
The Flight (mha)

izuku midoriya has a quirk that's powerful. other take notice and is made to be a solder as a kid. he finds new family and a need to help others.

Jace_Canset · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

A New Mission

Skip to 11 years later

The small child who seemed defenseless at the time has now grown into someone who is now the leader of his squad when hawks graduated and became a limelight hero. But the red-feathered man still hung around the 2 boys known as Denki and izuku. Since they became close as family. Hawks actually not long after izukus arrival adopted the small green bean as his little brother.

Izuku's hair gradually started to lighten at the tips to the same color as his wings with his hair being longer to the point he can put it into a small ponytail. His wings were now 6ft long each when they hit the ground but they were big and soft. When he had growth spurts, Denki and hawks would frequently help him with the pain, in some cases the blood that would appear when his wings grew larger in the base.

Izku is now 5'8 and has learned a lot to help his team. He seemed to have a small knack for technology so he excelled in hacking. He was a great fighter and knew how to use his quirk but he stopped trusting others on the way to becoming strong. The only people the boy seemed to trust were his family and someone of the name Aizawa shota. The green bean has been washing Aizawa into becoming an underground hero from the sidelines. He wished the tired man would realize and find him.

Denki has grown a great deal with the child. He was 5,7 and still with his golden blond hair, and his child-like personality was extremely intelligent and seemed to also keep up with izuku on skills. Though Denki fully admits izuku has him beat. Denki powers with electricity only grew more powerful the more he grew seeming to have full control over the element of electricity. Though with the increase in his quirk the more it affected his body always seeming hyper and having energy to burn, gaining insomnia, having sudden jolts and tics, and small tremors in his hands and feet after using his quirk from the excessive electricity made the more thin parts of his body numb.

Izuku and Denki were practicing their agility on a course when one of the higher ups called them to the president's office. They quickly started their way to the head office. "I wonder what they will make us do this time, '' Denki says while seeming lax. "Probably some kind of hacking job again or dealing with a drug ring again. What a bother" izuku yawns heading into the elevator.

When they reach the top they see a pair of large doors. Izuku takes a deep breath and heads in with denki. The room itself was open, seeming like a typical office but Izuku stops in his tracks when he sees a familiar head of black lengthy hair and ash gray scarf. He quickly put on a straight face and greeted the head "hello prez, is there something you need?" there was an indescribably look on earasers face ' anger, joy, sadness?' izuku took the moment to recognize the principle of UA sitting on aizawa's shoulders.

"Ah yes sparrow and solace my best two for the job you are looking for they are exceptional in anything they do!" the president said while looking at aizawa and nezu. "If they are then it will be perfect but to make sure there is no suspicion they will be adopted by heroes correct?" nezu said with a glint in his eye. He was the smartest thing on this planet so Izuku wonders what he was up to. "Ah yes for the time being they will be adopted but will be returned after the mission, correct?" the president didn't seem happy about what they were meaning.

"They will be staying all 3 years at UA and will debut as heroes so I don't think there will be a need to 'return' them. even though they are in fact not objects. But they shall stay in custody of said heroes for the remainder of their time because who knows what will happen if people find out the heroes commission is raising kids as war tools?" nezu just smiled and sipped his tea. the president seemed to falter and sighed "yes of course do as you please. Agent sparrow and agent solace you will head off with pro hero eraser head and nezu. You two will be issued on mission to act as spies and widdle out the traitor that will make its way into UA. you will take the exams as any other kid would. You will have to act differently than you usually do and blend in. Sparrow and Solace will take the normal exams. I expect you to protect the students but do not let them know your identity. I trust you know what else to do. Sparrow will be on paper adopted by aizawa shouta or eraserhead and solace will be adopted by Emi Fukukado also known as ms joke ``now head out".

Izuku looked up suddenly when he heard he was being adopted by aizawa. His chest tightened but didn't show it on his face 'he kept his promise' thethught raced in his head. Denki pulled on his sleeve because they were leaving. He was snapped back into reality. Quickly exiting the room. When they were on the other side, Denki said, "Can we stop by our barracks really quickly? We need to grab a few things" he nudged izuku he only nodded. "Yeah sure, let's just hurry," Aizawa responded as they made their way to the room. Aizawa took note of how the green bean presented himself it seemed confident but almost enclosed. It hurt the man to see the once fraile boy he knew when he was shut in and cold to the world seeming hurt. He sighed and continued on.

The president sat in his office as a ban on a black suit that was the same one who brought in izuku slammed into the room seeming irritated "WHY DID YOU LET THEM TAKE OUR BEST UNIT" the man yelled. "Because they are just kids I didn't want to but I think they needed to experience a family,school, and a normal life. We pushed them too much" the president responded, seeming to pity the young boys. The other man seemed to be mad at that response and stormed out. 'I can't believe he did that those 'kids' are only tools for us to use, they don't have the need for such things. He will regret this when I take over the commission.' he socffedd at the thought of the boys living like humans.

When the group reached the room izuku quickly moved and gathered his few things hoping the man wouldn't see him grabbing the cat plush that was now worn and loved by the young boy. Still being silent izuku walks back over with denki following behind. "Alright let's head to Aizawa's place because that is where you two still saty!" nezu says in a happy tone. Shota sighed but started to head to the car to go home. "So why are you deciding to come with nezu" the rat thing just smiled and said nothing