
The Forgotten Crimson

In the world of Avalon, where many monsters have started to pop out, Avalon was once a world with 4 continents, 4 continents that try to oppose each other, the continent Ignis of humans, the continent Sylvana of elves, the continent Ferrok of dwarves, and the continent Aquapolis of Mermaids, each nations has their own specialty, but then they were forced to have an alliance because monsters one day unknowingly appeared. As the monsters appears... dungeons and a new unknown continent appeared as well... They are also known as, continent of monsters, where orc, goblins, ogre, lizards, and many other monsters lives. As monsters appeared, gods as well, and Legends whisper of a hidden civilization, where crimson skies cloak a forgotten magic; whispers speak of a forgotten power, a crimson legacy shrouded in shadow. The Forgotten Crimson plunges you into a heart-stopping adventure alongside Rowan. When the secrets of the past resurface, he is thrust into a thrilling battle against hidden forces. Prepare for a story where danger lurks around every corner and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As Rowan unravel the hidden mysteries of the world, he discovered one day, that he can travel through different worlds and realms because of his ??? skill. It's as if he's dreams are always coming true, because of this, all of his schemes has always been successful and none of them disappointed him. Not only that, he has the most ridiculous and insane growth.

RonSupremacy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Kenta's Doubts

[Kenta's POV]

Kenta stood frozen, his mind racing with the new information. He replayed the conversation between Admir and Mephisto in his head, trying to grasp its implications.

(Eyes widening in surprise)

-Whoa, hold on a second! Rowan's leaving? What's going on?

(Confused frown)

-And 'Red-Haired Legends'? That sounds crazy! I mean, sure, redheads are pretty awesome... (Trails off, deep in thought) 

(Scoffs playfully)

-But come on, 'insane attributes'? That's just silly! There's no way that's true... (A hint of doubt creeps into his voice)

He recalled the countless times Rowan had displayed feats of incredible strength and speed, moments he'd brushed off as jokes or his own overactive imagination. Now, everything clicked into place, painting a completely new picture of his best friend.

-Hold on a minute... remember that time Rowan lifted that giant rock, the one ten times his size? I thought I was just dreaming or something, but... wow. This whole thing is crazy!

A wave of disbelief washed over Kenta. How could the goofy, prank-loving Rowan be anything more than just Rowan? Yet, the evidence, the hushed conversation, it all pointed towards a hidden truth.

Kenta sighed, his mind reeling. He needed answers, but he also knew respecting Rowan's privacy was important. He would wait for his friend to explain things in his own time, hoping that day would come soon.

-I need answers: Where did Rowan came from, what the hell is he, and why does he have those insane attributes? Wait...I shouldn't cross a line...I shouldn't investigate because of my curiousity, I have to respect Rowan's privacy, he's my friend after all.

(Kenta couldn't help but chew on his lip in thought.)

-So, the prankster Rowan we all know is actually... this incredible? I mean, wow. But why waste those amazing abilities on silly tricks? He could be doing so much good with that kind of power! He's practically like a... a...

Kenta trails off, searching for the right words.

-...That's right! A High-Holy Knight!

High-Holy Knights are the most respected and skilled warriors within the Holy Knight order. They are renowned for their exceptional combat abilities and strategic thinking. They hold positions of leadership and are responsible for commanding and directing Holy Knights in battle. Their presence on the battlefield is a powerful symbol of inspiration and strength, motivating their fellow knights.