
The Flight (mha)

izuku midoriya has a quirk that's powerful. other take notice and is made to be a solder as a kid. he finds new family and a need to help others.

Jace_Canset · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Tragedy Strikes

After Inko and her son got done with breakfast, they got ready to head off to Izuku's preschool. Everything seems ordinary and hte day seems relatively sunny. After izuku was ready to go they started to head off. There was an alert on Inkos phone of a villain attack. Izuku seemed excited to see a hero and villain fight and nudged his mother to hurry as he spread and walked to the loud crashes.

When they got there the new voice hero that was just debuting at his internship was fighting along with some older hero. Izuku seemed overly excited and cheered for the new voice hero. His mother just chuckled at her son's excitement. Hero and villain fights were not uncommon so it didn't scare the mother. Until it was too late the villain was lashing out more and targeting a building to make fall on some civilians. That just happened to be Izuku and his mother. She quickly shielded her son, harming her in the process even though Izuku did not see it because his eyes were shut tightly a part of rebar managed to impale the older green-haired mother.

Inko kissed her little boy's forehead and said in a weak voice "i'm sorry baby but momma won't be able to see you grow up. Know i love you" he opened his eyes and saw his mother He screamed in fear and a male seeming teen and the blond voice hero both ran to help the two. Once the part of the building was off the 2 teens saw what happened. By the time they get to them she was already gone, her breath stilled, and no longer with them. The two teens grabbed izuku as he cried not wanting to leave his mother behind. "Momma! Momma! Momma, please wake up" the child sobbed. The teen dressed in dark clothing carried izuku as the child clung to him.

The older hero subdued the villain and the ambulance quickly arrived. Izuku clings to the man that saved him and doesn't let go. The man had black hair that was semi-long and a scarf that didn't seem normal, as well as eye bags. Without knowing a tall man that looked to be 6ft came up behind the teen caring the child and said in a low rumbling voice "will you please hand me the child.im his guardian"

Izuku began to tremble and hold onto the raven-haired teen and shoved his head into the teen's chest. the teen saw this and held the child closer "Im aizawa shota, and it doesn't seem as if he likes you. It seems you are not his guardian so I suggest you leave '' Aizawa hissed out. "I suggest you give me the child from the heroes commission. Or things will get ugly you are only a student in UA hero or not.'' Aizawa looked down at the small child. Something seems to draw to the child to protect him. He sighed and said "fine but can i talk to him first?" the other man nodded and stepped away leaving the boy and him alone for a second he placed izuku down.

Izuku looked at him and he seemed to be still trembling. "hey lil guy im shoat" he gave a small wave to the kid "the commission wants you.i don't know why but I have heard things about it. Promise me you will stay strong." the small child nodded. "What's your name?" he asked softly "i-izuku!" he responded. Aizawa pulled something out of his pocket "hay izuku here it's a small cat plush. I keep it on me for good luck but I think it needs to find a new person." izuku hugged the cat plush tight. Shota smiles and patted his head "ill find you again okay? I'll protect you when i find you again but stay strong for me right now. My hero name is eraserhead". The other man came back up and said "time to go common kid" he grabbed the child's hand and pulled him away. Aizawa watched as they disappeared. Something felt as if he made the wrong choice to let him go so easily.

Izuku felt as if he was being pulled off to a bad place 'has he been a bad child? Is that why this is happening' they arrived at a skyscraper and walked in. The guy dragged Izuku into a large gym-like area with other kids who seemed to be practicing for something. One, in particular, stood out to Izuku; he has bright, almost electric hair. He was darting around in what seemed to be a parkour course.

The man yelled "squad 29 please come here" the kids who belonged to that group seemed to quickly run over a small group with the electric blond who looks the same age as Izuku and another kid who seems to be a few years older than them. "Hawks, you will take the newcomer under your wing" the older boy nodded. "And you, your new name is sparrow. That is what we will call you as well as everyone else who will know you as" he said in a cold tone to the small green-haired child. Izuku just nodded in response, scared to say anything. izuku wings fluffing up in fear he didn't know how to respond to what was happening.

"Alright now head to your room for today this will be all" he brushed off and walked out leaving the kids alone. Izuku seems to tremble as the other 2 come closer to him. They saw that and seemed to slow down and causley to not startle the young boy. Izuku looked up and decided to lower his guard a bit when he saw the same blond he was curious about. His eyes seem to be golden, with a dash of freckles, also has a black lightning bolt in his hair. The boy almost seemed as curious as izuku was about him. The boy that man called hawks seemed excited to have another person with a quirk like his. "Heya! I'm hawks or other known as Keigo takami! What's your name?" the red-winged boy asks. Izuku clutches the cat plush and barely responds with an "izuku" is all he said.

Hawks nodded and nudged the boy next to him to introduce himself. He jumps and quickly says "I'm Denki kaminari! Nice to meet you, i go by solace!" denki awkwardly waved to izuku. The young boy waved back with a small smile, hawks quickly said "hay that's a cute cat plush where did you get it!" izuku heasitly replied "a man named shota gave it to me, he protects me he promised" his eyes look innocent and hopeful.

"Alright, feather hay let's go back to our dorm room! So we can talk more!" hawks started off with denki and izuku following behind. There were a lot of twists and turns to the room but they finally arrived. They all head into the room and sit on a bed. It was a one-room bedroom with 3 beds enough room for 3 kids but nothing much else to it yes there was bedding but they only had their training uniform in their name that's all they owned hawks clapped bringing izukus attention to him "once again I'm hawks and let me tell you what will happen in the time you spend here! Breakfast is at 7 am lunch at 1 pm and dinner at 8 pm. You will be learning how to fight with and without your quirk, learn specialties like hacking stealth, and other skills you will need to be a hero! I will be team captain until i graduate and become a full-fledged hero. There may be times you will go on missions to help the commission but none should be that difficult. We are now family and I hope it stays like that!" he exclaimed as he explained.

"I have a question.." izuku asked "what Is it feather?" there was some silence then it was broken "am I a bad kid is that why momma left and why I'm here?" hawks have a look of pity at the small child and hugged him "no feather your not a bad kid bad things just happen to others sometimes, but you aren't the bad one" izuku clutched onto hawks and sobbed into his shoulder. Denki rubbed izukus back trying to calm the boy down. It worked after a while "hay feather let's head to bed it will be a long day tomorrow and you need your rest." hawks said izuku nodded and wiped his tears away. Hawks pulled him into his bed and held the small boy in his arms. "Your my little brother now izuku" izuku passed out quickly as hawks rubbed his back Denki was in bed already as well. Hawks knew he had to protect the kid from what the heroes commission does. Hawks slowly drifted asleep to awake to the next day.