
I'm a what?

In the orphanage lives a boy, feared by the god-fearing nuns that take care of him and the other children.

Why were they scared of him? he was a normal child despite rarely smiling, but strange occurrences happen around him that can't be explained.

His bullies had terrible accidents causing several of their bones to be broken, the matron that was in charge of the orphanage died in her sleep, how did she die? she drowned, despite being nowhere near water.

The boy sits on a lumpy bed, in an empty room, controller in hand, as he plays Dragon Warrior on his NES console.

As he's about to complete the last level, he is interrupted by the screech of his bedroom door opening.

The new head matron walks into his room, closely followed by a small man, "Luca, this is professor Flitwick, he wishes to speak with you, I'll leave you two to chat"

Ignoring her words, the boy continues his game as the small man stands next to him.

"Hello, young man, i am Filius Flitwick, we received your letter accepting the chance to come to our school, and I'm here to take you to gather your supplies for your entrance into Hogwarts"

The pale boy pauses his game and looks to the man, "It's chocolate pudding for dessert tonight, will we be back before dinner?"

The small man flinches at the boy's eyes, "it shouldn't take more than an hour or two"

The boy unpauses his game, "we can go once i complete this level"

After two hours of travel, they arrive at Diagon Alley. Normally this is Filius' favorite part, the look of awe and wonder in children's eyes as they gaze upon the famous street.

Looking up at the boy, he sees a look of disgust on his face.

"So, we are powerful witches and wizards that can use magic to teleport great distances, enchant anything we want, and achieve everything we want through magic, and yet, your technology and culture is several hundred years behind that of the non-magical world?"

The small half-goblin nods to his words, "Indeed, i wish i could give you words of encouragement on the matter but unfortunately, the purebloods prefer things their way and anything muggle is disgusting in their eyes"

Clapping his hands, a smile returns to his face, "let us head for Gringotts, we can get them to give you an inherency test, i think you'll be surprised by the results", the professor smiles as he looks at the boy's eyes.

As they make their way through the bustling street, Luca observes everything around him, taking it all in.

Stepping foot in Gringotts is the first time in a long time that the boy has been genuinely surprised, the intricate decorations, beautiful chandeliers. and marble pillars, catch his eye.

As they arrive at the closes desk, he ignores the conversation, as he takes everything in.

Feeling the professor nudge his arm, he turns to the small man, "Come on, young man, follow Gripshank, he will do your inherency test"

"I can't come with you due to one of the many laws that states the inherency test is a private matter but i have a sneaking suspicion on who you really are"

With a confused nod, he follows after the hideous goblin, sitting in a small office, Gripshank takes out a long piece of paper.

"Please use the quill next to you, prick your finger, and drop three droplets of blood onto the paper"

Doing as he's told, the blood on the paper dissolves into the paper, leaving a name behind.

The goblin gives him a feral smile, "It appears you aren't just an orphan but an heir to a Most Ancient and Noble House"

The boy, speechless, regains his composure after a few minutes, "what house is that?"