
The Fastest Man in Game of Thrones AU

A modern man reincarnated in an alternate universe of Game of Thrones / ASOIAF as the son of Lyanna Stark and Raeghar Targareyan. He also inherited superpowers from three worlds - Flash, Aquaman & One Piece. Is he a savior of Westeros or the destroyer of order? Let's see how many changes he had brought to this world. Spoiler: He will discover NEW WORLD CONTINENT, the unknown part of ASOIAF. Disclaimer: This is fanfic written for fun and enjoyment. I did not own any copyright to ASOIAF, GOT & the cover pics.

maturenovels · TV
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23 Chs

The Unexpected

After swimming around a little, I came back. But Ser Arthur had not out come out yet. I wished I could call on a mobile phone.

Hmm, I should try to introduce a easier means of communication.

Electronics? I didn't know where to start.

I had to depend on my powers.

Oh, the power of three eyed raven was good. If not because of its limitations, I'd rob Bran Stark's job.

But it inspired me. What if I connected all the trees in the entire westeros and from a network. It would be my WWW.

It won't be an easy task. But I could spy on everyone without arousing anyone's suspicions.

Good idea, I had to do this later. I put a mental reminder.

I came back with few fat fishes. I had to taste this pollution free mediterranean fishes.

My mother and others were amazed on seeing the large bluefin tunas.

She asked me how I manage to caught them. Well, I had to explain my aquaman powers a little.

I could feel different emotions from the knights and the maids - amazement, excitement, envy, fear, etc.

One tuna was enough for all of us to dine. The rest I wanted to experiment.

Oh, by the way, Ser Arthur had not come back yet but the sun was setting. It was worrying.

We started a small fire like the previous day and cooked the tuna. By cooking, I meant grilling.

I did not want any unwanted attention. I tried absorbing the smokes with my plants.

Wow, it worked. But I had to control it actively. Without my active control, the plants did not absorb it. Seriously, I needed to look for many exotic plant species.

Sad thing was that I could not create any fantasy plants out of thin air. It had to be something that I had seen or touched in reality. Of course, the past lives counted.

I created few vines and let them take root into the tunas. I was trying to absorb the nutrients like I absorb from the underground.

I was fucking genius. Yes, I could be the next Danshen or the Alchemist God.

I succeeded. I gathered the absorbed nutrients in my palm. One 15 kilo size tuna turned into table tennis ball size pill.

Should I set up a alchemist guild or something? That would be too troublesome. But I found a way to attract the nobles and the rich.

Life and health was the most attractive thing for them. And I could deliver them.

Ser Arthur and the his sister did not come out that night. Something unexpected might have happen.

Everyone was worried.

There was nothing to do at night. I planned to experiment on the horses.

They were delighted to see me. Injecting vitality was one way of bonding with animals. I guessed I did not have to even use the psychic power to bond them.

I had few ideas about breeding powerful and intelligent animals thanks to web novels I had read.

It was good news. I injected some vitality and rubbed their mane. They neighed happily and nudged on me.

The Bluefin Tuna was much tastier than I expected. If I could export such fishes to EARTH, I could easily become a billionaire too. Too bad, I did not have multiverse travel superpower.

Wait, I had. The power of super speedster. Something worth exploring. I added another mental note.

After our fish and fruit dinner, the ladies went into the tree house while the knights stayed guarding me.

Many random ideas continue popped into my head. I needed to experiment them.

What I was going experiment next was one of the revolutionary things. The night life of the poor people was almost nothing. The reason was the lack of lighting facilities.

The rich had fat oils for lamps or wax candles. But for the poor, they were still fighting the war of hunger.

If I could make the candles a common thing, it'd change landscape of medieval society.

Don't you think?

Having lighting facilities at night meant they had lots of leisure times at night, at least four to five hours.

This could be a very productive time for the poor, something they could learn, something they could do like weaving, carpentry, smithy, etc.

The experiment was nothing but generating few waxy trees that I could think of . Then, I extracted the waxy elements from them.


I had the wax. I had determine few highly waxy plants. Until I found better species in this world, I had to use them.

The bad news was that I could not control the elements I extracted from the plants. So, candle making had to be a manual job.

"Mother, come out and see this. I have something good for you."

Of course, I had to share my happiness with them. Devil Fruit was really good, thank to Oda. It's did not have to be logical. Imagination was only the limitation.

I showed them the irregular wax stick that I made and explained them how I extracted it. Yeah, they were excited especially the maids. But they did not know how revolutionary it was.

I had to show off a little. I explain how we could mass produce it and how much it would affect the life of poor people.

Mother was proud ; maids literally worshipped me ; and the knights were happy.

Mother hugged me and showered me with her motherly love.

Another unexpected thing happened. I could feel her hard nipples and wetness on my chest. Of course, she just gave birth yesterday, and her breast was full of milk. Without her newly born child sucking them out, it was spilling.

Many perverted and kinky thoughts invaded my mind.

'The Hormones!'

My body instantly reacted, my little brother suddenly turned hard.

She must have felt it too. She looked at me in surprise. I was ashamed and embarrassed. I could not looked into her eyes.

She hugged me tighter and let go. She went inside the treehouse with the maids.

Well, I needed a serious distraction.

Spoiler Alert: Multiverse traveling will be involved in the later volumes. Comment your fav anime/book/tv/movie for our MC to travel.

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