
The First Legendary Beast Master

Born into a dirt poor mining family, Karl only had one chance to get ahead in life, the annual elite recruitment day. On their final day of middle school, every student in the Golden Dragon Nation was given an experimental injection to awaken their affinity with magic. Those few who succeeded would become the Elite, the leaders and idols of the nation, blessed with incredible magical powers and respected by all. Those who did not would return to their normal lives of hard work and low wages, just doing the best they could. But with the nation surrounded by enemies, both humans and monsters, how long would these peaceful days of magical idols last? Follow the story of Karl as he awakens a unique power and strives to become the world's first Legendary Beast Master.

Aoki_Aku · Fantasia
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496 Chs

Taunt The Giants

The next morning's scouting report revealed that the Frost Giants had caught on to the problem much faster than Karl had been expecting them to. They were not known for being particularly bright, but this morning there were no fewer than twenty teams in the area, and it appeared that they were doing a methodical search for the missing teams.

From Hawk's report, they had spread out along a ridgeline very early in the morning, and they were moving south through the valley and past the cave now. 

If the team moved out in twenty minutes, they would be attacking the Giants from behind, and they could kill multiple groups quickly before retreating.

That seemed like a good plan to Karl. If they picked one of the stronger groups to eliminate as a group, Rae could use her Golems to take out a weak group nearby, starting with their Ascended leader, which would leave the Awakened Giant trainees helpless.

[I can play too.] Hawk suggested.