
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasia
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59 Chs

Chapter 30:

The next morning started with Vincent and Victoria eating a sumptuous meal the Dukes estate. The too soon left to go sightseeing again. this time they went to idyllic park. At the center of Hadrooga.

A small river ran through the center of the park. The birds chirped, and the trees brussled. it was like Vincent and Victoria were the only ones in the park. or at least it would be if wasn't for all the guards escorting the two. Vincent tried tk teach Victoria how to play hide and seek however the lack of participants led to the experience being a letdown for Vincent. He tried to get some of the guards to join in but they refused. Vincent's knew he couldn't get a random person to join them either thus he gave up for the time being. The two played near the shallow river instead and even made a mud castle.

As the two returner for Lunch the duke was shocked to see the Princess covered in mud and smiling from ear to ear.

While this adventure was to appease the Princess both the King and James had decided to also make this a useful learning experience. Thus this afternoon Vincent and Victoria headed out to a special store located in Hadroog.

The Duo found themselves in front of a large building with a tower sticking out of its roof. This was Maximilon's Store if Magic. one of the most renounce companies in Hadrooga and even the kingdom as a whole.

after Vincent got only one foot into the door a puff of smoke blasted out from In front of the boy. A young man wearing a pointy hat appeared out of the smoke. the man than bowed towards the Duo and the guards and said:

Young man: "I am Eric Ergozy. I have been awaiting your arrival and have been sent to both greet, guide, and aid you in any way necessary within this building that you may need aid in."

Victoria: "Your from the Ergozy Family?"

Eric: "That is correct your highness. I am a Square true blood member of the family."

Vincent: "You don't look square shaped."

Victoria: "The Ergozys use shapes to delineate themselves from how far or close they are from the main inheritors of their ancestors. square means that he is four generations away since his last main line ancestor."

Eric: "Her highness seems to be familiar with our family. "

Victoria: "I must know of every family of influence within the kingdom."

Eric smiled as Vincent and Victoria stated to walk around the store. The store wall filled ti the brim with all kinds of mysterious and magical objects. A box with metallic spider legs, Countless glowing orbs of all sports, A sword that was constantly shrinking and expanding back to its previous size. Vincent had never before seen so many strange items in one place. He and Victoria asked Eric Countless questions about the items in the store until they reached a certain special room. the walls in this room glowed in a Green hue with a Bunch of Metallic objects as well as fine Jewelry left on top of a stocky table.

Victoria: "This must be the room dad told me about!"

Vincent: "So you were supposed to buy something here?"

Victoria: "Yes. dad sent us here to buy me a defensive artifact to protect me."

Vincent: "Do i get one?"

Victoria: "I don't know. Your dad set your budget, you should know better than me."

Vincent: "I guess this falls under the other category dad told me about the budget."

Vincent shrugged as he walked into the room after Victoria. At first Vincent was exited but after looking at what was laid on the table his smile upon became a frown.

Vincent: "Is that a Necklace‽"

Victoria: "Yes, Isn't it cuuuuuute!"

Vincent: "Oh nooo... I was hoping it be good. these are all Earnings and Necklaces."

Eric: "Hey don't insult the products! you may hurt their feeling's. Look at that ring over there its shaking with rage."

Victoria: "It looks so angry but i wanna pet it."

Vincent turned his eyes to see a small ring with a fox head carved out of some sort of white gem. The ring visibly shaked as if it had been enraged. the tiny white fox head was facing Vincent even though its eyes were closed Vincent could easily tell it was aiming itself at him.

Vincent: "Is everything in the room sentient?"

Eric: "That is not the case but i should warn you that a around a tenth of the items here are."

Victoria went straight up to the ring and held it in her hand. A smile blossomed on her face as she said: "I want this one"

Eric: "Good choice this ring is made of enchanted silver and the head is made of Marble while inside of the head has hidden autonomous magic core made mostly of Cyronic Stone."

Victoria: "Magic core?"

Vincent: "What is that?"

Eric: "The Autonomous magic core is the most important part of the ring. It both powers the ring and is also the mechanism that allows the stored magic energy to be used in a vast set of ways. The core generated a small amount of energy over time and dose not require the owner to do anything to generate power. As for the Cyronic Stone... It is a stone so rare few ever lay their eyes upon it. These stones have a wide set of uses and are in this case it plays a key part in your ring. without it the rings core wouldn't operate nor would your ring be sentient."

Victoria: "wow"

Eric: "Heres a manual just read it for any other questions you may have."

Victoria soon sat in the room and began to reed while Vincent looked at the remaining jewels. he was unsurprisingly unimpressed as he found nothing of interest. After Victoria finished the manual she leaped up and ran up to the table again. She than picked up a Necklace with a strange crystal that would occasionally change colours. It was usually either grey or green but would sometimes change to other colours such as red. Victoria asked Eric about the necklace and was told it disturbs most form of magic in a close proximity to it as long as its active. After that Victoria asked for the manual. Once she finished she bought the two Items.

Vincent was sure that this would be it but Victoria has other plans. She stood in front of Vincent slightly blushing as she asked: "Do you think i would look pretty with it?"

Vincent didn't think deeply about it and just casually nodded his head. Victoria let out a little quiver as her cheeks flushed in a even deeper shade of read. She soon followed up with.

Victoria: "If you think so please put it on me."

Vincent looked into Victoria's expectant the eyes. He gave out a slight sigh as he slowly moved forwards he gently placed the necklace around her neck as the princess leaned towards him. once he was don she leaned back again smiling like he never seen her smile before.

before the two could leave once and for all. Vincent gave a quick look around some of the other items found around the store. After caught his attention but it seemed like nothing was both within his price range and of sufficient interest for Vincent until he found it.

It looked like a normal letter glove but that was far from the truth. This was a what Elisabeth used to call a mages glove. theses gloves can boost the magic capabilities of the wielder. While how good each glove was and the mechanics of how it worked varied from glove to glove the base concept was generally the same. Vincent bought the glove and took the manual with him as he left.