
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasia
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59 Chs

Chapter 27: (Re Uploaded)

Vincent And Victoria would go to Hadrooga in about two weeks time. But for the time being Vincent trained like normal. He'd get beaten up by the wooden sword, Read piles and piles of magic books in his free time, and when he want reading he was swinging the sword. Not to forget spending time with the Princess.

Alex and Elisabeth where harsh teachers but their methods were effective on Vincent. As day by day he would improve even if it was hard to see the improvements when compared to the day before. With a lifestyle like that it would be no surprise if Vincent wouldn't have a impression of most people he encountered. Yet there was one man he had a surprisingly strong impression off.

His nickname was The Madman, as he would rant on about all kids of outrageous subjects to any willing to listen to the old man. As far as Vincent was aware no one knew why he was even sent to work in the castle especially since he was a new addition, he only appeared in the castle after the banquet. The first time Vincent met the madman he told Vincent that in less than ten years he will see the sky on filled with fire.

This time as Vincent returned from his training with Alex he saw the Madman. The old man walked towards Vincent with his long white beard almost reaching the floor. his dark brown eyes locked onto Vincent's face.

The Madman: "Young one you are blind to the world, trouble bassets the land and none can see."

Vincent: "And what do you want me to do about it?"

The Madman: "You? You need nothing, Just to see, or to find yourself an eye than can."

Vincent: "I have two eyes and they can see quite well"

The madman: "Not well enough young man... not well enough at all, lets hope you learn to see."

with the the old man walked away and Vincent continued to Victoria's room. There the girl was sitting around her table with Mr Wabbit sitting on her thighs. She was holding the pushy toy while pretending to feed it a toy carrot.

Vincent: "Whats This is there a tea Party without me?"

Victoria's face bloomed into a smile as she saw that Vincent had arrived.

Victoria: "Look Mr Wabbit Vincy has arrived"

Vincent: "If you call me that ill call you Kitty"

Victoria : "If you call me Kitty I'll from now on only ever refer to you as Weasel or Vincy"

Vincent: "So you'll be the kitty princess forever?"

After a not too long tit for tat argument and a short tea party the two went to the royal garden.

Vincent: "You know my magic has improved"

Victoria: "How?"

Vincent "I have gained the ability to use the spell i invented, Water Hook in order to pull in enough water to the palm of my hand to throw it at someone, and Ive managed to increase my control over the water so it maintains its shape while also flying further, Elizabeth even said i have essentially created a second spell."

Victoria's eyes glowed with curiosity as she asked: "CAN I SEE?"

Vincent: "But of cores my lady"

Victoria: "Don't call me that... Its embarrassing"

Vincent stood about 10 steps away from a tree as he raised his hand, it took him slightly over three seconds to condense the the ball of water on the palm of his hand, it was perfectly round like a bubble as he threw it at the tree like a toy ball and it made a loud popping sound when it hit the tree. the water flew out in all directions as the ball became nothing other than the most normal of water.

Victoria: "WOW!"

Vincent: "I call this spell Water Orb! its heavily based on my previous spell Water Hook but its still a new original spell made by non other than me."

Vincent Puffed his chest out with pride, as Victoria requested him to do it again.