
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter 17

Vincent was sitting sitting home with his eyes closed. He was practicing magic by trying to sense the water around him. It took him a few days to reach the same level as he did on his first time sensing water in his lesson with Elizabeth. This new sense that he managed to unlock was completely different from any other sense he had before, whether it was touch or taste or sight It was different. This strange type of sensation was truly unique. In many ways it was closest to a mix of sight and touch but it was neither. As Vincent Felt the water around him a idea popes into his head. If one can breath to force air to enter ones body could he somehow do something similar and bring the water around him into his body?

Vincent started by trying to breathe in but while it technically worked there was nothing magical about it. All that happened is that air entered his lungs and dragged along a small amount of vapor with it. He next tried waving his hands but to no avail. He tried poking spots in the air that contained larger amounts of vapor but that to failed. He crossed his legs and started to think. His mind spun with ideas but he had a gut feeling each of them would fail. During this time he started to try harder and harder to sense the water around him, the vapor would clump around in small clusters in the air, these clusters were essentially connected together by a bunch of chains of vapor.

Vincent: "What if i tugged on the chains?"

His gut didn't instantly reject the idea giving him confidence. It wasn't easy as he didn't know how to grab onto the chains the begin with, it took a few attempts but eventually he managed to turn his hand into a hook of sorts, once he grabbed the chains with his fingers he could rap them around each of his fingers and slowly tug them towards his palm. It was a slow process and it took him about half an hour until he grabbed enough water to fill half of a small cup but it was a start. Vincent opened his eyes to see the water almost floating as it was seemingly glued to his right hand. It took a lot of concentration to maintain it but he somehow managed to. Vincent grew more and more excited seeing his success but he was to scared to lose control over the water. Thus he remained awfully still. His worries were not unfounded as he soon almost lost control of the water and needed to close his eyes and remain completely still to regain control. After another hour of fighting himself for control he managed to stabilize the water. He did it! He was sure of it. He did magic! This was different to what he had done until now, this wasn't the same as reading a book or sensing the water. This was far better! His excitement rose to new heights until he just had to share it with someone! Unfortunately his father was at work in the castle, Victoria too was in the Castle. Vincent had no idea were Elizabeth lived so showing her his achievement was impossible thus he ran downstairs in the family mansion, he dashed past a few maidservants and threw the corridors until he stopped In front of a large room where he shouted: "Mum! Come quickly!"

Soon the door to the room opened and a woman came out. That woman was Valerie, (Vincent's mother).

Vincent : "Mum look at my hand."

For a moment Valerie looked worried as she looked at Vincent's left hand but it seemed to be alright, she looked at his right but he didn't seem injured, it just a bit wet. She grew confused on what was going on this she asked. "What happened Vincent?"

Vincent: "I did magic! Don't you see it?

Valerie grew even more confused as Vincent tried to explain. Eventually she noticed that the water on Vincent's right hand didn't seem to dry and in fact was seemingly stuck to his hand as if it were a solid object that got glued to him. She soon praised Vincent which had the unfortunate effect of exciting him so much that he lost control of the water that about half a cup of water splashed down onto the rooms fine carpet.