
The begining

(What the hell happened?)those are the only words that our MC can think about right now

The last thing he can remember was unpacking some stuff he bought for his shop and as he was lifting a sack of potatoes the truck he was unloading from started moving backward and after that well there is no after because that is as much as he remembers after that he found himself lying down here

Actually, where is here? Is the question that appeared soon after he remembered what happened

As he gets up he looks around and to his surprise the only thing he sees is white

Everything is white from the floor to the ceiling everything is white even that man's laptop was white

(Wait for a man?)He looks around and spots a man leisurely sitting in a black leather office chair while his snow-white laptop rests on an ebony black desk

His fingers are lightning fast as he types a few dozen letters a second not sparing our MC a gaze

Our MC goes to the man and stops mere inches away from his table while the man just continued typing

Then he noticed the mans looks and attire

The man had golden short hair combed back giving him a sleek appearance while his sharp sword like eyebrows, navy blue eyes, and protruded chin give him a devilish look all that is framed in by his black rim glasses and ash gray office suit with a crimson red tie

Suddenly the man moves and looks up at the MC with his beautiful ocean-like eyes before averting them looking and the laptop screen again

He cleared his throat indicating that he was about to speak witch aroused our MCs blood as he has questions and wanted answers

"John Martin, 28 years of age, a small-time shop owner who 6 months ago took in a homeless child and gave him an education, food and a roof over his head in exchange for working for you correct?"The man asked in an indifferent manner while keeping a poker face

Usually, John would be curious how a complete stranger knows so much about him but because of the current situation he became numb to unexplained and unexpected things

"Yes that is me but could you tell me who you are and where I am?"John said in a polite manner while flashing as bright a smile as he can muster

"I am the Administrator and I check all the souls of the deceased as for where you are and how you got here you should have already guessed, "The Administrator said in his usual calm and indifferent fashion while John just stood there not talking but keenly listening on what the man was about to say

"Now onto business you see that child you took care of will one day become a scientist while with your will and determination drilled into him make your store the biggest one out there with which he will stop wars and with his knowledge create a cure for cancer" Although John wasn't surprised before now he was

Who would have thought that the homeless boy he picked up out of pity and need of help around the store would have such potential and become such an incredible man but what does that have to do with his current situation?

So he looked at the Administrator in a confused fashion with his brows knitted and all

And as if noticing his gaze the Administrator talked"I know what you are thinking it is 'What does this have to do with me?' well you see without you he couldn't achieve any of that so you got a lot of positive karma"

John still thinking about his earlier words snapped out of it but still remained silent while the answer right now made him even more confused than before

"Now everybody has karma. It is complicated but let's say it like this if you are a cold-blooded killer you can't go to heaven but if you are a saint you can go to heaven and your karma is humongous giving you 3 choices" As he finished speaking Johns' eyes gained clearly but his face became even more serious

"First go to hell, second go to heaven and third reincarnate into any world of your choice, with the background of your choice and the look of your choice with 4 wishes"The second no the millisecond he finished speaking John replied

"REINCARNATION!!"His roar boomed through the white space while his eyes gave off a determined gaze

Then he noticed what he just did and became a little embarrassed presented by his blush yet he was happy and grinning from ear to ear

The Administrator just nodded, got up from his chair and placed a wooden but almost lifelike model in front of him

"This is your body customize it at will"As he said that he sat back down into his leather chair witch has butt marks on the bottom of it clearly from wear and tear

John just nodded and started to modify his body and looks

The first and foremost gave himself a big, fat dick then 178cm of height, snow white hair and eyes as black as the abyss

Once he was done he nodded in satisfaction on his masterpiece and went over to the Administrator for his wishes

As he approached the Administrator the Administrator just looked up at him for a brief second before returning to his work

Then John began speaking"I want to reincarnate into the world of Paulo do the first season while my wishes are as follows:

1. I want Toukas ukaku but I want 2 wings, Shuus kokako, Kanekis rinkaku and Nishikis Pikachu with the special ability of detachment

2. I want to be able to consume spirit beasts and their rings with which I can add their age onto my rings instead of humans unless I am truly desperate for food and when I activate my kagune I have my right eye qualified while when I am desperate or in a berserker state I have both eyes goulefied

3. I want double spirits one of the spider and one of ice

4. I want to have a photographic memory"It took him a while but old John boy did say it all in one breath which was a real challenge

"Sure I can give you those abilities but I have to reduce the amount of age you absorb to 10%, "The Administrator said in an indifferent voice still only gazing at his laptop

"About my background, I want to be born by traveling merchants and abandoned at the age of 4 years in the orphanage in the town Tang Sang lives in while being 1 month older than him"

"Alright now is that all?"The Administrator asked in his cold and indifferent voice

"Yes" John naturally agreed

As he said that he disappeared and the Administrator slouched back into his chair finally giving an expression

The expression was an n expression of exhaust while he slowly muttered "When the fuck is this hell going to stop" as he said that he got back into his work