
The Flight (mha)

izuku midoriya has a quirk that's powerful. other take notice and is made to be a solder as a kid. he finds new family and a need to help others.

Jace_Canset · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Shopping and Bonding

On the way home Denki looked at the bird boy in worry but Aizawa spoke up "he's fine for the most part he just sprained one of his wings which recovery girl took care of. Kaminari, is there anything you could tell me about how he was treated?...at the commission" his hands gripping on to the steering wheel in anger in the thought on how he thinks izuku was treated.

"It's not exactly my story to tell but I will say that he was treated as if he was a soldier and only like that by everyone but hawks and me." Denki's voice seemed to be filled with sorrow for the boy. The rest of the car ride was silent but others seemed to understand more of the boys and felt sad for them.

After time passes and they make it home. Aizawa scooped up izuku and went inside the house and went straight for izuku's room to put him to bed. His room was almost empty other than a full-size bed with a cool gray bed set. Aizawa felt like the kid needed more and needed to remind his husband that they need to go shopping tomorrow with the boys. Aizawa saw the small cat plush that was placed on the bed. Aizawa felt a tinge in his heart knowing the small child kept the stuffed cat he gave him all these years and still in the best condition.

He quietly left the room and saw his husband and kaminari in the kitchen cooking and talking. Hizashi looked at him when he left izuku's room and asked "is he okay?" he nodded in response "also tomorrow we need to go out shopping for the kids. They need more stuff in their room. It's too empty for a kid" mic hummed and smiled at his worry wart of a husband.

"Alright also kami here is helping me make dinner who knew he liked to cook!"

Denki rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment "well I had to cook for the squad when we were there or izuku and Kei would have been stuck with meals that would have impeded their health from them both being birds of prey they couldn't eat the commission's food it would make them sick"

Aizawa looked at him and said "both birds of prey?"

"Ah yes I'm not sure about hawks but he's definitely a bird of prey due to his instincts of eating meat, I'm pretty sure izuku is an owl an eastern barn owl to be exact he has small patterns on his wings, I don't know why they are green though possibility from his genetic of green coloring altered the way his colors present there's a possibility it's the same with hawks.  Izuku is usually nocturnal and makes small hoots when he feels safe though."

"You really pay attention to them, little listener! Also if there's anything we need for his diet please tell us!"

Denki nodded "absolutely due to him still having the body of a human they can usually still digest everything but things like chocolate, avocado, and caffeine, as well as other things birds can't eat, still upset their stomach a lot. Kinda like lactose intolerance and izuku treats it as such like the rare occasions he gets caffeine he'll down it as if it didn't make him feel like he was gonna die." Denki shook his head remembering Izuku's antics.

"Well, it seems like you really care and look after the boy. That's good he can have someone like you by his side though can you write down a list he can't eat so we can try and avoid it? I don't care if he thinks he's fine" mic asked and Denki nodded, happy to give it to them knowing his best friend will be safe.

"Well dinner is just about done. After we eat we can head to bed because tomorrow will be a long day," Hizashi said, getting the plates out. Not long after the three ate, not wanting to wake the bird boy if they could. He needed sleep and everyone knew it. After they finished eating they went to their respective rooms to sleep.

In the morning once again izuku had to be dragged out by Denki from not wanting to be awake. "Mhh why am I up this early? ….The exam was yesterday" the boy yawned, half draped in a blanket over his head, almost seeming as if he was covering his eyes. "Because sleepy head we are going out shopping today also it is literally 10 am not early" Denki supplied a response. Izuku just grumbled and tried to go back to sleep.

"Nope little listener no going back to sleep! Here is some breakfast: eggs and bacon!"

He handed off a plate to the sleepy child. He lazily ate as everyone else already ate before he came out of his room. " We will be going to the mall when you're dressed because you need more clothing and other things to fill your room up," Aizawa said as he sipped his coffee.

Izuku nodded as he finished eating. He went to change into an old hoodie that he cut up in the back for his wings and a plain pair of shorts With his signature red shoes. Once he came back out they set off to go to the mall.

It took a bit before izuku fully woke up but for the most part, when they got to the mall he was awake. He wasn't happy he was dragged to a mall but nothing he could do about it. It's been forever since he stepped foot in a mall. Izuku looked around with curiosity but also in annoyance at loud people.

The first shop he was dragged to was a clothing shop for mutant-type quirks. Izuku didn't see the need

"Why can't I just get normal clothes and cut the backs off?"

Izuku didn't see the pain in Hizishi's face when he said that "izuku because you need proper clothing for your quirk it not just of casual but when flying as well Mr." the bird boy sighed and gave in "fine fine but I don't know what to even pick out I have never picked out cloths."  Hizashi seemed excited.

"That's fine, I'll just pick it out!"

Izuku doesn't know why but he felt like he was in danger. "He may seem like a lot, but he is fine. The most he'll do is pick out some alternative fashion for you" Aizawa reassured him. In the end, the loud blond picked out 3 hoodies, 5 shirts, and 8 pairs of pants with a few sets of sweats, sleep clothes, and such. All the backs of the clothes where izuku's wings would be are altered so he can unzip the back of the clothing while not having a completely bare back giving him at least a bit more protection.

"When it starts to get cold again we'll get some winter clothing"

All Izuku could do was nod and sigh at his antics. Izuku was just walking around the store as mic tried to look for more stuff for him and he glanced at what looked to be a large fluffy blanket that seems to be people who have a much larger mass due to their quirks or for people who naturally need big and soft things because of the nature of their quirk. Izuku went to look at it when Aizawa came up behind him.

"Do you want it"

"No, I was just looking"

Izuku quickly tries to act as if he wasn't drawn to the blanket. Aizawa knew because of izuku's quirk he would want to gather soft things for a nest of sorts. He grabbed it and put it in the cart along with another one that wasn't as big but was more fluffy. Izuku didn't see Aizawa doing this. He was wondering what else he should grab for the teen.

"Should we possibly get one of those big bean bags? Because he's showing the urge to make a think a nest"

"Possibly I would just in case, we don't fully know how to care for a bird boy"

The two pros are plotting things only good things of course. Denki saw this and began to laugh and go to where izuku was. After the clothing, they went to get some more shoes for the teens. Izuku was looking at all the different types of shoes and saw a new pair of his iconic red shoes which he loved.

"Get them, the ones you have are a bit worn out," Aizawa said.

Izuku nodded and grabbed a pair that was his size. He Gives a soft smile knowing this reminds him of the blur of a time he had with his mother as a kid. Denki got a pair of bright yellow shoes with black streaks on it almost resembling the bolt in his hair. Hizashi hummed happily that he finally gets to spend money on some kids. He was always a family man and now he gets to have one. Not that Izuku knew that he wanted him to be his kid. 

After getting some shoes they went to go get some school supplies and things to fill up their rooms. Izuku mainly got things that were related to cats and/ or present mic and eraser head merch despite the fact he lives with the two. Hizashi was ecstatic and Aizawa was a bit embarrassed by it. Denki got a lot of things that were far and between nothing really fit together but he seemed to like it. So no one really said anything to the teen. Though he did often find owl-related things and snuck them in as if Aizawa didn't notice.

They ended up getting a few throw blankets and more pillows (mainly for izuku but he didn't realize) and one of the big bean bags one can sleep on and still have room. Izuku tried to protest against them spending that on him but it was too late. They already bought it.

When they got everything they went home to go set up the boy's rooms. Izukus looked softer than anything: a bunch of blankets and pillows on a beanbag and cat-related things throughout the room as posters or little nick nacks. Izuku immediately after putting up his new clothes went to the corner where he placed the bean bag and started to move things around on it.

Hizashi glanced in the room and saw that he tried so hard not to squeal at his small bird son. He quickly went back to the kitchen leaving him to his things. Denki's room was the definition of an ADHD room whether it was from his quirk or if he actually had it, it seemed to fit the boy. Though the good portion of owls throughout his room didn't escape the eye of the two pros.

Soon after they both got things settled izuku came out almost in a shy and timid manner and went up to the two heroes and bowed "thank you for everything it really means a lot to me." Both the adults looked surprised then one spoke up.

"You shouldn't have to thank us you both deserve a home you can feel safe in and be happy"

Aizawa patted the boy's head and izuku smiled genuinely for the first time in a while, a smile that warms the heart.

"Now go run off until dinner is ready we will call you then" Aizawa was happy he could give that kid some freedom he never got.