
The Fate of an Extra in a Doomed World

"Where am i? "Adam thought when he found himself in a dark space after dying. Then he heard a voice which is void of any emotions telling him that "you have endured enough child . i will grant you a second chance live it to it's fullest". when Adam found that he is transmigrated into the novel he read[The Destiny of AUZEROTH] as an extra who does not have any entanglement in the novel. He cursed the god who transmitted him 'enjoy to it's fullest my ass' i am dead in this life without doing anything. Thought Adam will Adam succumb to the fate of the novel or fight against it. Let's follow our extra find it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello guys author here. this is my first novel so please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes. the story will start at slow pace and pick up pace in the following chapters. read some chapters before dropping it. happy reading guys.

EXTRA_WRITER000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Henry August

Arjun was having the best time of his life and enjoyed the dinner with his family. After the dinner Jacob asked Arjun to come to their room to have a chat.

When Arjun entered the room. He saw a new person sitting in sofa while Jacob and Iris are standing in a respectful manner before him. Arjun was flabbergasted seeing the situation in front of him.

'Who is he?' Thought Arjun and came to see the old man face in the sofa. After seeing his face Arjun was shocked to see the old man who has white hair, Blue eyes and a middle aged skin tone.

' Henry August? what is a Mythical ranker doing here' Arjun can't describe the words which were in his mind.

"Elder this my youngest Arjun Saunders. The one who I talked about" Jacob introduced Arjun to henry august and said about situation directly without wasting any time of the Elder.

" greetings elder I am Arjun Saunders " Said Arjun and Introduced himself. The elder who has blank face devoid of any emotions.

" kid do you have really Erasure affinity" Asked Elder with slight bit of mana raised at him

Arjun body was slammed to the ground with bit of elder's aura and he gritted his teeth 

" Yes elder " Spoke Arjun one word and lost conscious.

Jacob who was watching it didn't move a bit while Iris was glaring daggers at the Elder.

" It's required to know whether he has truly have Erasure affinity or not. When one facing danger they would sub consciously tell the truth" spoke Elder and told the reason for his attack.

After 30 mins Arjun woke up and looked up to see three individuals starring at him.

'Damn that old man. He is the same psycho that described in the novel' thought Arjun and stood up

" Kid I am sorry for that. Here take this object which will defend any attack 3 times from an s rank or below when you are in danger for my mistake" Spoke elder and throwed a rectangular shaped artifact which helps to defend any attack 3 times from an S rank or below.

' wow! An S rank artifact which is very rare and that too defending one which doesn't need too much to work. At least he is generous'. Thought Arjun and forgot about all the pain he endured before.

In this world artifacts are divided from E to Mythical ranks. They are rare. The mana usage for a high rank like s rank and above cannot be done by low ranks. For s rank artifacts you need to be at least d rank to use it or you would run out of mana and die of mana deficiency.

But They are one time artifacts that does work with low rank people with a bit of their mana. Because after the usage. The Artifact will be destroyed. Due to this the one time artifacts are very rare and used rarely.

" Thank you elder. I am grateful for it" Spoke Arjun with a genuine smile on his face.

' This kid is good. Even though I released a bit of my aura. If it's any other kid they would be shivering and scared. But his eyes convey a different meaning than fear. Interesting' Thought Henry August.

Henry activated a barrier type around the room. For avoiding anyone eavesdropping on their conversation.

"What do you know about the Great War that happened 800 years back" Asked Henry.

" We won the war with great causalities of losing divine rank warriors and their legacies" Spoke Jacob which he learnt from his ancestors. Iris also replied the same as him which was told by Jacob. Arjun was listening obediently to their conversation. 

" What you said is true. But we haven't won war we just sealed them and we couldn't kill them. There was a man who helped us to win the war by sealing them." said Henry with a sad voice. who hadn't showed single emotion on his face until now.

" what? Our Ancestors told we killed them " spoke Jacob with a shocked expression.

"True we killed them but we couldn't kill the sins. Which couldn't be destroyed by ordinary or legendary weapons. They can be destroyed by only sentient weapons" said Elder.

" There are 5 Sentient weapons in this world. So can't they finish them" spoke Iris with a confused look.

" The Sins know about that the sentient weapons can kill them. So they killed them without before letting their sentient weapons powers are unlocked." Said Elder with a wry smile on his face.

There is a pin drop silence in the room. Arjun who can't wait any longer spoke 

" So you can give the 5 sentient weapons new owners and break the seal and kill them " Asked Arjun innocently.

Hearing this all the three people beside him laughed and shook their heads thinking about Arjun's naivety.

" From the past 800 years the Sentient weapons does not have an owner kid" Spoke elder.

" What? why did no one take them" spoke Arjun even though he knows about it. To not get caught that he already know about it.

" Kid only the weapons have right to choose not the other way around. Sentient means they have will of their own" Said elder

" We keep the Sentient weapons at the World Association treasury. Every year the powerful families all over the world would try their people who had awakened that year with the Sentient weapons and not a single person has selected in past 800 years" Spoke elder.

" Wow! can I also try it then this year I am awakened" Said Arjun with excitement in his eyes. While inwardly he knows that this year the Sentient's will have a new owners.

" Of course Arjun you can try it" Said Jacob this time seeing his son excitement.

"No you can't kid. They will not choose you" Said Elder.

" B-But he can at least try it Elder" Said Jacob with fear and going against Elder words.

" You are not understanding me Jacob" Said elder.

" What do you know about Erasure affinity" asked elder.

" I don't know about it. But they say that a person with Erasure affinity is hunted by demons and sin's who were sealed" Said Jacob

" You are correct. Erasure affinity means they can erase anything if they have enough power and they can negate any type of magic" said elder

" So that's why they are hunted. Because of their negate magic" said Jacob and Iris with shocked expression realizing that any mage can be helpless against them.

" No. You all know about sentient weapons in this world are 5. But only few members know they are 6 sentient weapons" said elder with a fear on his face.

" what? why didn't we know about it and what is it" Questioned Jacob who received the shock of his life.

" It's because it is lost after sealing the Sins and the man who have the weapon disappeared. They say that It played an important role in sealing after losing the 5 Sentient weapon owners. It single handedly shook the sins and gave a run for their money" spoke elder.

" Then why didn't he kill the sin's instead of sealing them" Spoke Jacob with a confused look on his face 

" Because the one whose have wielded it does not have right affinity to bring it full power" Said elder with sad look on his face.

" what is his affinity and what affinity do we need elder?" Spoke Jacob 

Arjun who was listening carefully had a bad feeling about this affinity.

" The affinity he had is Null which can wield any affinity to some extent and the affinity required for Sentient is Erasure affinity" Said elder while looking at Arjun

'Just my luck ' Thought Arjun in his mind 

Jacob and Iris were shocked to know about the truth about Erasure affinity

" There is no one who had erasure affinity in the past 800 years. So we forgot about that weapon and didn't search for it. The one with Erasure affinity cannot use any magic except for Erasure affinity " Spoke elder and had a Pity look on his face.

"This means my son cannot use any magic to hide his affinity" Spoke Iris with a worried look on his face.

" There is a way. But you have to make a choice. Send him towards managing business or any other things except entering ranking world" Said elder in a sad tone.

Iris was stumped hearing the elder's word and cried about his son not able to become a ranker while hugging his son.

" We don't know about how to use erasure affinity. So it is better to not let him enter ranking world and manage our business" Said Jacob while encouraging his wife and son

"Mother don't worry. I will work hard and manage our business" Said Arjun to console his mother 

Elder who was unable to do anything left the Saunders mansion after informing Jacob to return back fast to the Forbidden continent.

After the tragic news about their son, They are sad for 2 days. 2 days later they went to their works. Jacob left for Forbidden continent and Iris became busy with managing family's work.

Arjun became finally free. After his parent busy work and left him. Now he can do whatever he wants.

' I need people to do my bidding, have huge amount of money and strong people to face what was coming' Thought Arjun plans for future.

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