
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 28: (Vol 2) (Re Uploaded)

Sten was a young man living in the city of Hadrooga, he was raised since young to be a trained butler for the elites of the kingdom of Frent. He was on his final year in the boarding school and Today he was in charge of buying supplies. this was a form of training as once he would graduate he would buy supplies for whichever noble he served.

Most Butlers were the third or fourth sons of lesser nobles with a few exceptions. Their job was difficult however the pay was equally high.

As Sten walked towards the cities shopping district he saw a large golden carriage pulled my multiple white horses. The as a butler and as a person living in Frent he could immediately recognize the royal crest on the side of the carriage. It eventually stopped and many guards surrounded the caridges exit with two pairs of fairly small legs popping out of the carriage. a Boy and a girl both around the age of 10 left the carriage.