
The enchantress has been enchanted

"And why would you do that" Sheba asked her, getting worried about how she was faring. "I did it all because l love you, yes Sheba l love you so much" she said as she locked her lips with hers it a kiss. "Nooooo " a voice screamed as a big blast was made and their bodies got seperated in different sides in the room. "Not in this world Elisha " the voice said in anger. Elisha raised her head to see who it was, lo and behold, it was the devil himself. "Lucifer? " REINCARNATED!! An enchantress from the past with the strong will to defeat her worst enemy *her sister*. In her first life, that didn't go well as her should was trap in an powerful ancient magical object. She craves to be REINCARNATED to continue her will, to destroy her sister and take over the whole Cullen with her darkness. Sheba! That was the name that made the devil himself go nuts. He longed for her to be his but she only craved to dominate and control even. Since they were not compatible, they turned to be worse rivals in the past but mates in present. HOW?!, read and find out. Fantasy. The world of socerecry keeps getting twined with the crave for power, dominion and love!.

Nessy_Biora · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


"How could you do such a thing to me?! You defile me like that!? How could you? " Khalan yelled at him on the top of her voice.

"You! Why did you rape me, how could you do that to me! Just how could you! " she said within sobs as she slapped her chest repeatedly.

Lucifer didn't know what to say or how to convince her that nothing really happened and that her torn clothes were for a just cause. He hesitated for some seconds, before grabbing her hands and stopping her from hitting him so that she can atleast listen. Holding her small hands with just one of his hand, he use the other to hold her to place as she kept struggling to break free from his hold.

"Khalan, khalan! Listen to me, l didn't rape you infant you still have your chasity intact. I actually tore your clothes because... "He scratched his head, not knowing the excuse to give. That might sound reasonable to her.

"Because of what Nathan? " she yelled at him still trying to over power him, but that wasn't possible. "What good reason can you give to me that will make me believe that l wasn't raped by you and that my torn clothes were for a just cause ". She said now in pain, pain from her heart that he took advantage of her and was lying to her she just couldn't bare it. She had trusted Nathan with her life, and couldn't believe that he could still look her in the eye and lie to her.

Lucifer felt pain strike his heart heavily. He could understand her pain but also wished she would believe him. 'If not for you Elisha, l won't have this trouble to bare' he thought to himself as he rained curses on Elisha. She was the reason why his Sheba was crying now and couldn't understand what he was saying because she couldn't remember anything.

Lucifer now let her go as she stepped away from him, still crying

"I am leaving this place you pervert! " she yelled, still in tears. "I am going away from here " she continued as she rushed to her room to pack her things.

Lucifer didn't know what to do, he has never been soo confused in his life. 'What should l do? What should I do? ' he thought to himself as he scratched his head.

Then it dawned on him, he could manipulate her mind. He could either erase her memory of this misunderstanding or he could make her remember everything that happened and understand him. No he wouldn't make her remember, because that would also mean remembering Elisha, and he definitely didn't want that. So he settled for option a.

Immediately, he rushed to her room and saw her almost done with packing her things. He hugged her from behind and whispered something to her ear "l am sorry but l have to do this".

Khalan didn't understand what he was doing. As she tried to struggle out his hold, she felt him grab her head to hold her in place.

"Let me g.... " she tried to say, but felt a sharp pain in her head, like her brains were being torn apart. "Aaaaaaah!! " she screamed at the top of her voice. "Stop! Make it stop! Please!! "She screamed, now in tears.

Lucifer couldn't bare to see his Sheba cry, but this was the only way. He endured the pain he was feeling and held back the tears in his eyes as he carried on with what he was doing.

Few seconds later, he was done and she just slumped into his arms. She was now unconscious. He knew she couldn't bare the pain that comes with memory wiping and would definitely loose her consciousness.

He laid her on the bed and tucked be in properly. He stared at her for some time, before planting a kiss on her forehead and stroke her hair.

"I love you so much my Sheba "

*the marine world, Elisha 's abode*

"I almost had her, my Sheba she was within my grasps but l let her go" Elisha cried hysterically as she lay on the floor in her bed chambers.

"Oh Sheba, would you ever forgive me, my love please come back to me "she cried the more as she hugged herself unknowingly.

"My lady?! " Litian a young siren and Elisha's hand maid called in shock.

"My lady, please stop doing this to yourself, sir Bradford has gone in the search of lady Sheba and they would be back anytime soon. You have been like this since the incident with lady Sheba and Lucifer. Please my lady, pull yourself together " she said trying to comfort Elisha.

"Litian you won't understand, l stabbed her myself. Am not even sure if she survived it". She cried now sitting on her bed to talk to Litian.

"No my lady! Please don't talk like that " Litian said, cupping a face. "Lady Sheba is fine. She is a strong enchantress remember. Please my lady don't get worried over nothing. Don't wet your beautiful face with tears when you know there's no use for it " she said, in a pleading voice hoping that Elisha would understand.

Elisha stared into Litian's blue eyes and saw that they held truth in them. She finally calmed down and wiped her tears.

"My lady, let me get you clean clothes to change in".Litian offered as she went to the closet to get clean clothes for her.

Elisha knew that Litian has always adored her, not just as her mistress but as a lover too. She always keeps her company whenever she was down, and gives her pleasure too.

Sirens were creatures of just female nature, and they were gay. They only took male humans as mates whenever they needed to increase their population and keep their race going. But their main source of sexual pleasure was their fellow siren.

Elisha was the first siren to ever feel true love for another race other than hers and that was her Sheba. But when it comes to getting pleasure, she found it in fellow sirens.

Litian stepped out of the closet, hold a beautiful red dress. "My lady, this will suite you just fine " she said with a beautiful smile.

Elisha walked to her and took the dress from her "red! Interesting very interesting " Elisha said with an alluring voice.

Litian felt the air get tensed but she dare not take the first step even though she really wanted her lady.

Elisha undressed herself immediately in front of Litian who looked away with a blush on her beautiful face. She took off her underneath skirt and chest coverage till she was wholly naked before her.

"My lady l will be waiting outside your chambers incase if you need anything " Litian said as the air became more tensed, making difficult for her to breathe properly.

Elisha held her back and said to her with lustful eyes "don't you want to give your lady a good pleasure" she stocked out her tongue in a seducing way as she spoke. "I know you want this Litian and l too am craving for your touch ".

Litian couldn't believe her ears. Was her lady really asking for her touch? But she didn't have time to reason that out as Elisha already locked her lips with hers in an intense kiss.

All her thoughts flew to the back of her head as she was lust in heat. She cupped Elisha's breasts as she squeezed them lightly.

Elisha let out a moan as she did same to Litian. They made their way to the bed as they completely understand themselves, now wanting to feel full pleasure.

Litian played with Elisha's breasts as she squeezed, sucked and nimbed on them. She made her a moaning mess. Laying kisses on every part of her body, as she lick her whole being.

"You're so beautiful my lady" litian complimented as she stared at her private part with Elisha's legs wide spread.

"Litian... Lick me " Elisha cried in lust.

"Your wished is my command my lady. I plan on doing that and more, l promise you the pleasure of your life today" Litian said with confidence as she leaned into her making her cry out in pleasure...