
The Final Age of Magic

The current age of magic is ending, and a new one is beginning. The Final Age All of your loved one's die to something on the level of a god Do you peruse it in an act of revenge, or do sit back and save yourself. Is your life worth more than the ones who surround you Or do they take priority over you

BeLikeMunch · Fantasia
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12 Chs

Chapter 12 Brother

" Xavier!" The man who had engaged Jack was Zalanes brother. He had met him for a short time earlier but the ice blue eyes directly resembled hers. Jack pushed him off and created some distance. " Xavier hold o-" Quicker than Jack could speak Xavier closed that distance slashing at his face. Jack was barely able to avoid a fatal blow leaving a small cut on his cheek.

Jack again backed off feeling his cheek witch was leaking red. He couldn't take his eyes of Xavier, he was fast enough to catch Jack off guard. His small blades were easily maneuverable and sharp. Even the slightest graze would cause blood to spill. Even though he was tall he could almost disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Xavier lis-"

"Where's My Sister." He spoke in an urgent serious tone. Standing about 15 feet away, Jack could feel his intent. He was here for his sister and to kill the man who had taken her. His bangs were hanging low covering his eyes. Even still there seemed to be a murderous look cutting through them.

" She's fine. She's just in the town."

"Why is she with you."

" She came on her own free will. . . She disagreed with Ace Cole. On staying silent while the those creatures kill people. So did I. I didn't plan on her coming with me." After hearing this Xavier seemed to become less tense for a moment. Jack could even see a hint of a smile.

" Yea. that sounds like her." He paused and brought his blades up to his face. He gripped them tightly ready to re-engage. " But following you will get her killed." 

Xavier rushed forward blades at the ready. Jack brought his sword up ready to block the attacks witch were coming quickly. He didn't want to kill Xavier. Not because he was Zalanes brother. He didn't want to kill anyone who was after him at Ace Coles orders. They didn't deserve to die they were only following his orders.

The daggers chipped at the blade. This new sword Jack had bought was surprisingly well made and was taking all the current hits easily. But if this kept going that won't be the case. Using the blade on Xavier was out of the question, at least no fatal ones. Jack had to end this with out killing him.

Xavier was persistent and was attacking from every angle. Jack dodged a few well placed slashes attempting to land a kick. Xavier bended backwards with unbelievable reaction and flexibility. From that position he swept Jacks legs dropping him to the ground with a thud on the dirt road.

Looking up Jack saw Xavier attempting to stab Jack from above. He raised his sword and swiped at it knocking it of course, the follow up was to slow allowing Jack to land a kick knocking Xavier off of him. 

Getting to his feet quickly he noticed Xavier was gone. " Shadow Magic again." Focusing on Magic detection he felt his presence of in the forest. Jack could hear leaves rustling and twigs snapping. Jack stood completely still. Appearing from a thick bush and approaching rapidly Xavier raised his left dagger.

"CLANG" The blade touched nothing but the sky. " Got you." Jack lured him in and as he attacked he used Xaviers confidence in that moment to find and opening smacking his dagger into the sky. " Stand Down." Jack positioned his blade an inch from Xaviers neck.

"Not Yet." He used his right dagger to smack the blade away. Jack attempted to sweep his legs but he launched him self into the sky. He extended his right foot reaching the handle of his falling left dagger. Then like he was performing a bicycle kick in soccer he used his foot to send it at Jack.

Moving his head to avoid a fatal blow to the dagger grazed his neck leaving a trail of blood running down the left side of it. Looking up Xavier was falling towards him with his other dagger raised. Rolling out of the way Jack watched as the impact from Xavier shook the ground. Picking up his other dagger he dashed at Jack once more.

" I guess I have no choice." This fight had only been taking this long due to Jacks unwillingness to hurt Xavier, but now Jack decided he had no other option to end this fight. " You have a flaw in your style." Jack pointed the tip of his blade at Xaviers as he came at him. " The way he holds his blades. If I'm fast enough I can land a blow quicker than he could block or dodge." Jack leaned forward moving his back foot a bit further back preparing to go at him full speed. " I'm only going to injure him." Breathing out calmly he prepared him self.

"Xavier!" Down the dirt road back towards the town a voice called. Fast steps of a girl sprinting to save her brother.

" Zalane." Xavier froze loosing his grip on his daggers for a moment. Quicker than he could blink Jack was in front of his face looking him dead in the eyes with a blank stare." Huh? So fast." The force of a hard rock being plunged into his gut caused him to gasp for air. Jack had placed his knee at full force in a critical spot dropping Xavier to his knees.

Looking up he saw Jack standing over him putting his sword back in it's sheath. Looking up at him, Xavier felt inferior to him in away, the way he stood with complete confidence after fighting him. The blood running down his face and neck not even bothering him. He looked down on Xavier with pity almost. 

" Your lucky she showed up. Or you'd be in a much worse condition." Xavier took those words and understood what he was saying.

" You could of killed me-If you wanted."

Jack turned around as if he didn't here him but Xavier new he did. Zalane had finally reached her brother and Jack. She rushed to Xaviers side crouching next to him. Placing one hand on his back and on on his chest she helped him to his feet.

" Jeez Jack did you have to hit him so ha-" Turning to face Jack she finally saw the blood dripping from his face and neck. Jack took his thumb and wiped some away that was leaking close to his mouth. " Holy crap are you okay."

"I'll be fine."

" Yea right! With all that blood I wouldn't be surprised if you passed out." She turned back towards her brother and glared at him showing her displeasure in his work.

" Turning on your own brother now." His words sounded like they were searching for air as he was still recovering from that knee he took. " Zalane. Come back."

" . . . I can't do that. You know why don't you."

" Don't be stupid." Xavier voice returned as he raised it to speak to her. " Going after these things is just going to get you killed. As your brother I can't let you."

" I can't let innocent people die!" Zalane raised her voice in return.

" . . . I figured you'd say that. I guess you've got more of dad in you than I do." His voice became Kind of sad along with his expression. " But still I-"

" Xavier." Jack cut him off. " Let me make you a promise. If Zalane decides to stick with me in pursuit of these creatures. . . If we ever get into a situation where defeat is inevitable. I will put her life ahead of my own." These words coming from his mouth sounded familiar to himself, " But also. I don't plan on ever being killed by these things either. . . Believe me. We will kill them."

" For some reason. Seeing the fire in his eyes and the confidence he spoke with. His deep serious tone and the commitment he heard behind it. Xavier believed Jack was capable of achieving this wild goal. 

Picking up his daggers and putting them back into their separate holders attached to his back along his hip. He walked over to Jack. " Zalane. Fix him."

" Huh?"

" Heal him."

" Oh. Ok." Zalane walked over to Jack placing her hand on his back and began to transmute. She watched as his wounds slowly closed. Xavier reached into his pocket and handed him a towel to wipe the blood.

" Sharp daggers you got their." Jack wiped the blood from his face and neck.

". . . Listen." Xavier ignored his comment. " Ace Cole is vouching for you. He doesn't want you killed even though the other Aces do."

" Than why'd you try and kill me."

" Because I disagreed with him. And I thought you had taken my sister and were leading her to her death." Xavier was standing in front of Jack looking down on him since he was a bit taller. He tilted his face and had a look as if he didn't really want to say what he was. " But that's different now. I believe you'll keep your promise, and I think your capable of killing those things."

". . . Really." Jack was surprised in his quick change of hart, but also happy that he beloved in him

" Yea. So I'll give you this warning." He paused for a solid second making sure Jack and Zalane were listening. He put his hands in his pockets and raised his head." Once they find out that I failed to capture you. . . They'll send the Krado brothers."

Two of the newest generations prodigies. At only 15 years old they are already known as two of the future blessed ones. They have killed countless magic beasts and Apparitions and some of the most dangerous criminals. They are often selected to go on top priority missions under Ace Coles command. The oldest "Hari" as off two weeks ago. Is the new leader of the Aces Knights.

" Jack, You are strong." Xavier looked down at him with a serious look telling him not to take any chances." If you try and fight Hari. . . You will die."