
Chapter 37

[A/N: I know, I know, I haven't posted in a while but the reason for that is because I took a week break from writing, I have been writing for literal months almost daily at some point in time a while ago and I 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 a break, I was close to completely burning myself out, but now that I have gotten my break, I will go back to writing(plus I had to think about how I wanted this novel to continue, thanks for reading]

After a week of reading half of the Journal of Realm Lord Aldrich, I must say, it's given me quite a bit to think about, especially in terms of Magic.

When he surpassed the strength of a 'Saint Mage' I assume he was around a 10th Tier Mage or even had the power of Super-Tier Magic, making him have the strength of a literal God.

But from the sounds of it, his home Dimension was only large enough to contain a star, planet, and moon from some of his entires(that were not listed).

But since the Journal entries continued past that point, it means he must have made it out there...


But, instead of continuing until I would be finished with the journal, I took a break and put the black leather journal covered in strange runes and symbols on the shelf in my workshop.

Although the runes were of a different rune system, I could tell that the runes were broken and uncharged, meaning that whatever runes protected the book, no longer worked.

This is why I assume I can read the journal without harm.

I also found that Aldritch filled quite a few pages and entire sections of his large journal with notes and knowledge of his magic system and I can't wait to spend some time learning the secrets contained within that journal.

But for now, I had other matters to attend to.

You see over this last week my player base has only continued to grow along with the points I earned from them playing.

I felt it was time to begin creating one of the largest and most well-known Franchises in my old world.

The Elder Scrolls...

A world of Magic, Divine and Demonic Gods, several humanoid fantasy races, Dragons, and so much more.

And to recreate such a series of games, I require a lot of points, which I now had.

So thinking back to the games I remember fondly playing throughout my childhood and even adult life in my previous life, I decided to start with Elder Scrolls: Morrowind.

Why would I start with the third game in the series and not the previous two?

Because I have never played and know very little about them.

[A/N: Plus...they are just awful(At least to me anyway)]

So, I got to work!

First, I started by purchasing all of the needed recourses to recreate the game from the system shop.

Weapons, Armor, Empty NPCs that I could edit to be the NPCs within the game, plants, and so much more.

I also bought all of these things permanently so I could use them in the later games.

Once I had all of the items and NPCs I needed, I began the construction of Morrowind's map and the very game itself including new side quests that I created personally, new locations, items, and so much more.

Due to its time, Morrowind was kind of bland and lacking in content.

I wanted to fix that with the opportunity that was given to me by the system.

I remember many players not fondly remembering the game and I hoped to fix that here, in this universe.

I wanted to give the players a chance to fondly remember this game for years to come.


And, days later, I finally managed to finish my large project.

[Game Name: Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

Game Type: Fantasy

Game Creation Reward: System Feature: Player Auction]

[Player Auction: A feature available now on the System Website for players to purchase and auction off items earned from the system. The System will guarantee the seller gets paid and that the buyer gets the sold item, any attempts to cheat the system will enact Divine Retribution and Correction]

That's useful...but also concerning.

What does the system mean by 'Divine Retribution' and 'Correction' in that final sentence?

Although I have no idea what it entails, I have a feeling that it will cause some problems in the future.

But enough about that depressing set of thoughts, I talked with the Ancient One recently and have spent a few hours every day learning at Kamar-Taj and have started learning how to create Eldritch Weapons and was of course only able to create some of the most basic weapons available.

For example, the Eldritch Whip Dr. Strange would be famous for in the future.

I also traded the Ancient One a Golden Apple in exchange for a Sling Ring.

I will admit, I have been playing my games and earning the rewards offered by them but it seems that the System is passively working against me making the games much harder than they should be.

But while it is a pain to play a game like Battle For The Top where it feels like the entire world and all of its randomly generated events are out to get me, I have been using the games to train my mind and body to the extremes.

I have even managed to awake Warrior Instinct that was recorded in the Grimoire of Yggdrasil that essentially allowed me to sense danger that was coming towards me or even aimed at me.

It was quite a useful skill if one were to think about it.

Especially if the skill was used in combat or an environment in which survival was difficult.

It would alert me of ambushers, traps, and hostile people.

And the greatest part?

This particular skill can be honed and trained far beyond my current mastery over it!

In the Grimoire there are cases of individuals reaching such a height that they saw threats coming towards them YEARS ahead and over extremely large distances, so large in fact that the distances could span past dimensions or even galaxies...

But enough about the absurdity of Magic.

An annoying man should soon be escaping his captors.