
The Empress’ Struggles

Dai Lu's parents were killed by a man in black, and she was taking in by her aunt, uncle and their son, who was not related by blood to Dai Lu. 7 years later as passed and her aunt dies from an illness, and her uncle disappears leaving her and Feng to fend for themselves. The is some romance in the air. After leaving that house, she realizes her dream is to build a sect and rule over the sect as empress, so she can protect what she cares about, but it is not as easy as she might think. Will she be able to accomplish her dream and be able to protect them?

YourPeanut · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Life and Death part 1


"Lu! Get in the house and hide."

She lifts a floor broad up and there was a hole in the ground big enough to fit a small child. The mother puts her in the hole, but she was about to put the broad back down DaiLu said, "Mother, where's father?".

She froze and stared down at her five-year-old daughter with tears rolling down her face with a shaky voice she said, "your father is-". Before she could finish what she was saying she heard noises from outside the door, so she hurried and put the broad back into the floor. When she stands up and turned around a figure in black swung their sword down and slashed a deep cut on the mother's chest. She began to become bled out until she eventually dead from blood loss.

Last night the only thing Dai Lu saw was a black shadow with a sword that reflected the moonlight but at the same time it was covered in her mother's blood. The black shadow probably thought that his mission was done and killed everyone, so he left satisfied with what he had did. Dai Lu was so shocked at what just happened that no words would come out.

All of a sudden, she heard a familiar voice in the distant. As the voice got closer and closer, she recognized who it was...It was her aunt. She was not her real aunt by blood, but she was always there for her and her mom, so she calls her Aunt Ai.

She started to feel less scared since her aunt was there. She lifted the floor broad up and climbed out. She took a deep breath and shouted, "Aunt Ai, I'm over here!"

Aunt Ai heard the voice and ran in the direction she heard it come from. When her aunt arrived at the door; she started to feel overwhelmed with emotions as she saw her sworn sister lay there dead with a deep cut on her chest. After she came back to reality, she grabbed Dai Lu into her arms and hugged her tight and said, "It's going to be alright now."

Dai Lu started to feel the emotions she tried so hard to hold in slipping out. She couldn't hold back her tears any longer. Suddenly, she cried out, "Mom!...Mom!...Mom!" as she held her aunt tighter as if she would leave too.

When Dai Lu finally calmed down; Aunt Ai looked down at Dai Lu and said, "Dai Lu, let's go." Dai Lu whipped her messy face and looked up at her aunt and all she could get out of her throat was, "Mn".

When they arrived at the aunt's house; they were greeted by her husband and son. All three of them looked like average looking people. They did not seem poor nor rich. Their house looked small on the outside, but on the inside, DaiLu was a little surprised that it was big enough that six people could live here comfortably. Aunt Ai's son was four years older than Dai Lu was, so she was happy that she had someone that was around her age. 

The two children looked at each other very curiously, because DaiLu was covered in dirt from being in the hole, she was curious about him because she had never meet aunt's son in person before. She had thought that maybe he didn't like to talk to people. Aunt Ai saw the curiosity in their eyes and interrupted them by introducing, "This is my son, Feng. Feng this is DaiLu. She will be staying here for a while. I hope you will treat her well."

Feng finally stopped looking at Dai Lu and looked at his mother and said with a voice that was a little excited, "I will." After the introduces, Aunt Ai spoke again, "Feng, show Dai Lu to her room where she will be staying in from now on." "sure" said Feng willingly.

While Feng and DaiLu was walking toward her room, he couldn't help but ask out of curiosity "How did you get covered in so much dirt? Did something happen? Did you fall?" Suddenly DaiLu stopped walking and looked at the ground and said, "My family is died." as she continued to stare at the ground with an expression of wanting to cry. When Feng saw her reaction to what he had asked his smile disappeared quickly. Then he walked over to her and said, "I'm sorry. I should not have asked." looking very sincere. They did not say anything else for the rest of the way.

When they arrived at the room Feng asked, "would you like a bath first before you go to bed?" DaiLu replied with a half-smile "Yes, please". There was only one maid that lived with them. She the maid was there to assist with taking care of Feng. Feng went find the maid to help her with bathing and finding some clothes. Whenever he returned with the maid, he bid his farewells and left. After she bathed and changed into her new clothes, she fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. 

7 Years later 

Since the day DaiLu arrived here, she has loved growing up here. She got close to Feng and now she has a friend that she can count on, but suddenly a few months ago her aunt has been feeling very sick, so she decided to go and visit her.

DaiLu went to visit her aunt, but before she goes to see her, she wanted to pick some daisies because they were her aunt's favorite flower. DaiLu went to the garden in front of the house and picks some daisies. On her way to her aunt's room, she saw Feng swinging a chain that had blades at each end around smoothly. She smiled and couldn't help but say, "He has improved so much over the years." as she thought about the first time he tried to practice with the chain. 

When he first practiced with the chain, he was only ten years old, and he came home with so many injuries that you would think he got beating up by somebody. "What happened? Are you alright? Why do you have so many cuts and bruises all over your body?" with a worried looked on DaiLu's face. Feng smiled at her and said, "I am learning how to fight, because I want to be able to protect you from now on. Don't worry, they don't hurt. I'm fine." as he patted her head. DaiLu was happy that he cared so much, but she still didn't like the ideal of him getting hurt. With that thought, she thought to herself 'well if he is going to learn how to fight to protect me then I am going to learn medicine to help cure his injures.' Since that day, they have both worked hard to improve.