
The Fate of an Extra in a Doomed World

"Where am i? "Adam thought when he found himself in a dark space after dying. Then he heard a voice which is void of any emotions telling him that "you have endured enough child . i will grant you a second chance live it to it's fullest". when Adam found that he is transmigrated into the novel he read[The Destiny of AUZEROTH] as an extra who does not have any entanglement in the novel. He cursed the god who transmitted him 'enjoy to it's fullest my ass' i am dead in this life without doing anything. Thought Adam will Adam succumb to the fate of the novel or fight against it. Let's follow our extra find it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello guys author here. this is my first novel so please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes. the story will start at slow pace and pick up pace in the following chapters. read some chapters before dropping it. happy reading guys.

EXTRA_WRITER000 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Jacob Saunders

'Shit why didn't I know about it when I read the novel' thought Arjun who was shocked by his mother words.

While he is thinking about that. Arjun heard a bell sound to see that her mother used that small bell to summon head butler Alfred

" Lady Iris what can I do for you" asked Alfred who came after the sound of the bell

" I need you to contact Jacob immediately" Said Iris in a serious look on her face.

" ok Lady Iris I will contact the Lord immediately" said Alfred and left the room.

After the departure of Alfred. Iris spoiled his son whom she has missed not able to take care of him due to work. 

Finally after 1 hour of spending time with him she told him to see his new room in the mansion and take rest.

Arjun after leaving Iris room. He wanted to go to Library to know about this world to see whether he has missed anything about this world.

"Nanny please take me to the library " Asked Arjun to lead her the way and asked about the world information book.

Amy took him to the library and searched for the book Arjun asked and bought it to him

" Young master this is the book you have asked for" said Amy and gave a large book with engravings of Auzeroth on it.

Arjun sat in the library and opened the book to read it while Amy standing beside him

AUZEROTH world consists of 6 continents



3. ELF CONTINENT                                        




The Forbidden continent is the only continent which was not conquered by any race in the world. Even the SSS rank person cannot roam freely due to being easily killed by other monsters.

The Beast continent consists of Demi human race which are known for their Brue strength . In the Beast continent half of the continent is conquered by Beast race and Other part is full of legendary and even mythical rank monsters living in it. 

the Dwarf race consists of Dwarfs who are short in nature and easily triggered by mentioning their height . They are one of the powerful race in this world due to their innovations like travelling portal, spatial rings, magic devices etc...

the Demon continent consists of demons who are very cruel and for their demonic energy. The demons are not allowed to any continent in this world.

The Elf continent is known for their magic control and they are known for their arrogance.

The Human continent is one of the powerful race in this world. The Human continent is divided into 9 countries and ruled by guilds and world Association. 

There is a status given to the every awakened for their power and blessings. the power rankings in this world are classified from G to SSS rank( While having sub ranks like low high and peak ).After SSS rank there are 3 ranks known as Legendary , Mythical, Divine. 

There are only few Legendary rankers in this world and Mythical rankers are rumored which no one has seen and the Divine ranking is a myth no one has seen in thousand years.

The guilds in human continent are divided into few types and names given to the guilds who have higher rankings.

1.Diamond guild: 1legendary, 2 sss rank , 3ssrank , 10 s rank, 100 A ranks

 2.platinum guild:1legendary rank and 1sssrank, 2ss rank,5 s rank, 50 A ranks


 3.Gold guild : 1srank,20Aranks,100b ranks,150 c ranks

 4.silver guild: 1 A ranks, 30 b ranks, 50 cranks, 100 D ranks

 5.bronze guild: 1 b ranks, 10 c ranks, 20 Drank, 100 E rank 


There are only 3 Diamond and 4 platinum guilds in the human continent


World association have 2 legendary and 3 sss ranks as their chairman and vice chairman who can go toe to toe with diamond guilds and platinum guilds. 2 SS ranks and lot of S ranks. they have monopoly all over the world.

' So this the same information I have with me. Good there are no big variables' thought Arjun and completed reading it. Arjun left the library and went to his room with his maid. when he was resting on his bed he thought of mythical rankers.

'The book didn't tell about the mythical rankers who are alive and clearing the starting of The forbidden continent entrance' 

while Arjun was resting in his room. Alfred took the magic device which is round in shape with mana crystal attached to it. Jacob gave it for emergencies to contact him. when device got connected. Alfred spoke in a respectful manner.

"What happened Alfred? why have you contacted me" questioned Jacob. seeing his lord impatient Alfred spoke quickly

" Greetings My Lord. Lady Iris told me to tell you to come home urgently" 

" what's the reason Alfred" asked Jacob in questioning tone

"I don't know my Lord. I think it is related to young lord" spoke Alfred 

After hearing the word young lord he didn't ask any question and told that he would be there by dawn

few hours after the call a man with sapphire eyes and brown hair entered Iris room without knocking on door. When Iris saw him she spoke 

" Jacob what took you so long" questioned Iris

" Dear you do know I am in the forbidden continent which is miles from here " said Jacob

" I would like to participate with you. Why don't you take me this time with you" spoke Iris in a playful tone.

" Even me a Legendary rank cannot guarantee my safety. So how can I take you" bragged Jacob to his wife

" How much time it would take to clear front area of the forbidden continent" asked Iris and stayed like she didn't hear his husband bragging

" I don't know may be 8 or 10 years depending upon the situation"

" Hmm I understand. But be safe" spoke Iris worriedly

" So why have you called me urgently?" questioned Jacob


Iris face became serious and told about the Arjun situation. When Jacob heard that his son barely escaped from death. He got mad and released some of his aura of legendary rank. Room temperature became high and he spoke

" Who dares to kill my son in my territory" said Jacob and ready to destroy everything.

Quickly Iris calmed him down by telling him everything is in control and told about Arjun Erasure affinity

Jacob hearing his son affinity a frown appeared on his face and asked his wife 

" Are you sure about it. It is a very sensitive matter don't joke about it" spoke Jacob and hoped her wife was joking. Alas his wife said same thing with an utmost serious face

" It is very tricky situation for him. I need to call that person because they are the only one's with complete information." said Jacob and took a magic device and called

" Why are you calling?" said a man with white hair and blue eyes.

" I need your help elder. I need to talk about erasure affinity" said Jacob in a polite tone

" What about it. I am busy I can't talk about it now" said elder to skip that topic.

" My son has got Erasure affinity this week after awakening. we need your help please come to Saunders mansion" spoke Jacob quickly before elder cut the call

There is a pin drop silence for a minute before elder speaking again

" I will be there shortly" spoke elder and cut the call

After the call disconnected there are bead of sweats formed on Jacob forehead

"What is it dear? why are you sweating" spoke Iris with a confused look.

" Nothing dear can we have dinner I am starving" spoke Jacob to cover his embarrassment although legendary rankers can live without food for years.

while Arjun was resting and thinking about future what to do he heard a knock on his door and his maid entered through it

" young master Lady Iris have summoned you for having dinner" spoke Amy with a respectful bow.

" okay Nanny I am coming" said Arjun and went with her to the dinner table

when he arrived there he saw the dinning table and thought about how big it was. As it was his first time he was seeing this. Even in his previous life he couldn't see this big one. 

After arriving there he saw a man with same eyes as him and brown hair and know who he was

' He must be Arjun father' thought Arjun and thought about his rank. Then his mind went blank after remembering his rank

'Holy shit. He is a fucking legendary rank' thought Arjun and acted innocently not to blow his cover and be busted

" Father how are you doing " asked Arjun happily after seeing his father.

" Arjun you have grown quite strong after your awakening. You can take care of our family now" said Jacob smilingly at him

"yes father even without blessings I will work hard and protect mother" spoke Arjun 

" Don't worry son. Even with out any blessings you will become strong" said Jacob to encourage him

Arjun nodded to him and ate the dinner with his mother and father laughing happily with him spent quite a time with them. The new feeling he experienced while spending time with his family today was so new to him. Actually he loved this feeling.

After Dinner Jacob apologized to him for his life threat that was attempted and promised nothing will happen like that again.