
Chapter 44

Sven wasn't able to sleep so well and only managed to get a few hours. He woke around noon and went out to get some food for the girls. When walking to the food storage he started pondering over who to invite tonight. He started with everyone from the mission for sure in order to apologize properly. The peaceful days wouldn't last long in this village so best to make the most of it. After gathering some fruits, and vegetables from the nymph working in the storage he returned home. When he walked in he saw the two already getting dressed for the day.

"I need you two to help me with something today," Sven asked.

"After I get a new dress I can do whatever," Astrid said as she put on some of Helga's spare clothes.

"I'm free all day. Just tell me what you need." Helga added as she strapped her armor on for the day.

"Can you talk to everyone from yesterday about hanging out tonight? Feel free to invite anyone else to join. I'm sure you two have made a few friends when I was knocked out last time. I have something special in the woods to show you all. I'll go talk to chief Mikom about a few things, and then head out to gather some fresh meat for tonight. Then we can meet back up here before we leave." Sven said as he placed the food on the table

"If we're having a party in the woods then ill definitely find us something nice to drink. Shouldn't be too hard to sneak something from the tavern." Astrid said as she sat at the table with Sven.

"You know better than that," Sven said as he handed her some coin to exchange.

"You sure he will trade for gold? They don't seem to use money much around here." Helga asked as she walked towards the others.

"When I visited the tavern I noticed the owner was a Dane. I'm willing to bet he takes the coin. Mika did mention them trying to develop a market here after all." Sven replied as he scooted over for Helga to sit next to him.

"You should probably get a new shirt by the way. I know a lot of the men around here do the whole shirtless thing, but you already draw a little too much attention." Helga suggested as she ate.

"Someone getting a little possessive again?" Astrid teased.

As everyone ate they talked happily amongst each other. After saying goodbye to everyone he went off to visit Mikom. Helga went searching for Mika and then intended to find her siren friend. Astrid went looking for Nova to see if anyone here could sell her a new dress, or mend her old one. While Sven walked towards Mikom's hut he came across Nadia. When she saw him a smile went across her face as she walked over to greet him.

"Kimi has been telling me so much about the two of you. I've been starting to get jealous." Nadia said as she walked up to hug him.

"Nice seeing you again. You don't feel as cold today. Hope that's not rude to say." Sven said after hugging her.

"I'm the same as any other day. You're just getting used to me that's all. Just your body saying it wants me." Nadia teased.

"Are you free tonight, and can you handle warm liquids?" Sven asked.

"Here I thought it would be tougher to talk you into a child." She replied as she came up to kiss him.

"Okay, that's my bad on the phrasing. It was an invitation to join us tonight. I found something unique in the forest, and it was rather relaxing. Just don't know if you could handle warm water. I know your physique is very special." Sven said after she kissed him.

"Normally I avoid things like that. Am I correct in assuming we will be getting in the water together nude?" Nadia asked.

"How else would one get in to wash?" Sven replied puzzled at the question.

"Then I'm definitely in. I'm sure Kimi could adjust my bracelet for it. Where are we meeting exactly?" Nadia asked as she glanced around for Kimi.

"We will meet at my place around dusk," Sven said as he waved goodbye.

While Sven walked by Mikom's hut he noticed a few warriors on the way out. Right behind them was chief Mikom. When he saw Sven he immediately called him over as he went back inside. As Sven walked in he quickly noticed the inside of the hut was much larger than it appeared. What kind of magic was able to do this he wondered.

"They told me about what happened. When you speak with the dragon before was he ever aggressive like this? The Nemean dragon wasn't known to be a mindless killer like some of the others. Just doesn't seem to match." Mikom asked as he offered Sven a place to sit.

"He never talked much to be honest. The first time we spoke he did warn me about trusting humans though." Sven replied.

"He must hold resentment after the humans killed him. The way they described he was attacking everyone. Maybe he was angry at Zeus as well. Visions of that era are always difficult to channel for long. So my information on him is lacking. I'll have the chamber ready for you, and Kimi tomorrow. We have maybe three days till the rest of Omega gets close. Should be enough time for you to get some answers, and refine your power some more. Do you have any questions? Wish I could talk longer, but I still have a few things to prepare for tomorrow." Mikom asked as he began grinding some herbs.

"Is it possible for Helga and Astrid to join us in the chamber? Also, can you make sure Mika and the others are free tonight from the usual duties? I wanna apologize properly for what happened. I could also use a hand-drawn wagon to haul some supplies back. " Sven requested.

"If you truly believe they are capable enough I see no problem. I trust your judgment. I'll send word for others to cover their guard route for tonight. Show this to the people working the storage, and they will get you one. I'll send for you tomorrow when everything is ready." Mikom said as he handed Sven a piece of wood with his insignia on it as he continued his work.

Sven walked out of the hut and went to the storage. While he was there he found some leather armor that fit him quite well and took it along with the wagon. His next goal was to attain enough meat for a group tonight. He took the wagon deep into the forest close to the wolf den. As he passed by it the male saw him and followed. After some time traveling he left the wagon when the wolf caught a scent. They trailed it to an area where two massive moose prepared to clash. When the wolf saw them he seemed concerned about approaching for he was alone after all. Sven drew his claws as he prepared to charge in. He wanted to give as little pain as possible so he immediately beheaded the first one. The other saw this and was turning to run. It was then the wolf came out growling freezing it in place. It readied to charge at the wolf, but Sven stopped it just in time.

The wolf looked at Sven in amazement. It would never be able to take a bull down on its own. The wolf waited patiently as Sven skinned, and collected the kill. It acknowledged him as the alpha and didn't dare eat first. When he noticed how behaved it was acting he tossed it a large chunk of meat as it immediately dug in. Sven gathered all the usable material he could and took one of the carcasses close to the den so the mother could feed. After Sven bid them farewell he went back into town. On his way back in Alexias saw him, and approached.