

The mountains are huge and vast, they are spread around 245,000 Miles or even more and are thus considered the Third biggest mountain ranges in the continent, they are extremely dangerous and most mysterious mountain in the whole Southern-part, the mountain where Aarav usually trains are the one touching the frost territory and thus are thousands of times safer as they are only the most outer-portion of the Ranges and are usually taken care by the frost family themselves.

Aarav discovered the shortcut when he was 12 years old, that was also the time he shifted to his new house to live and train separately cause the family stopped providing the resources for cultivation, he always takes that same route to reach the frost territory which had a secret tunnel that leads to his backyard.

Frost territory covers around 1,400 miles and is one of the 9 most influential families of the Berifall town which has a total of 9,250 miles of area, Frost's Central manor is located at the center of their territory.

Aarav live at the western Manor's, Corner house, he has a front yard and a backyard, there was only two pomegranate tree there for decoration and a neat Sitting bench and table made of a high-Grade marble, that's the only luxury item he owns.

Though not much of a big house they had but it was more than enough for two people to live.

There is only a single maid in the whole house, she has always been with Aarav and accompanies him where ever he goes, her eyes are kind, frank, more grey than blue, she wears the same kind of clothing every day, though they are always very neat and tidy, she has long and shiny black hairs and a little mole near her right eye, "Rosaria" was her name, she had a very sweet and soft voice as usual.

"Young master! where have you been? I have been waiting for so long now, and wha-wait what is this blood on you?" she screams, "are you injured? W-what happened? Show me fast" she had teary eyes, it looked like she would cry any moment.

Aarav in low voice "keep it down, Blockhead, it's nothing I just fought a little beast on the mountains and that's his blood, not mine, dumbo!" he didn't want Rosaria to worry.


"ha-ha, why would I lie to you?" avoiding looking at her eyes

"Al-alright, you look fine, so I will let this one go, but you are not allowed to do that again, ok! I will get your bath ready go and wash up; the smell is very bad!" she said while wiping her tears.

"ha-ha, ye-yeah, I won't do that again, and thanks a lot!" Aarav replied with a big fat smile.

"by the way, happy 14th birthday Young master!"

"yep! Thanks a lot, Rose"

Rosaria can be considered the only family he had as no one else carried about him as much as her,

"I will protect that smile" he whispered

Rosaria was a girl he once picked from the market, she was 8 years old at that time and while he himself was only 7; according to what rose said at that time their caveran had a tragic accident where her parents were killed by Bandits and she was the sole survivor, Aarav found her in the western market in rags and had an injured foot, she had a thin figure and haven't eaten for days, Aarav took her and treated her using his own expenses, from that day she has always been following Aarav.

"young master, the bath is ready, go wash up fast-fast"

"yep, coming! also rose, I won't be eating and I will be sleeping after this, so go rest as well!"

"Alright, Good Night!"

While bathing in the wooden tub Aarav notices the changes he has gone through, the muscles are more buffed than usual, the skin is clear, he has no injury marks anywhere on his body, and there is something else he noticed.

"wha-what" he screams

"why can I feel the prana inside my body? Are my meridians restored? Ca-can I start cultivating as well Now?"

"I-I can cultivate now" he looks towards his fist with glittering eyes.

Aarav was on his bed, beside him he had a table with a little oil lamp, his room was not very fancy actually was even simple than normal, he had like 2 boxes which he used to store his clothes and belongings, and there was only a single painting which was hung on the front wall.

The painting was named "The birth of the crane" and was drawn by Aarav's mother when he was born and was also the last memento he had from her mother.

The painting was made with very keen precision, sharp and clean strokes of brush which made it look as if the painting was alive, with just the first look anyone can tell that it was the masterpiece among masterpieces as such preciseness was rare even among the top-grade scholars.

Aarav sat on the bed while looking at the painting, he then took a very well-mannered meditation posture, closed his eyes, and started trying to feel the Prana in the surroundings, and then again he was pulled inside his consciousness in front of that Giant book.

"hm-mm, I got here somehow again, but what should I do? Well, I am starting the cultivation again so I should recall the basics I guess!"

Cultivation is a method that is used to strengthen the body by absorbing the prana in the surroundings, these methods also can help generate the prana inside the body, thought the generation of prana is considerably slow, the talent and body constitution also plays a vital role in cultivation, well it's all luck though as they are born with it, but it is said that one can upgrade their constitution using a different kind of Pills made by High-grade alchemist, but it's all just a myth, also Pills are way-way rarer and considered priceless treasures, a normal or good talent can rise up to reach prana spirit realm 6th or 7th stage, if lucky 8th or 9th stage in their lifetime, but they still require resources, well that is one of the reasons why everyone wants to join rich and influential families.

Cultivation is divided into 6 Great-Realms: Prana spirit realm (spirit realm), Prana void realm (void realm), Origin element realm (origin realm), sky ascension realm (sky realm), Divine profound realm (Divine profound), Divine primal sea (Divine primal), the most powerful man in Berifall Town is "Origin realm 5th stage" which is my so-called father and the patriarch of our Frost family.

To start with cultivation, one needs a proper Prana cultivation method

"I wish I had one".

he said while sighing, as soon as he thought of acquiring a cultivation method, a Golden-light from book rushed towards Aarav and went inside his forehead, and completely new knowledge was wreaking havoc inside his head.

"wha--what the hell is this? Is it a cultivation technique? Did this come from the book? Well, the name says The Eternal Law the same as the book so there's no doubt" Aarav was surprised.

"Hey you book fat book; do you understand me?" he shouted

There was no reply at all.

"well, I do understand the content, looks like my comprehension has gone up as well, let just follow and see what happens!"

As soon as he started concentrating, the prana that he received from the book before was still lingering inside Aarav's body, as it was not fully absorbed before, the Golden-prana then started circling around him in a spiral way and was thus entering inside his body.

It hasn't been even 30 minutes properly and Aarav was able to absorb every last bit of prana, and not just that he even broke through two-minor stages and was now on "Sprit Realm 3rd stage".

"Now this is what I call life, I am already at 3rd stage, at this speed reaching the void realm would be a piece of cake ha-ha-ha, I don't know why I used to act like shit before"

"but now that I think about it, when I thought about getting a cultivation method, I received one from the book, does it reacts to my desires or something? Does it have a lot more stuff like this? Hmm I think it would have been great if that book became something like a system or something, just the same way I used to read those Novels back in the day."

*Screen appears*

"[Creating a System, starting initialization, 10% ...20%....45%.....70%....95%...100%]"

"[Initialization complete]"

"[System creation completed]"

"[System: Welcome To The Eternal Law]"
