
The Flashpoint Heroes

Spider-Man and his allies assemble their Justice League and prepare for a new threat that could devastate the world.

HarHarMahadev · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 01

(Dimensional Intersection)

"So you understand what you have to do." the powerful figure said.

"Yes, but what I don't understand is... why me?" Spider-Man asked.

"Because you are capable of doing it."


"But what?"

"I hear a 'but' coming after you said that."

"Not a 'but', a 'however'."

"It's almost the same thing."

"Not quite. You have the best chance of anyone in order to stop this catastrophe from growing into an apocalypse. However... there is great risk. And it will require a sacrifice."

"On my part."


"I knew it! I knew it! It's always my life that gets sacrificed."

"Your life may not be required to stop this world from destroying itself."

"Really? Is that also my choice?"


Spider-man nodded grimly as she said that.

"So... when do I get started?"

"As soon as you recruit the necessary help."


"You didn't think I was going to send you to this world by yourself? To fight this threat alone?"

"Yes, I did, actually."


(Batcave, Underneath Wayne Manor, Flashpoint Paradox universe)

A powerless Barry Allen just gasped when he saw the Batcave. It was more Cave than anything. A few tables were present with guns, explosives and even liquor bottles.

There was a bookcase with all sorts of books. Medical and reference books of all types. A gurney next to a tray of surgical tools. There were different types of spot lights around the small area of the cave itself. The much smaller computer system sat in the corner of the cave, and there was no track with a Batmobile on it, just an ordinary black sports car.

"What happened to you, Bruce?" Barry asked as he stared at a picture of young Bruce Wayne and his mother and father standing behind him. "You were the James Bond of superheroes. What turned you into the Unabomber?"



"Who are you? I said... who the hell are you?" the dark and gritty Batman growled at Barry.

"Bruce, wait! You have to remember. It's me. It's Barry. Bruce!" the police officer said as he reeled from the blow.

"Bruce?" Batman asked, clearly confused.

"Bruce, please!" Barry said as Batman growled again, grabbing his shirt and pulling him face-to-face.

"Bruce is dead. I watched him die!" Batman growled.

Barry gasped as he stared at the man. His features, his voice. All different. Even in an alternate world, this would have not changed too much. It was then that realization struck.

"My, god. He's the one who died that night in the alley. Bruce died, and you lived. You're his father. You're Thomas Wayne." Barry gasped.

Batman continued to glare at the young man, wondering where he had gotten this information.

"How do you know that? How could you possibly know that?" Batman demanded.

"It's changed! Everything has been changed!" Barry gasped aloud.

"That doesn't tell me anything. What are you talking about?" Batman demanded.

"I told you. Everything changed." Barry said as Batman broke one of Barry's fingers.

"You have nine more fingers. I suggest you tell me how you found out about me." Batman said.

"In my world, I'm a hero, named The Flash. Bruce took me here. Showed me... AHHH!" Barry screamed as Batman continued to strong arm him.

"I used to be a doctor. Mention my dead son again and I will break out the surgical instruments." Batman threatened, shaking the cop so much that something small and metallic fell out of his pocket.

"Argh. My... my ring. Let me show you that I'm telling the truth. My uniform is in that ring." Barry said to him.

Batman picked up the ring and looked at is closely. He then tossed it to Barry.

"I'll humor you." Batman said as Barry opened the ring.

However, instead of a red costume with a yellow lightning bolt symbol on it, a yellow-colored suit with a red lightning bolt costume came shooting out of it.

"See? I told... wha?" he gasped as he looked at the yellow suit.

"Not what you were expecting?" Batman asked as Barry picked up the suit.

"No." he said, shocked at what this meant. "Thawne." he hissed.

"Who?" Batman asked.

"The man this uniform belongs to. My opposite, the Reverse-Flash. Eobard Thawne." Barry explained.

"What kind of name is Eobard?" Batman asked.

"The 25th-century kind." Barry said as he stood up. "He replicated the accident that allowed me to tap into the Speed Force and became a criminal. Professor Zoom."

"Speed Force?"

"The Speed Force allows both of us to bend the laws of physics using super speed. It enabled him to travel through time and ended up in my time."

"You're suggesting that he changed something in the past. Something important that..."

"That changed everything. It's crazy. My mom's alive. You're Batman. And Diana and Arthur are about to start World War III. But... why give me this?" he wondered, looking at the suit.

Batman glared at Barry for several seconds before he answered.

"He hates you. So much he'll destroy everything to kill you. But his psychosis requires that you know he's responsible." Batman deduced.

"Could anyone, even Thawne, be that deranged?" Barry asked.

"You'd be amazed the monsters this world can create." Batman said, staring at a corkboard against the far wall that had a bunch of bloodied playing cards, including a Joker, pinned to it.

"We have to stop this, Dr. Wayne. Catch Thawne, find out what he changed and change it back before Aquaman and Wonder Woman kill everyone on the planet."

"Not saying I believe you, but in your reality... is my son...?"

"Bruce is alive. He's Batman." he said.

"If, I were to help you, what exactly would you need?" the dark knight asked.

"Just what's over there... and unbelievably bad weather." Barry said, pointing to the chemicals on the nearby table.

(Thunder rumbled outside the cave)

"Welcome to Gotham." Batman said.

"Thanks. Can't say I like the reception." a new voice said from the shadows.

Barry and Batman looked towards the voice as seven figures emerged from the shadows. Some of them Barry recognized, but one he did not.

The first person was an attractive blond-haired young woman with blue eyes and slender yet shapely body. She was dressed in a blue long-sleeved shirt with a red 'S' shield on her chest. A blue skirt with a yellow belt around her waist. Red boots and a red cape.

The second person was a dark-skinned man wearing a green and black uniform with a green 'Lantern' symbol on his chest. He had no hair on his head, except for a goatee that framed his mouth. He was tall and athletic-looking, and his eyes glowed a bright green color.

The third person was a woman, dressed in a dark blue cloak that covered her body, a one-piece bathing suit with long sleeves, and boots on her feet. She had a gold belt with red crystals that hung loosely around her shapely hip, and a red crystal amulet that tied her cloak around her neck. She had pale skin and dark blue eyes which were constantly hidden by her cloak.

The fourth person was the tallest of the group, possessing an incredibly shapely and athletic body, orange-ish skin, long bright-red hair, emerald green eyes, and dressed in a purple costume that did nothing to hide her physique. The outfit itself was almost like that of a string bikini with long straps around her chest and waist area, leaving a large opening in the front of her chest. Long purple boots and purple arm guards that went from her wrists to her elbows. Some might have said she looked like an alien stripper.

The fifth person was familiar to Barry. It was Batman, his Batman, from his world. Dressed head-to-toe in black modified armor and a black bat symbol on his chest. A long black cape with a pair of pointed ears on his head. A firm and hard look, almost devoid of emotion.

The sixth person was the youngest and shortest of the group. Dressed in a green and red costume with a black cape and mask over his eyes, he had dark pants and thick boots, and spiked gauntlets on his wrists and black gloves. He had short dark hair and fair skin.

The seventh person was a human male dressed in a red and blue skintight costume with black webbing on the red parts of his outfit, a large black spider on his chest, and two large white eye lenses on his face. He had a black metallic backpack on his back with a specialized belt around his waist that was black with white linings around the edges.

This seventh person was the one that Barry did not know.

"I apologize for just appearing in your cave, sir, but time is of the essence." the man in the red and blue costume said. "My name is Spider-Man, and I've brought a few people along with me who I think can help you out."

"Who are you all?" Thomas Wayne asked.

"This is Supergirl, the Maiden of Might from the planet Argos. Starfire, alien princess from the planet Tamaran. Raven, a powerful magic user from an alternate dimension. John Stewart, Green Lantern protector of sector 2814, which consist of hundreds of different worlds including Earth. And this is Batman and Robin, the protectors of Gotham City from another reality. Someone that I'm sure you know very well." Spider-Man said.

The two Batmen stared at each other for several seconds as if in shock.

"Who are you?" the older Batman asked the younger one. "Why are you dressed like me?"

"Thomas Wayne... meet Bruce. Your son." Spider-Man said.

"My... what?" the older man asked.

"Like I said, this is an alternate reality. In this world, Bruce Wayne was the one shot by a mugger instead of his parents." the webslinger said.

Batman glared at Barry.

"Did you know about this?" he asked the red-haired man.

"No, I didn't!" Barry replied.

"Which means..."

"The rest of us are from an alternate reality than the one you came from, Barry." Spider-Man said before looking at the older Batman. "With the exception of Batman and Robin, who came from the alternate timeline that Barry is from."

"Then technically they shouldn't be here." Batman Senior said.

"But then why did you bring us here?" Robin asked the webslinger.

"And miss the chance for three generations of the Wayne family to actually meet?" Spider-Man asked in a slightly joking manner.

The older Batman stared down at the young boy wearing the Robin outfit.

"You're... my grandson?" Batman Sr. asked the boy.

"Damian Al-Ghul Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al-Ghul." Robin stated.

Thomas looked at Bruce.

"You never married?" he asked his son.

"You're meeting your grown-up dead son from another reality, as well as your grandson, who by all rights should not exist, and you're focusing on my lack of marriage? I didn't even know he existed until a year ago." Batman Jr. said.

"I'm sorry, I... you're dead. I saw you die. I watched you die as your mother held you. And yet... here you are. How is this possible?" Batman Sr. asked.

"Yes, how is this possible?" Batman Jr. asked.

The group looked at Spider-Man.

"Let's just say that someone, up there, wants to help." Spider-Man answered.



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