I just let myself in..." he said in such a soft voice,

"It's alright, I see that you kept looking around." I spoke.

he looked at the paintings again,

"did you make these paintings?" he asked me,

"yep, I made all of those, all of these paintings that you are seeing." I responded happily.

"Is it for sale?" he asked me again.

"Nope." I said while putting the new painting I made in the wall.

"that's a shame, it's really pretty." He said smiling at me, it made my heart skipped a bit.

[what is this? Am I being attracted? Is it because no one has ever appreciated my arts before?] I spoke in my mind.

"Thank you..." I said shyly.

"Have you ever thought of selling it or putting it in an auction?" he asked sincerely.

"No... it's not like people would pay attention to it." I said awkwardly.

"Is that so?" he stopped his words and looked at me,

"then, what if I buy it in a big price. Will you sell it to me?" he asked.

I was loss for words for a moment.

"You don't need to pay if you really want it, you can have it." I responded.

"Are you sure?" he asked me happily.

"How can I say no if you're that happy" I whispered.

"Yep, you can have it. I can always make it again you know." I said assuring him.

"Thank you!" he smiled brightly. We spent the whole day and time together chatting about our story.

"it's getting dark I should go now. I'll see you tomorrow." He said happily.

As I led him to the front door, I felt sad again.

"See you then." I said while waving goodbye at him.

Later, he finally found his way to the little town that he's staying. The town that my family used to own.

"Young master!" a woman shouted.

"where have you been?! We were worried, you were nowhere to be found!" she continued.

"I apologize, I got lost and found this mansion with lots of painting on it, the owner even gave me this. The owner is really pretty like her own art." He spoke. His ears were turning red.

"I plan to comeback tomorrow, prepare some sweets tomorrow morning." He ordered the old woman.

"I understand, young master. But where is this mansion you are talking about?" the old woman asked in confusion.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. Let's go back to the inn right now, I'm tired." He replied leading the old woman in more curiosity.

The next day, He came back again with foods.

"Excuse me young master, but what part of this town are you going?" the old woman asked.

"Just follow me, I'll also introduce her!" He responded.

He led the old woman and the two knights to the abandoned part of the town, my family's mansion.

"Young master, I don't think someone is living near here, it's already abandoned ages ago!" the old woman panickily spoke.

He stopped walking and said,

"what do you mean?".

The sudden realization hit him; he looks back to the way to my mansion.

"Wait here for a moment, I'll just- I- Wait... just wait here, don't follow me, please."

He ran right after speaking, he took the basket with the foods. When he arrives in front of the mansion, he broke down in tears.

He went inside and finally realize where he was yesterday.

"I swear, it wasn't like this yesterday." He kept looking around.

"Heriya! Are you there?!" he shouted in desperate.

He stopped for a lot of time; he kept denying that what he saw yesterday wasn't real. It indeed is real.

I looked at him inside my own portrait, I was him crying and having a hard time.

We only met once yet our impact for each other hits hard. It crushed my heart seeing him like that.

[Maybe this is love at first sight... or maybe i was too lonely all these years?] I whispered to myself.

I watched him the whole time, I want to at least tell him that I am here, that I am listening to him.

He started to wander inside the mansion, but stopped when he was my portrait.

He smiled and put the basket down and took my portrait down beside him.

"Heriya, were you actually... the girl in this painting?" he spoke in such a gentle and shaking voice.

"You know I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you yesterday. Last night and earlier I could only think of you." He continues speaking.

Even if he couldn't see me, he keeps talking, time flies very fast he didn't even realize that it was night and just kept telling me stories, I was happy, I didn't feel lonely.

He looked around again and realize how dark it is already, he looked back at me and said

"I'll be back tomorrow, and the day after. You could say I will come back every day. See you, Heriya.". He smiled softly and leave.

Once he left, I was alone again.

I am able to get out of the painting. I looked for a paper to write him a letter. When I finally found one, I rush down to my portrait and wrote;

"Dear Vilencitto, I apologize for not showing myself to you earlier. I want to but I can't, I just want you to know that I am listening to you, earlier, tomorrow, or any day that you'll be here and talk to me." And stick it in my portrait.

The next day I waited for him, and he came with a new basket with foods.

He looked at my portrait and saw my letter, he was confused, he pick it up and read it. his smile widened,

"So it means you're still here? If so, I'm glad that I wasn't talking to myself last night and I wasn't hallucinating the other day." He smiled so happily.

That's when I decided that i'll build up my strength so I can at least be with him in a little bit of time and hang out with him.