
Chapter 45

"I heard from Akando you have something planned for us tonight. Mind if I talk to you about something?" Alexias asked as he followed behind Sven.

"Of course ask away," Sven replied.

"No easy way to say this so I'll be blunt. I have problems getting with women. Seeing how you have two. Any tips you can give me?" Alexias asked in a quiet tone.

"From what I heard in the arena you have quite the fan club. So what's the problem?" Sven replied.

"That may be true, but I've never actually been with any of them. When they approach I think too much and get really nervous around them. I do everything fast including overthinking. Then I start talking too fast, and my words don't come out the right way. It gets a little awkward after that so I usually end up rushing off. So help me out." Alexias said while putting his arm around Sven in a friendly manner.

"Not sure how to help you with that. I was always a little dense with women myself. Still am I think. All I can say is just try to relax a little and talk to them how you would anyone else. Just be honest, and sincere." Sven said hoping that would be the end of the discussion.

"That doesn't help me much, but thanks for trying. I thought you had it all figured out. Guess some are just blessed with good luck. You're not holding out on me to gain them all to yourself right?" Alexias joked while smacking him on the shoulder.

"There's something I need to say. I'm sorry about your shoulder," Sven apologized with a strong expression of guilt on his face.

"You weren't the one who hurt me. We have healers here anyway so I'm fine now. I gotta go grab a few things. I'll meet you back at your place." Alexias said as he ran off.

When Sven made it to the storage everyone seemed excited that he brought back so much. It's been a while since anyone brought back moose meat. He took enough for everyone to eat tonight with a little extra in case a lot of people showed up. The rest he gave to the village to be passed around to the elders, and children. For thanks, they offered to make something from the hides for him. After leaving he went looking for Kimi. Wanting her advice on how to best cook the meat. When he went by Kimi's place he noticed Nadia walking out with her. Kimi immediately ran up to greet him with a hug.

"Thank you for this morning. Did they tell you about tonight?" Sven asked after hugging her briefly.

"Nadia told me already. I reinforced some of the glyphs on her artifact. Now we can all get in together." Kimi said while crossing her arms as she blushed.

"I was gonna get together some supplies to cook with this. Any suggestions?" Sven said as he showed Kimi his bounty from the day.

"Leave the meat here, and I'll have everything ready to go in about an hour," Kimi said as she took off quickly.

"She gets so excited about cooking for you. I got the go-ahead from Kimi for us to spend some alone time by the way." Nadia stated as she approached him.

"Your very attractive, but Helga has the final say on that," Sven said as he walked home to look for the others.

"Are you not a man who makes his own choices?" Nadia teased following behind him.

"She is the woman I respect the most, and the one dearest to me. Her opinion matters to me the most. If she didn't enjoy the company of other women in our bed we wouldn't be having this conversation. So you will have to speak to her." Sven replied immediately.

"She is a very lucky woman to have you. I'm sure I can convince her though. You already share your bed with two so what harm is a few more. Your redhead friend seemed to like me quite a bit." Nadia said as she walked side by side with him.

When Sven got home he saw Helga and Astrid waiting for him. He immediately walked up kissing Helga while Astrid approached Nadia. They managed to invite everyone and even gave them something to locate us with. Since some of them would be a little late. After talking for a while Kimi returned with a few helpers to take things into the woods. Alexias and Mika showed up as they all headed off to the forest. They walked for about twenty minutes they came across the spot Sven created. Kimi waved her hand giving them a few places to sit and prepare the food. Then went over to the water to examine it. With another wave, she created places to sit when they were ready to get in. The others began to arrive after everything was set up. Along with Akando was Nova, and she immediately went up to Astrid. As well as a new woman Sven never met. It was the siren Helga met on the first day in Sanctuary. Helga walked over to introduce them.

"This is Torvi, she helped me practice a few things when we first came here," Helga said while holding on to Sven.

"So you're the man I hear so much about. All of your fights were entertaining to watch. Not many people can show Nova up like that." Torvi greeted him with a smile.

"It's nice to meet a friend of Helga's. There's plenty of food, and wine so enjoy." Sven said as he walked over to Nova.

When he walked up Astrid clung to him immediately. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that showed her alluring figure well under the moonlight.

"Do you like my new dress?" She asked while kissing his cheek.

"It looks great on you. Don't think it's possible for you to look bad though. I'm sorry about before. I don't remember much, but I hope there were no injuries." Sven said as he offered Nova a drink in peace.

"I did push it a little too far so it's fine. Just don't go hurting Astrid, and we won't have a problem." Nova replied as she slammed the drink.

"Look at you two getting along. Maybe we can have some fun later." Astrid teased.

Nova's face went red as she looked away. She had no desire to lay with Sven but would consider it to be with Astrid. Sven couldn't take the awkward atmosphere as he walked over to the water. He took off his armor as he jumped in. Astrid went right in behind him, as Nova followed. Nova wanted to find a reason to complain about tonight. After feeling the relaxing water she knew it would be impossible. So she decided to play nice for tonight.

"This water does feel good. Just remember to keep your eyes to yourself." Nova warned Sven as she moved next to Astrid.

"Is no one else coming, cause that's no fun," Astrid called out to the others.

Alexias sped out of his clothes and jumped in quickly. Next was Mika wanting to finally relax which was rare for her. She was always on guard duty after all. Everyone admired the beauty of Mika's figured under the moonlight. She truly was a goddess gifted with both beauty and strength. The only ones left out were Kimi, Akando, and Nadia. Nadia didn't wanna leave Kimi alone and was concerned about the water. Helga and Astrid were right next to Sven. Alexias was talking with Torvi, and Mika sat alone.

"Why won't they get in?" Mika asked.

"I think they're a little shy, but I got this," Astrid declared

After she got done whispering she kissed Sven before getting out. Walking over to get some wine for the shy ones. After convincing them to have a few drinks she started with Kimi. Knowing she was a shy girl so wanting to give her some incentive. After she had another drink Astrid whispered into her ear.

"You know Sven kept asking about you today. He's over there waiting right now for you to come in. I know you're probably shy about your body, but he's eager to see it. You can sit right next to him, and you never know what might happen."

When Kimi heard this her face went red and slowly undressed. Sven was watching her, and he quickly noticed how busty Kimi was. It was hard to tell cause she kept herself wrapped up tightly like Mika. Sven's face went a little red as he averted his eyes not wanting to embarrass her. When she saw the look on his face she smiled. Walking over to the water while covering herself. When she got in she immediately sat next to Sven. Helga saw the look on her face and smiled. For the first time, she realized how Astrid felt. Wanting to see the lewd faces of such an innocent person.

"How did you find this place? Usually, spots like these are close to volcanoes or mountains." Kimi asked.

"After we talked this morning I tried finding a place to clean up, and when I couldn't find one I made one," Sven replied.

Everyone looked over in amazement. Water like this could only come from deep in the earth. Sven never manipulated water before, but could already do something like this with ease. His potential was truly limitless. Everyone talked amongst each other and occasionally got out to get more wine. Helga got out to find a spot to cultivate as Nadia approached.