

(In a forest inaide capetown, two galagos a father and his son. Both of them sitted in a branch of a big tree).

Cyril: Son look around. Trees keep falling down risking the lives of animal living In the tree. The humans don't care about the safety of the animals, they only want the trees for their purpose.

Mort: But dad, the trees is our home. If the humans cut it down we won't survive.

Cyril: Mort let me tell you something, we might split some day as a result of our home been cut down. You have to come and find me with the means of a box that appears In the morning and a human must aid you.

Mort: Dad what are you saying?

Cyril: You have to understand me, call out for me when you have reach your destination and I will come out.

Mort: Are you speaking in parables? Please speak to my understanding. (The humans came into the forest and starts cutting trees down. The home of mort began to fall as both mort and his father Separated) Dad No!!! (Looking at his father running for his life)

Cyril:(Running as he screams out) Remember what i told you. (Cyril ran away as the trees continue to fall...