
The Father Of Superheroes[Wise Wind]

That night, when a Kryptonian spacecraft with a baby fell onto Mike Kent’s farm, and he decided to adopt that child, his Golden Finger gained through his transmigration was activated. In that moment, he realized that his life was about to change. Superman - Clark Kent, Professor X - Charles Kent, Magneto - Eric Kent... When he became the father of these individuals, the most powerful family was born! ** Not mine all credit goes to the original author https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-father-of-superheroes/ [The Original Author dropped this story]

The_WritingSystem · Filmes
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33 Chs

Chapter 4: Card!

Chapter 4: Card!

Mike couldn't help but curse as he flicked his hand, sending the dagger flying with a 'swish', pinning a buzzing fly to the wall.

The rectangular pattern on the wall now had a dagger inserted in the middle.

Scanning the patterns and daggers on the wall, a flash of insight struck Mike.



His ability to materialize items required time. He needed to preconceive the objects in his mind, it is a process that consumed his precious moments.

Simplicity was preferable, but what about complex items? Who would afford him the luxury of time in the heat of battle?

To omit this thought process was not an option—it was integral to his abilities.

Mike pondered, thoughts racing through his mind.

Memory fantasy materializes—bringing to life what he remembers.

His memory predominantly consisted of ordinary daggers.

As for other objects, he had experimented previously.

Yes, he had successfully materialized a Zanpakutō, a real one he could wield.

However, the process took a laborious four hours, and its manifestation lasted a mere thirty seconds.

Who in battle could afford him such time?

Thus, even if he could manifest powerful items, this ability would be deemed useless.

But now, if this new idea panned out somehow...

His heart raced with anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, Mike calmed himself.

After a while, he closed his eyes, delving into thought.

He required a medium to store manifested items, enabling their use at any time.

A card—a versatile medium capable of storing items and abilities—came to mind.

First, he materialized the card as a medium, then stored the items requiring materialization within it. When needed, he could activate it directly with the power of materialization, bypassing the need for prolonged mental preparation before battle, thus circumventing the limitations of his ability.


Two hours later...

After envisioning various types of card from fantasy card games, a blank card materialized in his hand.

He imbued these cards with specific characteristics:

1. They could store materialized items.

2. Once carrying the embodied items, they could be stored in his mind for future use.

3. Once carrying the embodied item, upon re-embodiment by him, they could be reused after a day.

Looking at the blank card in his palm, Mike couldn't help but smirk.

But he swiftly regained composure.

Now was not the time for celebration; this was only half of the battle preparation.

The next step was materialization.

Holding the card between his fingers, Mike calmly activated his ability.

In the next instant, the image of a dagger—familiar to him—appeared on the card.

The dagger came to life within the card.

On the back of the card, details of the materialized item were inscribed:

Item name: Dagger.

Item Description: None.

Note: Just a normal dagger, nothing special, but it might cut your throat.

This information was added by Mike to facilitate future use, anticipating the proliferation of cards.

With a thought, the card vanished, and a dagger materialized in his hand.

It worked!

Mike was astonished.

This resolved the shortcomings of his ability!

This ability... was incredible!

Next, he materialized a blank card and began the process anew.

This time, he opted for a powerful weapon.

The materialization process would be lengthy, and interruptions were not feasible.

However, just as he reached the halfway mark, a phone call interrupted him.

Glancing at the phone, he saw Sloan's name.

He had news about Kutcher.

After obtaining the desired information, Mike sighed.

While embodying a weapon would simplify the operation, time was of the essence.

After deliberation, he equipped himself with two pistols, donned a coat, grabbed a suitcase, and left the safe house, driving into the night.


Manhattan at night.

A luxurious apartment building stood tall.

Within one of its apartments, a heated altercation ensued between a man and a woman, escalating from the kitchen to the bedroom, reaching its climax.

On the rooftop of a building a hundred meters away, Mike peered through a sniper rifle, observing the struggle unfolding in the bedroom through the window.

With a pout, he pulled the trigger.



The bullet shattered the window, striking the man's head.

His head exploded like a tomato, splattering the bedroom with gore, resembling a cascade of tomato sauce upon the woman beneath Kutcher.

She screamed and fainted.

Mike was stunned; he hadn't anticipated Kutcher's swift demise.

In that moment, a rapid voice echoed through his earpiece.

"Move aside!"

Reacting swiftly, Mike rolled to the side.


A bullet struck where he had been moments ago, leaving a crater on the balcony's concrete fence.

Mike's eyes narrowed, turning amber, cold sweat beading on his forehead.

Had Raven been one second late, he would have been a victim.

Had she known it was Kutcher's trap, she wouldn't have risked helping Mike.

Raven, hidden behind cover, bit her lip, whispering through the channel, "Mike! Locate him!"

Then suddenly Mike's voice resounded.

"Quickly, move!"

Raven wasted no time, shifting her position.


A bullet pierced her cover, leaving a hole where she had just been concealed.

Gasping for breath, Raven shouted, "Damn it! Mike! Hurry and find him!"

She refused to become a deadbody due to her assistance.

As her words faded, a gunshot sounded through the earpiece.

Mike had located Kutcher's whereabouts.

Raven breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the onslaught of a skilled assassin, even Kutcher, the king of assassins, would hesitate to attack her while distracted. For now, she was safe.

"Get out of there!"

Mike's voice commanded, his sniper rifle making a loud noise.

No aiming required; the shot was meant to suppress Kutcher.

Light and dark had switched roles, putting Kutcher in peril.

Mike's gaze remained calm, but his eyes tracked the fast-moving figure, fingers continuously pulling the trigger.

Suddenly, Mike departed without warning.


Light erupted, leaving two craters where the bullets had struck.


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[Currently I am reading a novel called " The Great Storyteller", It's about a author who got a second chance,no golden fingers. If you are author and you are feeling lost,Read it. You will feel something, like happened to me]

"Time Awaits For No One ,Even If Wee Can't Conquer It Atleast Try to Not Regret It"

"Every step forward is a victory in itself. Keep pushing, keep believing, and you'll reach heights beyond your wildest dreams."

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