
Law knows everything!

Aarav might have gone through a lot in both his lives but things keep getting crazier and crazier, his wishes are being completed one by one, he gets a feeling that this life will be Thousand-times more interesting than his previous one, where he used to just study and do projects all day, well that fascinated face he is making right now works as a proof, he is shocked and a lot more encouraged than he had ever been, acquiring something which he can never think of, and he for sure is in high spirits but he can also feel how dangerous things are gonna get now.

"1st I died! Maybe; 2nd when I regained memories I was dying again duh! 3rd I have a crazy Giant book inside me, and now this! A system-, are you kidding me a Real-System, now I don't even know how crazy things are gonna get in the future!" he whispered with a smile

"well, now that I think about it, I had no idea how I can get information from the book so I just thought that if that book became a system it would be a lot easier! So, is this all related to that book? Or not".

"Umm-hey, system, are you that book I saw before?"

"[System: Correct, I am the eternal law]"

"well, then how did you become like this?"

"[System: The Host wish was completed to make the book easier to understand]"

"How did you even know a system looks like it?"

"[System: The Law knows everything!]"

"um-m alright, then can I ask you about your origin?"

"[System: The host is not Qualified and the information is locked]"

"then! how do I unlock it?"

"[System: Host need to upgrade his power]"

"so, to know more about you, I have to increase my power, I see! Fair enough, well that's a real system for you! so then which realm I need to be to know more about you?".

"[System: The host is not Qualified and the information is locked]"

"dam, that's too much now, am I really that weak? well, I guess I am, duh! So how much of the knowledge I have access to at the moment"

"[System: Host can access 2% of knowledge at the moment]"

"isn't that too less? Please, can you tell how much that 2% totals for?"

"[System: That is 87.47% of total knowledge of the 1st dimension]"

"bro, what is this 1st dimension now?"

"[System: The host is not Qualified and the information is locked, it can be unlocked when host reaches Prana Void Realm]"

"Alright, then can you tell me how much that 2% covers this continent?".

"[System: Host has access to 91.5% of the knowledge of Dorathein-Continent]"

"whoa, isn't that too overpowered? Looks like I did hit a jackpot"

"for now, let's focus powering up and get the hell out of this place and I guess it's also time to start collecting debts from that so-called family of mine, it's been overdue for too long now."

Aarav has already lost all attachments he once had towards the frost family and after that vile act where he was deliberately pushed down the cliff by his half-brother, he has no more faith left towards anyone of them, and he knows sooner or later they will try to kill him for real, with no backup and any power he is just a pig asking to be slaughtered and he understands that very properly.

"Hey, law do you have any Arcane-arts that I can learn or something?"

Arcane arts are the most mysterious martial arts technique and require a very high level of comprehension to even understand it, they use prana to unleash the full potential of their power and can give a boost in offense and defense to the cultivators who learn these techniques.

Arcane arts are divided into 5 grades: Soul grade, Mystic grade, Spirit grade, Void grade, Heaven grade, and each of them is divided into 3 ranks: low, middle, high. Arcane arts are not easy to acquire at all and are thus considered a luxury.

Soul grades are uncommon, Mystic grades are rare, Spirit grades are usually Ancestral and three of them are still considered obtainable, while Void grades are legendary arts and Heaven grades are mythical arts and thus are considered highly-unobtainable.

"[System: Law does have a collection of many High-level arcane arts, according to host power level, the host can choose only one of these 3 arts]"

"[Wind blades]" "[Iron shield]" "[Ghost steps]"

"The names are nothing like what I thought them to be, well something is better than nothing, by the way, what grade arts are these?"

"[System: The host is not Qualified and the information is locked]"

"w-what the hell? Well, but You hiding the information does tell that they are not your average ones lmao, can you tell me how can I get the info unlocked?"

"[System: Each of these arts have a maximum of 24 supremacy, the host need to reach 3rd supremacy to unlock 15% information]"

"Hmm-mm, alright then I will go with 'Ghost steps' I don't need offense or defense at the moment so I will focus on Escaping lol, give it to me".

"[System: Ghost steps, starting transfer]"

As Aarav chose ghost steps a ray of golden light went inside his head and as usual, there was a huge gush of information inside his brain about the technique.

"dam, this does makes me nauseous every time!" he said with a nasty expression

"well, the name is completely opposite compared to the content, this shits complicated as hell, ahh let's try to Grasp as much a possible"

Aarav closed his eyes while sitting in a mediation stance and starts comprehending the art, he is going through each and every minute detail as much as possible inside his brain, it's one of the buffs he received from the law-book, where his comprehension level is already way above any talented cultivator, it was also due to him having 2 memories.

It's already 7 in the morning, Aarav has been studying the art for around 4 hours now, and he is already on the last phase.

"w-wow, thi-this is just another level, normal Quick steps only uses prana on each foot to increase the speed, but here we need to balance prana outside as well as inside the foot, one need to centralize and balance their prana inside the nerves and veins of each foot with great perfection before performing it, it needs a lot deeper understanding of insides of the human body, then isn't it great that I have knowledge about this from my past life he-he"

"well let's go out and try it first, now this is really making me excited".

Aarav in his backyard takes the running stance;

Inhales and exhales several times.

"1st circulate the prana below the knees, 2nd distribute it into the nerves and veins . . .huu-ff, 3rd make sure the flow is continuous… 4th let it completely submerge… and ….. Goo !!"

After 30 min

The backyard is messed up, the walls have several cracks, and Aarav had successfully comprehended the technique, and also due to the loud noises Rosaria woke up.

Heavily breathing "huff-huff-huff, dude that was just out of the world experience! I don't know what to say, haaa-haaa, hey system can I see my stats or something please?"

*screen appeared*

"[Name: Aarav V frost]"

"[Age: 14]"

"[Constitution: Locked]"

"[Cultivation: Prana spirit realm 2nd stage]"

"[Title: The one chosen by Eternal Law]"

"[Skills: Flash ghost steps]" '[Grade: Soul Arcane High-Rank]' '[Supremacy: 3rd]'

"[Skills: Appraisal]"

"ha-ha, I have a title, that's dope! Maybe I will acquire more in the future and-this- did the name of the skill changed? wait-what my skill supremacy is already at 3rd and it's a Soul Grade High-Rank Arcane, ha-ha I knew it, I am a born genius".

"hey doesn't that mean I can inquire more about the skill, hey system I am already at 3rd supremacy can you tell me more information now?"

"[System: Arcane arts of the law can only be practiced by the Host, their grade can be upgraded as the host supremacy increases, it means the more host can comprehend & master these arts, the more they get near their final-form, and their names also change with each grade they upgrade to, these arcane arts are also known as 'celestial supremacy arts'. The Arcane arts 'Ghost steps' was a Soul grade low-rank Arcane in the beginning, now as host has reached 3rd supremacy and has upgrade to Soul grade high-rank 'Flash Ghost Steps' now host can move with the speed of 60 steps/sec]"

"Bro, here in this town even soul grade mid-rank arts are considered high quality, and I already have one high-rank of these babies, dude I feel so rich ha-ha-ha-ha, oh, ahh-hh you woke up Rose!"

Rosaria while rubbing her eyes;

"who won't, the noises were enough to wake up behemoth."

as she looks up, she was shocked by the sight.

"what the hell happened here? Were we attacked?" she yells.