
The Fourth Horseman

God is dead. This is what all the people in the game like world of SoG think. But since AsaNeku got sucked into this fantasy world, where he has to fight dangerous creatures, one message bothered him. "The God of this world eagerly awaits to watch you on your adventure." is what the system said. What is the reason all this people got summoned here and why is AsaNeku so special among them? A tale. full of adventure, romance, but also sadness and suffer is awaiting the white haired boy. What will await at the end of his road...

AsaNeku · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

III | Hunter and Prey


Double Wakizachi: Shadows Seed

A gift granted by a god though to be dead. You will inherit the powers of the shadows.


??? (inactive)


Asaneku clicked on the accept button and suddenly two weapons appeared in his hands. They looked a bit like typical Katana, but they were only about 75cm long. Also they didn't have the usual circular crossguard. It seemed like the blade was one part with the handle.

'In some way, this is terrifying, but also beautiful...'

He turned around, looking for Kyoka. She was still standing behind him, but she had a white and light blue colored staff now.

"So you chose the archmage?"

Kyoka held the staff closer to her chest, as she blushed a bit.

"Y-Yeah, I'm used to playing supporters, so... I thought it would be the best choice."

As he looked around, it seemed like everyone had got their weapons by now. Now Kyoka also looked at the Wakazashi.

"Huh? Assashin what did you choose? I think I didn't see these in the class menu."

He looked at the two short swords, noticing how incredibly light they seemed. Before Asaneku had any chance to answer, the smoke creature continued with its speech.

"Now that you're all geared up, how about we get serious? The first tutorial quest shouldn't be too hard for the most."

It just pointed upwards where a giant status window appeared. It was about the size of a projection screen, that you know from all football stadiums.


First Task: Tutorial Part 1

Task Goal: Survive

Timer: 120 Hours

Task Description:

The Lord of the Fallen has noticed intruders in his territory and sent out his forces to beat them down. As the intruders, you have to fight of the hord of skeletons and survive for the next five days, whilst fighting other gruesome monsters.


"You just have to survive the first part if the tutorial. You don't even need to fight, you can just run away, like the puny, little prey you are!"

As it said the last sentence it looked Asaneku right in the eyes, whilst having an evil smile on its bland face.

//You think you can disobey me?! You little shitbag, I will beat some respect into you! You and your brother ain't nothing in my house! I'm the mighty hunter and you are the puny, little prey!//

Asaneku looked to the ground, the flashback to his past was just too much. The memories that were terrifying him to the very present day.

"Now, I don't want to beat around the bush anymore. I wish everyone the best luck and





With this a horde of skeletons broke throough the forest rifht in front of the people. The were bot very fast, but they surprused the people on the front. As they reached the first man, the skeleton simply swung its sword at his shoulder and it got widway through his throat.

The people started screaming and running away from the monsters. While hell broke loose, Asaneku still just stared at the ground. Kyoka pulled him at his hoodie and fear was written all over her face.

"Asaneku! We have to run! Please, Asaneku come!"

She tried pulling him away at his arm, but failed.

"Please, Asaneku I don't want to die!"

"You won't die..."

Asaneku finally spoke, but he still hadn't moved an inch.

"Then let's run!"


With a calm but cold voice he finally lifted his head. He grid his teath while stepping forward.

"I won't run away anymore. I'm not the prey that I once was... This time..."

He clenched his fists around the swords and rushed forward to a skeleton that got separated from the horde. The monster noticed him and swund an axe at him. Asaneku dodge under the axe and it seemed like the world held its breath for a second.

He swung upwards with one sword and pierced it into the chaw of the skeleton. He turned around and used his foot to kick the skeletons chest, which was bow behind him. With the sword still in the chaw of the skeleton, he easily tore off its head.

After that he threw the skull down and crushed it under his foot.

"This time... I will be the hunter."



You received the title of the seventh |Hunter|. Based on your past events you were also granted with the Unique skill [Cold Blooded].



Skill: [Cold Blooded] - Rank: Unique

Activation: Always active

Description: You cold blooded nature allows you to keep your calm, no matter how fierce the battle is. It also raises your concentration and analysation abilities threefold.
