
The Fourth Horseman

God is dead. This is what all the people in the game like world of SoG think. But since AsaNeku got sucked into this fantasy world, where he has to fight dangerous creatures, one message bothered him. "The God of this world eagerly awaits to watch you on your adventure." is what the system said. What is the reason all this people got summoned here and why is AsaNeku so special among them? A tale. full of adventure, romance, but also sadness and suffer is awaiting the white haired boy. What will await at the end of his road...

AsaNeku · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

I | Highschool Days

Assashin hated this School. It was not particularly this school, he just hated school. All his most tragic memories are from grade and middle school.

He was 17 Years old and it was his first week of high school. He knew a few of his classmates from middle school, but Assashin was more of the loner type. He was sitting in the back, at the desk next to the windows. He didn't really pay attention to the lesson, he just sat on his place, with the hood of his jacket over his head.

Assashin was always wearing a grey protective mask, the teachers accepted it after he said it's about a scar on his cheeks. The only thing that you could see under his hood were a bunch of snowy white hair and a pair of stinging, arctic blue eyes. His school was probably the only one, which didn't have any school uniforms.

Finally the bell rang, indicating the long awaited lunch break. While all the other students were heading to the cafeteria, Assashin remained at his seat.

He didn't want to eat in a place, full of noisy people. He preferred to spend his break in the classroom, while listening to music with his airpods. He put in the earphones as usual, but today something changed.


As he looked up he saw a unfamiliar face. It was a girl his age, probably a classmate, Assashin didn't care. He sighed and then answered with a cold and emotionless voice.

"Did I do anything wrong to you?"

She just suddenly blushed as she didn't expect him to be so cold. As he looked closer at her, Assashin could remember her face. She was already a classmate of him since middle school. She was quite smart, liked ges too and wasn't very popular.

'I think her name was Kanae... Kyoko Kanae'

As she stood before him, she seemed a it scared of him. Was his reputation that bad? Well, it didn't really bother him that much.

"No you did nothing wrong! Not a thing! It's just.... I have a favor to ask... You don't have to say yes if you don't want to!"

"What is it about?"

She hesitated first, it seemed hard for her to ask him for a favor.

"You know I like games and...There was a new mobile game released today. But you can only access the game, if you create your account with a partner....You don't have to leep playing, I just need you to create my account!"

Assashin remained silent for a few seconds and Kanae turned around, with a slightly disappointed expression.

"Why me?"

Assashin asked as Kanae was about to leave.


"Why would you ask me for this. There's a bunch of other people in this class."

She blushed again and tried to hide her face behind her smartphone.

"I... I thought that you would be the only one who wouldn't... who wouldn't laugh about me, even if you said no..."

It seemed to embarrass her to tell him this. As Assashin still kept silent, she hid further behind her phone.

"I'm sorry, forget I ever asked."

Assashin didn't know why he did, ehat he did that day, but at that time it felt the right thing to do.

"What is the name of this game?"

"Huh?! You really want to help me out?"

"Maybe I just want to play a bit myself."

A huge smile appeared on Kanae's face and she showed him the App he had to download. As he started it a littleessage appeared.

____________________________________________With continuing you agree to the terms and conditions of this game. YES/NO


Without any further thoughts he just clicked Yes and a new window popped up.


Please Select a Username and connect with your partner.


Partner's Name:


Assashin just stared at the display and didn't write anything. Eventually Kanae noticed him doing that.

"Can't decide on a Nickname?"

"... How did you pick yours?"

She showed him her phone, where her Isername was already inserted.

"I just combined my first and last Name, mixed it a bit through and got Kyoka!"

She smiled at him and seemed proud about that.

'So a little mix of both names huh?'

Suddenly he knew what his Username was going to be.


Please Select a Username and connect with your partner.

Username: AsaNeku

Partner's Name: Kyoka


As he tipped enter everything around him suddenly turned black and he couldn't see a thing.

But then a little window appeared in front of him.


Welcome to the world of "Successor of God" AsaNeku. The God of this world eagerly awaits to watch you on your adventure.


End of Chapter I