
The Fourth Horseman

God is dead. This is what all the people in the game like world of SoG think. But since AsaNeku got sucked into this fantasy world, where he has to fight dangerous creatures, one message bothered him. "The God of this world eagerly awaits to watch you on your adventure." is what the system said. What is the reason all this people got summoned here and why is AsaNeku so special among them? A tale. full of adventure, romance, but also sadness and suffer is awaiting the white haired boy. What will await at the end of his road...

AsaNeku · Urban
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3 Chs

II | Welcome to the tutorial


The tutorial will now Proceed. Transferring player to stage [Tutorial Forest].


Assashin looked at the little window, floating in front of him, unable to understand what was happening.

Suddenly a ray of light fell on his face and a secind later everything brightened up. He blinked a few times, because of the sudden change of lighting. The first thing he noticed was, that he was clearly not in the classroom anymore.

Assashin was standing on a glade in a deep forest. Aside of him there were many other people there. He couldn't count them all, but there were a bunch.


The voice came from behind and as he turned around he saw a rather confused Kanae standing there.

"Where are we, what happened?"

As he answered, Assashin looked around, maybe seeking for an answer to all this.

"I don't know, but it seems that we got transported here by something..."

Kanae was a bit scared and stepped closer to Assashin, who seemed calm despite the precarious situation they were in.


The GM will now anounce the Tutorials Conditions.


Assashin looked around and noticed that everybody seemed to be looking at something infront of them.

'I guess everybody can see this... but it seems like we can't see each others window.'

"Welcome my dearest Players!"

Assashin looked up and his eyes widened. In midair, there was standing what seemed to be a person, but as he looked closer he seemed like he was made out of smoke.

"I guess you may have some questions, but first I' d like to welcome you in the world of Murias!"

As he said that a few colored spheres were shot up into the sky, exploding into color smoke clouds. It seemed a bit like a firework, but nobody was in the mood to watch fireworks.

" Now to get things started, as you logged into the game Successor of God, you were transported here. This is a world, where the impossible can be possible."

He threw a wink at the crowd. Suddenly a few of the people started shouting at the GM.

"What did you do to us?! You can't just kidnap us!"

The GM just smiled maliciously and the crowd got quiet.

"We didn't kidnap you. You did all agree on the terms and conditions, didn't you? Maybe you should read them carefully for once?"

After that no one said a word and the glade was filled with silence. No one could have imagined something like this to happen. The first one to speak again was Assashin.

"So you told us that this is a different world. I'm sure you want us to do something here, don't you?"

The smoke creature was slightly impressed by the calmness of Assashin, then he just nodded.

"You're right player. This world has a story, you could say it has a past... and now you are here to change the present in order to make it your future!"

The people started talking with each other again, confused by what the smoke creature just said.

"To cut a long story short, in this world god is dead! Demon lords have spread evil creatures all over the world and humans have a hard time fighting for themselves. That's where you, the players, come in."

While saying this he pointed at the croud. The GM really made a show about all of this.

" You have the chance to write history yourself. See this world as a game like, but real live, experience. You can learn and master skills, spells and many more. You can fight monsters and receive items, but beware! If you get hurt you do feel pain and if you die..."

At this point his smile went evil for a second.

"... then there wont be a respawn function."

The crowd got really chaotic at that moment. Some started gettting angry, shouting at the GM, while others started tearing up and cowering in fear.

" Now, now. You don't have to worry! You're not alone, remember? At the account creation you had to log in with a partner. This will be the same here. You and your partner can share items, skills and spells with each other, so make sure to properly help each other out."

Assashin looked behind him and found Kanae, who had tears on her cheeks and had grabbed his sleeve in fear.

" But now I've talked enough. I have to explain the tutorial to you. It is split up in three stages. First of all you will choose your weapon. The choice of your weapon is also the choice of the class you want to be."

At this moment, the window popped up again. There were five windows in total around him.

" Ahh, also if you were wondering. This is your status window. It will come in handy later on..."

Assashin looked at the status window and there were five pictures of weapons. Under each weapon there was also something else written.


One handed sword: Sword Skills

With enough training you can use powerful sword skills to fight your enemy.


'I guess it's the default type for games'


Two handed Claymore: Body enhancement

You will be able to use skills that enhance you body strenght, defense and so on.


'Then this would be like the tank...'


Longbow: Perfect Sight

You can use your eyes to their maximum, resulting in enhanced vision and you can even see what others cannot see.


' It's more of a support.'


Archmages Staff: Magic Affinity

You can't use any skills, but you're in harmony with the mana flowing around you. You can use the strongest spells, have a higher magic stat and are the only one to use a healing spell.


'Healing spell... Archmages could be one of the most important classes...'


Double Knives: Swift and Deadly

You can't do much damage, but you compensate with your speed and precise movements.


As he looked at the knives, his eyes suddenly widened and Assashin started to tremble. He started breathing heavily and fell on his knees. He was having a panic attack.

'How could this... The carving on the knives, why is it the same?!'

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Kanae who was suddenly worried about him.

"Assashin what happened?! Are you okay?"

He caught his breath and started standing up again. Kanae got him out of his panic attack.

"I'm okay now,it was just.... memories.... Also I guess it would be better to call ourselves by our Usernames, since this is a game like world."

She seemed still worried about him, but let it slip.


AsaNeku looked at the status windows again, but they disappeared. Instead there was a new message.


The God of this world acknowledges the pain of your past. He grants you an opportunity. ____________________________________________

Another status window popped up and it showed another class. Since the other classes vanished, he had no choice, but to accept this one.

'Well I guess this will start for real now...'


Double Wakizachi: Shadows Seed

A gift granted by a god though to be dead. You will inherit the powers of the shadows.

!!! HIDDEN CLASS!!! => The fourth horseman
