
The Gift (a/o/b)

Suteppu_Kotenok · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

chapter 19: Ryan

I push the flaps of my tent open and scan over the scene. Our campsite was a mess. The rookies clearly did not understand that they may need to pack their things quickly. I shake my head and move through the camp. The sky was still dark, so I wasn't too surprised to find my men still asleep. I take a seat at the edge of camp and watch the horizon. It was not my time to scout, but it was coming. I was on edge. This conflict had been quiet, barely any fights.

"Why did you send me here?" I wonder aloud. It wasn't like the king to waste my talents on such a tame issue. Perhaps he believed the new recruits needed a firm hand? If that was the case, why was I the only one sent? Typically many generals are needed for that type of issue. Unless he believed things would get worse? Or maybe he'd finally found the last of the men who had slaughtered my village and he was giving me the opportunity to finish my vengeance? If he would just answer my letters I would not need to make guesses at this. I shake my head. This whole situation was extremely strange. I lean back a bit and continue to study the land. It was the same as it has been for days. I push myself to stand with an unhappy grunt and move to our scouts. I can hear the sound of an arrow whizzing past my ear. I look around for the source, creeping closer to the edge to find the man responsible for the air assault. A soft gasp leaves my lips as something buries into my side. I peered down at the arrow that was now sticking out from me. I hiss softly at the pain that blooms through my left side. I close my eyes and swiftly move to find the healer, sounds of arrows raining down around me filling my mind. I duck and weave through the arrow rain, calling out for my men to scout out where the arrows were coming from. I finally made it back to camp, hunched over from pain. I hiss as I call out for the healer. She sticks her head out from her tent and rushes towards me. She grabs my arm and guides me into the tent. Once inside, she begins to work. Some of my men poke their heads in to see what was going on. I instantly instruct them to find the source of the arrows. They salute and run off to do my bidding. I groan as the healer removes the arrow from my abdomen, instantly applying pressure as it begins to ooze blood. I look down at the arrow, searching for any signs of who sent it. I bit my lip, the tip had the King's signature on it. We were at war with ourselves. There was a traitor amongst the crown.

"Sir, is there anyone you would like to write home to? Just in case you don't make it?" I groan and think of Nox. He was another mystery that had been on my mind these past few weeks. We were mated now, did that mean he deserved a letter to update him? I sigh and looks up at her.

"My friend Kero, I want him to know about this," I say softly. The doctor nods and sits beside me as we compose the letter. I explain the situation in simple terms, telling him to look over Nox as I wasn't sure this would be as quickly resolved as I first believed. I also mention that if the King asks him to assist the doctors, to reject the offer. Something was off about this mission and I didn't want to put my oldest friend in danger. The doctor gives me a nod and I know I can trust her.

"He only sent new doctors, aside from me. It was very strange as he said this would be a quick mission, something to be snuffed out. Had I known," she pauses and shakes her head. "I'll make sure this gets to your friend, I promise,"

"And don't breathe a word of this to anyone else, I'm counting on you," she nods and stands, leaving me alone in the tent.

Doctor's POV: I trash the letter the man had writen and exchange it for an SOS, knowing the other doctor would likely bring Ryan's Omega thinking the Alpha was dying. The King wanted the Omega killed for their crimes against the crown. I remember the timid Omega and my heart breaks. It wasn't his fault his mother was a cheating whore. I didn't understand why things had to be this way, but I would do anything for my King. Even poison a high ranking soldier. He would likely survive, but the loss of his Omega would probably force him to retire. I slide the SOS into the mailbox with a soft sigh and make my way back to the tent, the poison should be taking effect at this point.