
A trip to Capetown

(Helen getting the luggage into her car as her son sat on the staircase in front of thier house unhappy).

Helen:(Sat close to him) Michael what's wrong?

Michael: Mum, I don't want to leave home.

Helen: Leave home? How? What do you mean?

Michael: Why are we changing our house, this house is not bad at all.

Helen:(Chuckles) Michael we are not relocating.

Michael: But you are getting our bags into the car.

Helen: But not all the properties in the house, we are traveling.

Michael: Traveling to where?

Helen: Capetown, that's where you will be spending your holidays before school resume.

Michael: Awesome!

Helen: That's my boy, now get into the car let's move.

Michael: Alright mum. (He stood up and got into the car as Helen starts driving. Light fades)