
Chapter 2

Damned hero,how could he get so powerful in such a short amount of time, and also where the hell am I?I know i set the teleportation spell at random, but still i hoped i'd be closer to a city and not in the middle of some forest! On top of having no idea where i am, i have practically no mana left and the injury from the hero makes me not be to even stand straight.And should i let whoever is watching me know that i can see them?Probably yes.

-I know you're there,come out before i burn this place to the ground!


-I'm serious,I'll really do it!

-No,you won't!

-Fine,if that's how you want to play it than....

-Wait,wait i'l come.

At that moment,my jaw dropped,from behind a tree emerged a gorgeous girl.Her hair was of a golden color and it nearly reached her ankle,her eyes were bright green,the color being similar to that of pure jade crystals,and her piercing gaze could light up flames in the hearth of any man,if only she wasn't tiny,like really really tiny,like 15 cm tiny....and that's tiny,like really tiny....tiny.

-Wait,what are you?

-What,never seen a fairy before?

-No,i thought you were supposed to have gone extinct 100 years ago.

-Common misconception,by the way, i suppose we should introduce ourselves.I'm Ignea, and as i said before I'm a fairy.Nice to meet you!

-I'm Draco,a demon.Nice to meet you too.Now do yo...


-Yes,and if you'd be as kind as not to interrupt me,where are we?

-In....in....in the forest of death....please don't kill me,almighty demon king!

Oh great,not only do i have practically 0 mana ,now i'm also stuck in the forest of death,and to top that off,my name is enough to terrify a being from a legendary race....wonder what kind of rumors would the hero spread about this...

-Calm down,I don't know what you heard about me but for a demon king I'm pretty harmless, especially now that I don't have any mana and I'm injured.

-Now that you mention it...what happened to you?

-You know,usual demon king stuff,fought with the hero,held back,hero used cheat power,that kind of thing.

-I see...Are you ok?


(Should I tell him that he still has a dagger in his back,or will he figure it on his own?)[Ignea]

-So,do you know how to get out of here?

-You see....trough a series of circumstances,I'm also kind of lost too.



If she's also lost,than i guess we should travel together until we exit the forest, perhaps we should go up that mountain,wyverns should be living there,if i manage to tame one we will be able to escape the forest pretty easy.

-Wanna come with me?

-Are you sure about it?I'm not good when it comes to fighting.

-Doesn't matter,it's better than nothing,and i should also recover my mana pretty soon,I'm heading to that mountain to tame a wyvern.

-What do you mean tame a wyvern, you do realise that it's a S-class Monster of the Dragon Race,right!?

-Yeah,and i'm the demon king.

-Good point,i'm coming with you,demon king!

-My friends call me Johnny, you can call me that as well.


-It was a joke.


{And as such the demon king has gained a new comrade: Ignea the fairy!

Where will their adventure lead them,only fate knows...}

Hey,the author here!

To clarify the the monster/adventurer rankings:

from weakest to strongest:


E-Normal Human




A-Ignea is about here,she'll get stronger in the future

S-The wyvern and other dragons.

SS-the top 50 strongest people in the world

X-Special Cases such as Draco,the hero and a few others

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Kojou5creators' thoughts