
The Hunt.

"Good morning everyone. You are all well aware that we'll be starting that teamwork project today." Professor Cloud said as he looked around at everyone. He had his clipboard in hand and was marking off the people who were absent. He finished quickly and began walking to the door, continuing to speak. "We'll be starting out in the arena. Please make your way there now. Make sure you have your paper that tells you what you and your partner will be looking for." Everyone began to exit the classroom. I followed behind everyone with Opal, not caring to walk with Tyr. Everyone finally arrived at the entrance of the arena. I nodded at Opal, walking away to go stand next to Tyr as Professor Cloud instructed everyone. He began sharing some last minute details. "This may take the whole day..it may not. It's all up to how you and your partner work together. Remember, this isn't about who gets everything done first. You're being graded on teamwork." He looked at his watch briefly before speaking on final word. "Go."

  I unfolded the paper with the assigned item on it. Tyr looked over my shoulder as I stared down at the paper. "We're looking for a pink teddy bear." I said. Tyr took the paper from me, getting a better look at it as if he thought I was joking around. "Oh, so we are. This shouldn't be too hard." He said before tossing the paper back at me. I was able to catch it before it landed in the dirt. I sighed, speaking as I out the paper in my pocket. "You realize we have no way to track a stuffed animal and it could be anywhere in this forest. I say we split up. We'll cover more ground, and if one of us were to find the bear it wouldn't take that long to meet up again because of our we can easily track each other." I saw Tyr's lips form a smirk as he placed a hand on my head. I was about to object, but he spoke first. "As true as that is, we're walking together." I moved my head away, his hand no longer being on top of it. I favored my plan over his, but looks like there was no getting away from this one.

Tyr and I had been roaming the forest for almost half an hour. My black fluffy tail swished around as I walked. Every now and then Tyr and I would have to push through some thick bushes. I heard a groan behind me as I made my way through another large bush. It was Tyr. I turned to him, an unamused expression clearly shown on my face. "What.." I said, my eyes locked on Tyr. "I'm bored." Tyr complained as he pushed through the thick bush I had just wiggled out of. "Are you really going to complain? Not too long ago you were all excited about this project. What happened?" I asked, leaning against the trunk of a nearby tree. "It's just a lot of work to find a little stuffed animal." Tyr said, a bored look present on his face. He looked as if he was a little kid stuck in the back of a long line. I motioned for him to keep walking. "Listen, the faster this is done the faster you won't have to be out here. Although, I don't see why you're not enjoying it out here. You're a werewolf demon. Werewolves like forests." Tyr was walking beside me as I talked. He chuckled a bit before speaking. "I never said I didn't like it out here. I just don't like looking for a stuffed bear."

The ground began sloping down ahead of us. We kept walking, slowly now to decrease our chances of tripping and rolling down the rocky ground. "I'm sure we'll find the bear, and if we don't find the bear the other pair that got the same item as us will find it." I explained, stopping at the bottom of the hill where the ground became leveled again. Tyr raised an eyebrow before stopping beside me. "Pfft. What's good about that? We need the bear." I knew Tyr wasn't the smartest demon ever, but I would've at least thought he would be able to understand the benefits of what I just explained. "It's good because we would just have to battle them, win, and then take the bear. It talks about that in the packet. Now, you need to stop complaining. It doesn't make you any stronger." I looked at Tyr, waiting for a response and possibly more complaints since that seems to be one of his favorite things right behind flirting with girls. "I see. That makes sense. You're pretty clever for your kind." He smirked and rubbed my ears. I slapped his hand away and began walking again. I couldn't see his expression because my back was to him, but I'm sure he had that same sly smirk on his face.

It was almost noon. It was hot. The sun seemed to be shining right on me. Just a few minutes ago I was able to scent a body of water nearby. I pointed it out to Tyr, saying that we should go towards it and get something to drink. Dehydration is the last thing we need to deal with during this long project. I stood in front of a large pond. The water was mostly still, as if no life was present in it, but every now and then a creature such as a little fish would be visible throughout the clear, fresh water. I knelt down, placing my hand into the pond. I had it cupped so I could drink some. I slowly brought my hand to my lips, making sure I didn't spill the small amount of water that would sit in my hand. I repeated the process several times until I was satisfied. Tyr drunk some as well, but not as much. While he was waiting he was soaking his feet. I stood up and stretched a bit. My tail flicked around as I did. I was going to suggest to Tyr that we take a short break from stuffed bear hunting, but something else caught my attention. I scented two people nearby. They were both human, and female considering I could smell their perfume from all the way over here. I couldn't place a name to their scent, but I could match a face to them. "Hey Tyr. There are two girls from our class nearby. We should go check it out." I said calmly, only loud enough for him to hear. "I like checking out girls." He responded. I turned around, looking at him with an unamused expression. "Funny. We're only going to see if they have the item we need." After speaking, I immediately headed in the direction of the two classmates. Loud, quick steps were getting closer to me. It was Tyr catching up to me. We walked until I held my hand out. I was signaling for him to stop. I then crouched down behind a bush, gesturing for Tyr to do the same as I watched the two girls standing a bit ahead of us. They were chatting, and to my surprise, they had the stuffed bear in hand. I whispered to Tyr quietly about how we should approach them. Normal people wouldn't be able to make out everything I said, but Tyr could due to his ears. Perks of being a demon animal. We whispered back and forth, before deciding that we could just casually walk up to them. If the two girls wanted to battle, they would get one. I then walked out of hiding. Tyr was beside me as we made our way closer to the two girls.

"Hey ladies." Tyr said as he wrapped his an arm around the back of each girl. They looked up at him. Both were giggling as they clearly seemed to not mind. I then spoke up. "Hey, that stuffed bear you have there. Mind giving it to us?" They both then had their attention on me. The black haired one spoke up. "I see. So you guys have the same item assigned as we do. Well, you're not getting it." I recognized her as the girl who called out Professor Cloud about how she thought putting two demons on the same team was unfair. The girl beside her had a bright green head of hair. I've seen her around, but never talked to her either. Both of them are new to GATE.

"I guess if you're going to be like that we're going to have to battle. Two vs two, and the winning team gets the stuffed bear." I heard Tyr say before stepping away from the girls and next to me. "Never thought I'd be fighting over a stuffed animal.." I whispered to Tyr in a nonchalant tone. I rolled my shoulders back, stretching them before shifting my gaze to the two girls. I was going to ask if the two were ready, but I was interrupted by Tyr. "Before we fight can I have your names." Both girls giggled a bit. "Hehe..yeah. I'm June." The black haired one said. "And my name is Mimi." The green haired chick smiled, holding up a peace sign. After the introductions I held up my hand, stopping any further conversation that was to be exchanged. "Okay. Save the talking for social hour. Are you two ready?" June rolled her eyes but nodded. I looked over at Tyr. He looked ready enough.

As soon as my gaze went back to June and Mimi. I saw a large amount of green hair flying at me. I moved out of the way of the attack, seeing that Mimi has the power to lengthen her hair and manipulate it. Just as it seemed to be clear, hair wrapped around my right wrist. Mimi didn't hesitate to pull me off the ground by my tied up wrist. When I was about a foot off the ground I sliced the hair off that was binding my right wrist. I summoned a shadow kunai to do this. Shadow kunais are useful because they are invisible. I easily landed on the ground. While Mimi's hair was flying at me I dodged swiftly around it without any complications. While Mimi was busy with me, June had been fighting Tyr. I could see large pieces of the ground being launched at Tyr. He had long claws on each hand. They extended out about 12 inches, so they seemed to be useful for slicing the smaller pieces of Earth that were flying at him, but not the large ones.

"Tyr! Switch with me!" I yelled at him. He nodded. Him and I dodged some attacks while moving past each other to switch. As soon as I faced June I summoned my two large war hammers. As each piece of Earth was launched at me I used my weapon to break each piece. That is the hammers' specialty after all. In a blink of an eye I had launched myself at June, sending a high side kick up to her face. She fell back and was stunned. Her loss of balance stopped her from being able to effectively attack me with her Earth powers. I then performed a spinning back kick to her. The power caused her to be launched right in the path of Mimi's hair attacks. June was wrapped in green hair. "Ah! June, I'm so sorry! That was supposed to trap Tyr!" I could hear Mimi say as she released June. "It's fine just watch out next time!" June said, shaking her head a bit to recovering from my kick. Tyr took the opportunity to attack considering they were both distracted. He launched himself at them, using his claws to slice at them. Neither had the time to block or dodge, but a couple slices wasn't going to stop them. As June went to attack Tyr I swung at her with my hammer. She moved out of the way of the first swing, but sadly for her, when she dodged, she walked right into my other hammer I was swinging. Green hair then wrapped around one of my hammers, but that didn't create a problem for me. I made the hammer disappeared into thin air and then used the other to hit Mimi as well. Both girls were on the ground, clearly unable to fight. "You win..." June said, sitting in the tall grass in defeat with Mimi at her side. Tyr pumped his fist into the air in excitement. I picked up the pink stuffed bear from the ground. "Good fight." I said to Mimi and June before turning to leave. "Come on, Tyr." He turned as well, jogging a short distance to catch up.

We made it back to the arena with the stuffed bear in hand. I saw Professor Cloud there reading. "We finished." I simply said before placing the bear in the seat beside him. Professor Cloud looked up, nodding as he picked up the bear. "Well, that's it for class today so you can do whatever." He said to Tyr and I before checking our team off the list. "Alright then. I'm going back to my dorm. Bye Tyr." I walked out of the arena and headed towards my dorm.

I was in the hall of the girls dormitory, approaching the stairs that led up to the floor my dorm was at. The hall was empty due to mostly everyone being in the middle of a class or project. Before I could climb the stairs, a voice shouted out my name. "Falen! Wait!" I stopped, recognizing Tyr's voice. I turned to see him running down the hall. Why did he have to follow me?  He stopped in front of me, holding out a sheet of paper with print on it. "Professor Cloud told me to give you one of these. It's a partner evaluation. To write about how well you think your partner did."  He smirked as I took the paper. I glanced at it before folding it up and sliding it into my pocket. "Thanks Tyr. Well, I have to get go-" I was interrupted by Tyr pushing me up against the wall. I widened my eyes a bit out of surprise. I felt one of his hands slide down my side slowly, while his other hand was pinning my arms above my head. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, my red eyes had a slight glow to them as I struggled to get out of his grasp. "Don't play hard to get. Despite what they all say about Werewolf Demons being with Neko Demons, I don't see a problem with it." Tyr whispered, moving his hand from my side to my hair, stroking it. "Stop it.." I said, clearly expressing my anger. My glare was still fixated on his face. He had that sly grin on his face still. His hand ran down my side again slowly. Tyr spoke again in a teasing tone. It sickened me. "What's the matter, Falen? I heard Neko Demons like this kind of stuff...haha."