
The Eternal Emperor

The Demon Emperor, it was the title they gave him, one he embraced, all for a dream that was not even his and he played it to perfection and then to the grave... Though... As luck would have it, it doesn't seem that he is quite done yet... A war among the stars. Now, the Demon Emperor will have to take his game to the galactic stage. With nothing left to lose, just how far will he go for nothing else but his own ambition... ------------ I don't know how far this will go, but i do hope it goes as far as I imagine it in my head, always loved to see Sith and the star wars spaceships in other worlds like Mass Effect, Halo, Marvel, DC etc. I'll try my best to make it go that far but i do have a full time job to worry about. F.Y.I - I would LOVE to see you guys leave ideas depending on what you know about the lore of Star Wars on what could impact or can make an appearance or u would like to make an appeareance. Leave it in the comments. Hope u have as grewat a time reading as i have writing. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the worlds they take place.

Phantom17 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Shadows of Trust

The dim light of the command center cast long shadows across the metallic walls, the soft hum of the Excalibur's systems serving as a constant backdrop to the tension that hung in the air. Lelouch stood at the center of the bridge, his arms crossed, his face an enigmatic mask of contemplation. The recent holo-conference with the Jedi Council and Senate had gone exactly as he predicted—fear, uncertainty, and doubt radiating from the Republic leaders like ripples in a pond. But amidst the external chaos, he sensed another disturbance, closer and more immediate. 


Closing his eyes, Lelouch reached out with the Force, feeling the immediate change as compared to last time. The turmoil that once belonged only to the outer rim was lighting up in the core like wildfire. One, like a flickering flame in the wind—uncertainty and conflict emanating from a nearby officer who had always been close to him. Slowly, Lelouch opened his eyes and turned, his gaze falling upon a naval clone officer clad in the distinctive armor of the Excalibur's bridge crew. 


The officer had his helmet on, but Lelouch could sense the turmoil within. He remained silent for a moment, allowing the officer's unease to grow. "Lieutenant," Lelouch finally said, his voice calm yet commanding. 


The officer stiffened, instinctively straightening his posture before turning to face his commander. "Yes, General?" 


Lelouch studied him for a moment, letting the silence stretch as the officer squirmed under his gaze. "I can feel it," Lelouch continued, his voice dropping to a softer, almost coaxing tone. "Something is bothering you. Speak your mind." 


The officer hesitated, glancing around the bridge as if seeking support or perhaps doubting whether he should speak at all. But when his eyes returned to Lelouch's, he knew there was no escaping the conversation. "With all due respect, General," he began cautiously, "I believe there might be a solution to our problem on Naboo—a way to save most of the planet." 


Lelouch raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on." 


The officer took a deep breath, his voice steadying. "If we commence a total orbital bombardment on the continent where the Blue Shadow Virus first began, we could potentially contain the spread. Our estimates suggest it would take a few hours for the virus to reach other continents. If we act now, we could isolate the infection and save the majority of the planet." 


A slow smile spread across Lelouch's face, one that sent a shiver down the spines of several clones on the bridge. "Ah, you've thought it through," Lelouch remarked. "And you are correct. In fact, we could have done this from the start—targeted the Separatist base with a concentrated bombardment the moment the Blue Shadow Virus was released. It would have ended the threat before it ever reached the population." 


The officer blinked behind his visor, his confusion evident despite the anonymity of his armor. "Then why didn't we, sir?" 



Lelouch's smile widened slightly, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and gravity. "Because, Lieutenant, sometimes you must commit a lesser evil to destroy a greater one." 


It was the truth, albeit if seen from Lelouch's perspective... and that's all they needed to know. In truth a total orbital bombardment would have saved hundreds of millions, but it would also have switched the attention from the Senate failings to Lelouche's controversial tactics once again. 


Right now, it was not what Lelouch needed, he needed time for his support to grow quietly and the Senate's to fall. The numerous clips and recording from his conferences had broken the holo-net and gained him a massive following along the outer rim, but the core felt safe... too safe to depend on him to save them. 


So... he would light a fire right under their noses to remind them that this was still a war. Naboo was just the beginning. 




A Few Weeks Later 


Time passed like the shifting sands of Tatooine. The blockade over Naboo continued, with the Republic forces maintaining strict containment protocols to ensure the Blue Shadow Virus did not spread further. The situation remained tense but controlled, the populace safe for now. Meanwhile, in other parts of the galaxy, the Clone Wars raged on with renewed ferocity. 


Lelouch stood in his quarters, surrounded by a sea of tactical data displayed on holo-screens. Reports flooded in—news of increased Jedi casualties at the hands of General Grievous, the enigmatic cyborg growing bolder and more ruthless with each skirmish. Another report caught his eye, noting a disturbance at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant—a possible intrusion that had the Order on high alert. 


As he scanned the data, Tzeentch materialized beside him, his form a swirling mass of blue energy as a book was held in its hands, no doubt merely for show as if the god of knowledge actually needed to read something.. 'It seems Sidious is growing impatient,' Tzeentch mused, his voice a low, serpentine whisper. 'The pieces are moving faster now, Lelouch.' 


Lelouch nodded, his eyes never leaving the screens. 'Yes, I expected as much. The closer we get to the more rapidly he moves, he's spry like that I guess...' 


A new message pinged on his holopad—a summons to Coruscant regarding a highly sensitive matter. Lelouch's eyes narrowed as he read the details, his mind already calculating the potential outcomes. "It seems my presence is required back at the Core," he murmured. "Very well. We'll see what they have in store for us." 


Within hours, Lelouch and his personal guard, led by Captain Thorn, were descending through the traffic-laden skylines of Coruscant. The familiar spires and structures of the Republic's capital loomed below as their shuttle made its way toward one of the central landing platforms. As they disembarked, the dense, humid air of Coruscant enveloped them, filled with the sounds of bustling speeders and distant announcements. 


Waiting for them at the platform's edge was a familiar figure—Anakin Skywalker. His dark Jedi robes contrasted sharply with his bright, intense eyes, which seemed clouded with a mixture of frustration and reluctance. As Lelouch approached, Anakin gave a stiff nod. "Lelouch," he said, his tone lacking its usual warmth. "The Jedi High Council has assigned me as your escort while you're on Coruscant." 


Lelouch raised an eyebrow, a sly smile tugging at his lips. "How generous of them. I suppose they still don't trust me." 


Anakin didn't smile, his jaw clenched slightly. "You've made a lot of powerful enemies, Lelouch. They're wary of what you might do next." 


Lelouch's smile widened. "As they should be." 


A soft chime on Lelouch's datapad drew his attention—a personal holo-message from Senator Padmé Amidala. An invitation to her residence. Lelouch read it quickly, his expression unreadable, though his eyes glinted with amusement. Behind him, Thorn and his team exchanged knowing looks, a few of them chuckling under their breaths. 


"Looks like the General's got a date," one of them muttered with a grin. 


Lelouch glanced back, catching the comment. "Not quite, Thorn," he said, his tone lightly teasing. Turning back to Anakin, he continued, "It appears Senator Amidala has invited me over. It has been some time since our last... conversation." 


Anakin's face reddened slightly, his eyes darting to the guards before back to Lelouch. "Padmé and I wanted to see you," he clarified, his voice firm. "It's been a while since we've all been together." 


The ARC troopers groaned, rolling their eyes beneath their helmets. "Guess we were off the mark," Thorn muttered, shaking his head. 


"Just about as much as a clanker Thorn." Lelouch responded with a pat to the captain's shoulder. That seemed to somehow physically hurt the clones as they looked at each other. 


As Lelouch and Anakin walked side by side through the busy corridors of the Senate District, Lelouch's gaze remained forward, though his thoughts were on the young Jedi beside him. "Tell me, Anakin," he began in a casual tone, "do you still hold a grudge for being quarantined after the Naboo incident?" 


Anakin opened his mouth to reply, a frown forming, but Lelouch continued before he could speak. "You should be thanking me, really. I allowed you to be quarantined with your wife, Senator Amidala. I imagine the war hasn't given you two much time together otherwise." 


Anakin's face turned a deeper shade of red, his tough demeanor breaking for a moment. "Maybe it wasn't so bad," he muttered, trying to sound nonchalant, though his embarrassment was clear. 


Lelouch chuckled softly, a rare genuine laugh escaping him. "I thought so." The atmosphere lightened somewhat as they continued their journey, arriving at Padmé's residence. 


As they approached, the troopers fanned out, taking up positions to secure the perimeter with practiced precision. Thorn nodded to Lelouch. "We'll keep the area secure, General," he assured. 


Lelouch nodded in return, his expression one of quiet confidence. "See to it, Captain." 


Inside the residence, Padmé greeted them with a warm smile, though her eyes were shadowed with concern. "Lelouch, Anakin, thank you for coming," she said, her voice steady but with a hint of tension. 


Lelouch nodded, his demeanor respectful but keenly observant. "Senator Amidala, it's always a pleasure. Though I sense this is not purely a social call." 


Padmé smiled faintly, leading them to the dining area where a modest but elegant meal awaited. "You're right," she admitted as they took their seats. "There's something we need to discuss—something important." 


The meal began with polite conversation, touching on the latest developments in the war and the growing tensions within the Senate. But beneath the surface, Lelouch could feel the underlying urgency, the reason for their invitation. As the plates were cleared, Padmé and Anakin exchanged a meaningful look, and Padmé's expression turned serious. 


"General Lelouch," she began, her tone firm, "we believe there is a spy within the Senate. Someone who has been feeding information to the Separatists." 


Lelouch's eyes narrowed slightly, his interest piqued. "A spy? And who do you suspect?" 


"Senator Rush Clovis," Anakin answered, his voice low but intense. "We've been tracking his movements, and there's too much that doesn't add up." 


Padmé nodded, her eyes meeting Lelouch's. "We need your help to lift the house arrest placed on me after the events on Naboo. Without freedom to move, I can't get close enough to gather the evidence we need." 


Lelouch leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled before him as he considered their words. "Clovis... an interesting choice. He has many friends in high places, and exposing him could cause quite a stir. I assume you have a plan?" 


Padmé nodded. "Yes, but it requires subtlety. If we move too openly, we risk tipping him off. We need to act with precision." 


A slow smile spread across Lelouch's face, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of calculation and intrigue. "Very well, Senator Amidala. I will see what I can do, but make no mistake, this will draw some eyes." 


Padme merely nodded as she clenched her fists and they continued to a rather pleasant evening where the war itself was forgotten for a moment.