
A Day At The Lake

  My eyes fluttered open and I found myself tucked away in my bed. My head was pounding because of a headache. What happened to Tyr? Why wasn't I in the hallway? I glanced over at my alarm clock only to discover that it was 9:00 A.M. Weird. It was the late afternoon when the confrontation with Tyr occurred. I had multiple questions, but I guess they won't be answered.

My bathroom door suddenly opened and out came Mizu. "Mizu..? What are you doing here?" I asked, staring at him as he got closer to my bed. "You're finally awake." He said as he sat down in a chair he must have placed beside my bed.

"Please explain to me what happened. The last thing I remember was someone interrupting Tyr and then everything went black." I said quietly, looking at Mizu. He smiled a bit, shifting in the chair as he started to explain the whole situation. "I was taking a short cut through that hallway when I saw Tyr had you pinned up against the wall." I could tell by Mizu's tone of voice that he was angry by the situation. " To summarize, Tyr wouldn't release you, and so it led to him and I fighting. Although right before the fight, Tyr lashed out and hit you. Which is why you blacked out." I nodded, listening to him explain. "I kicked his ass easily and took you back to your room...I hope you don't mind, but I've been here since last night when I brought you here." He had a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, Mizu. I appreciate it." I tiredly said as I shifted around to get more comfortable in my bed. I just realized that if Mizu brought me to my room, that means he had to carry me. Of course I had to be unconscious while a moment like that took place.

"It's no problem at all. I'm going to go ahead and go. You seem to be good now, and I have some errands to run before the day is over." Mizu lifted his hand to wave goodbye as he smiled a bit. He left my dorm and closed the door behind him. My ear were pricked up and I could clearly hear his footsteps as he went down the hall. When I was completely sure he was gone, I rolled over, dramatically sighing into my pillow.

That was so..awkward? How could I let Mizu see me like that? He also saw my dorm. All of it. I had just finished changing into a fresh outfit considering that I was previously still in the one from yesterday. I had on a white tank top, a stylish black vest over it, black shorts, and my converse. I went ahead and left my dorm. I didn't have any plans today, so maybe I could just wander around until I find someone I know or something to do.

  I no longer had to be tortured by boredom. I spotted Iris as I was exiting the girls dormitory. "Hey Falen." She said with a smile on her face as I approached her. "Hey. Can I hang with you? I have no plans today so I figured I could socialize a bit." I said, my tail swishing as I spoke. "Yeah, of course. I was just on my way to meet up with Kane." Iris said with another smile. I followed her to where Kane supposedly was. As we turned a corner, I could see Kane leaning against the wall. "Oi, Kane!" Iris called out to him after spotting him as well. He looked up from his phone and gave a small wave. He immediately noticed me and greeted me as well. "I see you brought Falen." He said as Iris and I stopped in front of him. "Aw..you say that like it's a bad thing." I said, joking with him. "Maybe it is." Kane added, returning the joke.

The door at the end of the hall opened and Kane and Iris turned their head to see who entered the building. I didn't have to look. I could already sense it was Shizuo. "Oh look, Shizuo is finally back." Iris said, turning back to Kane and I. "Didn't he go to DH Academy?" Kane asked, looking to Iris and I for an answer. I nodded. "He did That's why he wasn't here for the teamwork project." I was about to add more when Iris interjected. "Guys, topic change he's coming."

"Hey guys." Shizuo said, grinning as he stopped in front of us. "Hey, nice of you to join us." Iris greeted him, a small smile on her face. I lifted a hand, my ears pricking up as I waved at Shizuo. "We were just talking about you, Shizuo." Kane simply added. Iris and I glanced over at Kane, mentally face-palming. "Way to make it sound like we were gossiping, Kane." I said before turning my attention to Shizuo to explain. "We just noticed that you returned from DH." Iris then spoke up. "Yeah, it sounded like a cool mission. Would have been nice to go with you. We're tough too, Shizuo." Kane and I nodded, agreeing with Iris.

"I'm sorry guys. I originally planned on just bringing Keita and Riku with me, but then at last minute Yuki and Faith tagged along." Shizuo said, his grin still present. Kane placed his clawed hand on Shizuo's shoulder, speaking. "It's fine, Shizuo. We understand." I nodded, agreeing with Kane before speaking myself. "Yeah, but we should definitely all go on some missions together this year. I enjoy kicking ass with you guys." Shizuo grinned. "Sounds like a plan." He glanced at the clock on the wall before speaking again. "I should really get going. I kinda left Faith alone in my dorm while she was sleeping."

Kane and I raised an eyebrow, exchanging a quick glance before returning our attention to Shizuo. Iris was the first to say something about the odd comment. "YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" She exclaimed, leaning in closer to Shizuo to pinch his cheeks. We all laughed before waving to Shizuo as he left for his dorm.

"So..are we just going to stand here? Lets go find something to do before the day ends." I crossed my arms, looking at Kane and Iris. Iris suddenly grinned. "I have an idea!" My ears pricked up in interest. "Let's go to the lake later. We can invite all of our friends to join us. It's almost winter, and when the lake freezes swimming season will be over."

Kane spoke up "I don't think Shizuo and Faith will be able to join us. For all we know they could be busy-" I placed my hand over his mouth, stopping him from finishing his sentence. "No need to go further, Kane." I said, moving my hand away from his mouth. He laughed quietly.

"Mizu wouldn't be able to join us either. He has errands that he is in the middle of." I said, adding another person to the list of our friends who can't join us later. Iris nodded, speaking. "Okay, well that leaves Opal, Riku, Keita, Satsujin, and Kaze. We can invite them." Kane and I both nodded. "Hey." I spoke up, an idea popping into my head. "How about we bring a grill out there and we can have dinner."

Iris smiled. "Great idea, Falen!" My tail swished back and forth. "Glad you think so. I'll take care of the food." I said with a half smile. "I'll handle the invites." Iris added. We then both turned our heads to Kane, thinking.

"Kane...you can..uh..do whatever you do." I said. Iris and I were unable to think of a job for him. "I am completely alright with that. So, what time?" Kane asked, looking at us. I looked over at Iris for her input. "Well, it's a little after noon, so how about at five? That'll give everyone time to prepare and it will give you time to sort out the dinner situation, Falen."

  Kane and I nodded in agreement. We then all exchanged our goodbyes and left. I headed back to my dorm. I needed to plan how many animals and what kind needed to be hunted for dinner later. When I arrived in my dorm, I sat down on the floor, my phone in hand and the notes app opened. I typed away, making a list of the things I needed. I need to make sure I collect a variety of animals due to people liking different things. I also decided to run down to the nearest grocery store for some other needed things such as chips, soda, plates, napkins, forks, and a mini grill. Yay for shopping. I planned hunting for the meat to avoid having to go out into town, but chips and grills are not found roaming the forest.

"Chips...where are the chips.." I mumbled to myself as I lazily pushed a cart through Walmart's food department. I looked up at each sign that was placed at each aisle entrance. Once I found the correct aisle, I pushed my cart into it. I spent a few minutes looking at all of the chips. Many flavors were offered, and I didn't want to get something people would hate. I guess Iris and I should have discussed asking everyone what kind of chips they like, but it's too late now. I went ahead and grabbed two bags of Sour Cream and Onion Lays, and two bags of Honey Barbecue Lays. This should work.

I then made my way to the aisle that shelved all the sodas. Again, I wasn't sure on everyone's personal preference, so I just grabbed two 12 packs of coke. Next on my list were plates. When I arrived at the paper goods aisle, I grabbed a random package of napkins, plastic forks and knives, and then stopped in front of the paper plates. I observed each package of plates. I had to make sure I was getting some good quality ones. Sadly, all the thicker ones were covered in girly designs you would find in your grandparent's house. I sighed, settling for the ugly but good quality plates.