
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter 19

Vincent Swung his sword as Alex who effortlessly parried the attack. Alex struck back at Vincent with a precise strike to the chest, Vincent tried to block the attack only to discover that he got tricked as the sword slashed how shoulder instead. Such a strike could decide victory or defeat, fortunately it was not a real sword but instead one of the blunt wooden swords used in training.

Alex: "I think its enough for today, i will be taking my leave, and dont disappoint me tomorrow."

Vincent: "whats happening tomorrow?"

Alex: "I think its best your father tells you."

With that Alex left the training room. Vincent soon left too. He he headed to Victoria's room and met Victor when on the way. Vincent and the Prince were both heading to Victoria's room this they chatted on the way.

Vincent: "Victor how has your day been?"

Victor: "Quite fine, to be honest i even had a bit of fun. managed to create my second spell."

Vincent:"Wait Victor you can use magic?"

Victor: "Ofcorse i can, most of the royal family is gifted with high magic potential and i am no exception."

Vincent: "What type of magic user are you?"

Victor: "I am a magic swordsman."

Vincent: "No way really‽"

Victor: "Yep! Ive been training with my sword since i was five, and I've started learning magic since i turned nine."

Vincent: "You are nine."

Victor: "So? By the way what type of magic do you use?"

Vincent: "I'm a Aquamancer."

Victor: "I thought you use a sword?"

Vincent: "I do."

The two soon reached In front of Victoria's room where a maid stopped them.

Maid: "I'm sorry your highness but her highness is currently changing."

Victor: "Why is she changing now of all times?"

Maid: "Her highness said she wanted to try out her dress for tomorrow."

Victor: "I see, then if so i shall await her to finish."

Vincent: "Do you think it'll take long?"

Victor: "I haven't the foggiest."

Vincent: "..."

Victor: "..."

Vincent: "I was wondering would you fancy having a practice duel with me sometime?"

Victor: "Now that sounds like fun."

The door opened and two maids exited the room, soon Victoria too exited the room. She wore a tight yet full dress that consisted of a red long tunic with golden laces, Green emeralds were sewn into her dress as well as the royal crest of the Golden Eagle right under her neck. She also wore a stylish yet almost transparent veil which was considered the standard clothing of a Princess. She also wore a pair of crimson gloves. As she exited the room she immediately froze in surprise as she did not expect to see both her brother and her best friend waiting for her. She began to blush from embarrassment and soon covered her face as she ran back into the room. Unfortunately for her the two boys didn't mind and simply let themselves into her room. The following tea party of the three V's was far more awkward than usual, however over time the conversation started to warm up as things slowly returned to usual with the exception of Victoria's attire.

Vincent: "its strange, everyone's talking about tomorrow this tomorrow that but j have no idea whats going on."

Victoria: "Don't you know? We will be having guests here tomorrow."

Vincent: "Guests, who?"

Victor: "I guess you really don't know, the royals of the Kingdom of Gessia Are coming for a visit tomorrow."

Vincent: "Gessia are one of the kingdoms neighboring us in the south right?"

Victor: "Yes, that's them. You might not know this but mum is actually from Gessia as she was their second Princess."

Vincent: "Was?"

Victor: "Well now she's the Queen of Frent."

Victoria: "Yea so mum's family are coming over to discuss our mutual plans, as our two kingdoms have been allies for a few generations by now. "

Victor: "It'll mostly be about trade and other such boring political jargon. Although some military plans may also be brought up in the meeting."

Victoria: "I heard that cousin Percy would be coming."

Victor: "Oh not him again!"

Vincent: "Whos Percy?"

Victor: "Hes the first-born son of the new king of Gessia"

Victoria: "What new king! He's already been a king for five years by now."

Victor: "Percy is likely to become the next king of Gessia."

Vincent: "So whats the problem with him?

Victoria: "There's none hes actually really nice."

Victor: "He's nice to you because he knows he may end up marrying you one day to secure our alliance for the next generation. The kid is a battle junky who likes to fight any boy around his age in his surrounding."

Victoria: "How come your calling him a kid if he's 13! Hes already a teenager and hes four years older than you."

Vincent: "Will he just randomly attack me?"

Victoria: "No he would never!"

Victor: "That's less of his style, he'll offer you a duel but he didn't take no for a answer and sill make a scene if you refuse him.

Vincent: "Anything else i should note?"

Victor: "Many important people will be coming to the opening feast, not only you and your father but also many powerful nobles and many of both nations generals and advisors will attend. Dad already told me to tell you and Victoria to try and not make a scene."

Victoria: "Dad said what‽"

Victor: "Do you really want me to repeat it?"

Victoria: "NO!"

Vincent: "Did i ever make a scene in the castle?"

Victor just rolled his eyes as the tea party came to a end.