
The Flashpoint Heroes

Spider-Man and his allies assemble their Justice League and prepare for a new threat that could devastate the world.

HarHarMahadev · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 02

After watching Bruce and Thomas endure a tearful reunion, something that was both strange and emotional, the group finally got down to business.

"So why are we here?" John Stewart asked.

"To prevent war." Spider-Man said.


"And what war?" Robin asked.

"World War 3." Spider-Man said as he brought out a small-looking computer from his belt and set it on the ground before the group.

Tapping a button on a small hand-held remote, it suddenly grew to giant-size right in front of everyone.

"Whoa!" Starfire gasped.

"Incredible." Raven said.

"How did you do that?" Green Lantern asked.

"I'll explain later." Spider-Man said as he turned the monitor on. "This is the world as you know it." he said as various images appeared on the screen.

Images of the ocean overflowing across Paris, France, then another image of a giant three-headed dog rampaging through the streets of London.

"Over a hundred million people died when Atlantis sunk Western Europe into the Ocean. Another 32 million slaughtered when the amazons invaded the United Kingdom and renamed it New Themyscira. All of this a result of Themyscira being destroyed by the Atlanteans some time ago for unknown reasons. Aquaman and Wonder Woman are on the verge of destroying everything across the planet. We have to stop them." Spider-Man said.

"Your intel is good. That's the same thing Cyborg told me, when he recruited a group of other unique individuals to help stop this." Batman Sr. said.

"Other metahumans? Who?" Batman Jr. asked.

"Enchantress, Pied Piper, Citizen Cold, Shade, Sandman, and the Shazam Kids." he said.

"Not exactly the heavy hitters." Green Lantern commented.

"Shazam Kids?" Raven asked.

"Six kids who magically combine to form one powerful superhero." Batman Sr. said.

"Captain Marvel?" Green Lantern asked.

"Captain Thunder." he answered.

"Wow. Things really are different here." GL said.

"Anyone else?" Barry asked.

"Captain Atom. But he vanished trying to stop the Amazons and Atlanteans. By himself." Batman Sr. said.

"Guessing that didn't work out too well." GL said.

"I don't think it was that simple." Spider-Man said.

"You know something we don't?" Batman Jr. asked.

"Yes. But we can get into that later. Right now, we need to prepare." Spider-Man said as he took off his belt and back pack and started unpacking.

The group watched as he started placing various devices and objects around the cave.

"What is all this? Toys?" Batman Sr. asked.

"Hardly." Spider-Man said as soon as he was done arranging the objects. He pressed a button on his belt, all the little devices and vehicles he had set up starting to grow. Less than a minute, and the nearly two dozen miniature objects that he had taken out of his belt were life-size.

"Whoa!" Raven gasped softly.

"Okay, seriously! How did you do that?" Supergirl asked.

"Ever see the movie 'Honey, I Shrunk The Kids'?" Spider-Man asked her.


"Kinda the same principal, only I don't need a giant ray gun to make this work." he replied.

The heroes looked around, seeing dozens of high-tech devices. Science workstations that included an extensive chemistry set, work bench with various tools and gadgets, and even a bench with multiple gadget/tool arms to reach various places on the device they were meant to be working on.

But there was also three vehicles included: A black Tumbler with weapons equipt, a modified Ninja motorcycle, and a Quinjet.

"Man who comes prepared." Green Lantern commented.

"Whoa! You can fit all of that... in your belt?" Supergirl asked.

"The miracle of Pym Particles." Spider-Man said.

"Pym Particles?" Barry asked.

"Created by a man named Hank Pym, it has the ability to shrink or enlarge any object it's used on. Even people." he said.

"Okay. I'm actually impressed." Batman Sr. said.

"Do you have a plan?" Batman Jr. asked.

"I do. But it'll be difficult." Spider-Man said.

"How difficult?" Barry asked.

"Very." Spider-Man said as he looked at Barry Allen. "We're gonna need everyone we can get. Including The Flash."

"What do you need?" Batman Sr. asked.

"Like I said, just a few chemicals and some really bad weather." Barry said.


(Wayne Mansion, exterior)

Green Lantern, Batman Jr., Robin and Supergirl had helped Barry set up a chair and the chemicals needed for his experiment.

"You realize this is totally insane, Barry." Batman said to him as Robin adjusted the chemical tubes.

"I know. But we need to recreate the accident that turned me into The Flash." Barry said as he tested the straps that held him down to the chair.

"And if this doesn't work, you could be set on fire." Robin commented.

"Which is why I've got the best super heroes in the world helping me out here." Barry commented.

Meanwhile, back inside the Batcave, the other heroes were getting acquainted with the tech and equipment that Spider-Man had brought with him.

Spider-Man, however, was examining a group of crystals on the table before him.

There were four shards of different colors.

A red Power shard.

An orange Time shard.

A purple Space shard.

And a yellow Reality shard.

Just then, Thomas Wayne appeared behind him.

"What are those?" he asked, still dressed in his Batman costume, his mask off of his face.

Spider-Man turned around, startled that the older man had managed to sneak up on him.

"Don't do that!" he snapped, holding his hand over his chest.

"I asked you a question." Thomas grunted out.

Spider-Man sighed as he turned back towards the table with the shards upon it.

"These are the shards of the original Infinity Stones. There were six in all, but these shards are from only four. A group of heroes from my world tried to use them to repel another universe that was about to merge with our own universe. The result of using the Stones to repel this other universe shattered and destroyed most of them. But when they shattered, the energy explosion sent me into a completely different universe. These shards possess only a tiny fraction of their true potential, but even that is enough to change the fate of this world. However, with each continued use, the shards will deteriorate until there is nothing left. Which means, if I have to use all of them here..." he said as he shook his head trying not to focus on the negative while he still had a job to do.

"You might not be able to get back to your universe." Batman surmised.

"Probably not." Spider-Man said with a sigh.

Thomas just looked at the webslinger. He had a way to get back to his own universe, to be safe from the eventual destruction of this world that he had warned them of, and yet he was still trying to help them.

But why? He didn't owe this universe anything, but he was willing to do everything he could to try and help them. It didn't make any sense.

What's more, is that if these were only four shards of the six original stones, where were the others and who had them?

"Why are you doing this?" Thomas asked.

"Because someone asked me to." Spider-Man said

"Asked you to?"

"Look, technically, this world should not exist. The events that took place, the circumstances that created this world, should never had happened. It's possible that Thawne is somehow responsible for it all, but... he might not be the only one." the webslinger said.

"Is there something you're not telling me? Telling us?" he asked, looking back at the other heroes inside the Batcave.

"Yes. But I don't think they're ready to know, just yet." Spider-Man stated.

Thomas was confused by his words. He didn't like not knowing. But considering that this Spider-Man had brought his son and grandson to this world to help him, he was willing to keep quite for now.

"Alright. Now, which of these Infinity Stones are these?" he asked.

"The red one is the Power Shard, capable of giving someone, anyone, god-like physical and energy powers. The orange one is the Time Shard, which can be used to send a person into the past or the present. The purple one is the Space Shard, capable of transporting a person anywhere in the galaxy they want in an instant. And the yellow one is the Reality Shard, which can bend the laws of reality to anything the user wants." Spider-Man explained.

"What were the other two Gems and what were they capable of?"

"The Mind Gem enabled anyone to read or control the thoughts of others. While the Soul Gem, which was said to be the most powerful of the six, had a variety of powers. It could trap souls inside it, protect the user from soul-based attacks, give the wielder access to the memories and skills of those who were imprisoned within Soul World..."

"Soul World?"

"Yeah, I don't get that one either. I've never been there, but apparently, there's an entire universe inside the Soul Gem, or there was. Apparently the thing was sentient too."

Thomas just stared at Spider-Man in disbelief.

"Hey, I'm just going by what I was told about it." the webslinger replied.

"Huh. Fine. So... what's the plan?" he asked.

"Here." Spider-Man said as he activated a strange-looking generator that was sitting next to the table he was working at.

An energy field flashed throughout the cave as the others were working to set up the new equipment.

"Huh? What happened?" Batman gasped.

"What was that?" Raven asked.

"Relax everyone! I've isolated this cave from outside the normal time line we're in right now, using a stasis field generator. This cave, and the mansion, are now cut off from the normal flow of time in this reality."

"Why? For what purpose?" Batman asked.

"Trust me, it's necessary." Spider-Man said.

"You still haven't told me what your plan is."

"My plan... is to help this world." he said.

"That's a goal, not a plan. A plan involves details."

"Agreed. And one of those details, involves assembling our full team."


Batman Jr and the others return to the cave with Barry, now wearing his red Flash uniform.

"Nice outfit." Thomas Wayne said to the speedster.

"Had to do some modifications to it. So... what's our next move?" Barry asked.

"We have to find Thawne and undo what he did." Batman Jr. said.

"We might not have to." Spider-Man said.

"What?" the speedster asked.

"Look, Barry, this world is different than the one you're used to. But that doesn't mean it can't come back from the edge. Not if there is hope." Spider-Man explained.

"And I suppose you have a plan to accomplish that?" Batman Sr. asked.

"I do." the web-slinger said.



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