
The Empress’ Struggles

Dai Lu's parents were killed by a man in black, and she was taking in by her aunt, uncle and their son, who was not related by blood to Dai Lu. 7 years later as passed and her aunt dies from an illness, and her uncle disappears leaving her and Feng to fend for themselves. The is some romance in the air. After leaving that house, she realizes her dream is to build a sect and rule over the sect as empress, so she can protect what she cares about, but it is not as easy as she might think. Will she be able to accomplish her dream and be able to protect them?

YourPeanut · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Life and Death part 2

After watching him practice for a while, she calls out, "Feng, I'm going to see aunt. Do you want to come?" He stopped practicing with his chain and walked over and said, "sure".  

As they were walking DaiLu glanced at Feng and thought he is only a teenager, but he looks so mature for his age. 

His skin is a tan color like someone who has bathed in the sun. His hair reached down to his waist with one side of his head breaded in three sections. When she finally stopped admiring how he looked she turned to look in front of her and she saw that they had arrived at her aunt's room.

 DaiLu knocks on the door, "aunt, it's me and Feng". Aunt Ai called out "Come in". When she opened the door, the room was dark with only one candle burning. They walk through the door and see Aunt Ai lying on the bed. She was skinny to the point that you could see her bones clearly and her face was pale. She had an uncurable illness, and she would cough up blood often. She was so weak that she could not get out of bed.

DaiLu walks toward Aunt Ai and gives her the daisies that she picked before coming, "I picked these daisies for you because I know how much you love them." Aunt Ai gave a smile and said, "Thank you. They are-" *cough...cough...cough*. She started to cough up blood. They both looked at aunt with sad and worried eyes. 

Aunt Ai ignored how they looked at her and gestures to Feng to come closer and said, "Feng, promise me something...promise me that you will protect her and stay with her...no matter what. Promise me." 

DaiLu was confused why aunt said that out of nowhere, but Feng answered with no hesitance, "I will. I promise that I will never leave her side, and I will protect her forever." Aunt was a bit relieved and said, "Now I would like to get some rest." Then she slowly fell asleep after exhausting all her strength while talking to them.

The next day, DaiLu went to check on aunt again, but she was not in her room or anywhere in the house. After searching the whole house, she was nowhere to be found. Fearing that something has happened to her, she ran to Feng's room. Right before she was about to open the door to his room, he had opened the door. 

Feng seeing DaiLu standing there and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?". When she saw him standing there, she began to feel relieved that someone was still by her side. Then she started telling him what had happened. 

"What! Did you check everywhere?!" said Feng.

 DaiLu replied, "I have checked everywhere, but the graveyard behind the house. You don't think they have been kidnapped, do you?" 

Feng starting to look worried saying, "I don't think they were kidnapped because there were no signs of a break in or any damages to the house. Let's go check the graveyard just in case they are there." 

DaiLu, "Alright, let's go."

When they arrived at the graveyard, they saw there was an extra grave that looked like it was just dug up with a tombstone that labeled who it was. DaiLu went up to the tombstone to see whose name was on it. When she got close enough to be able to read the tombstone her eyes sightly opened wide. 

Feng walking behind her said, "Why did you suddenly stop?". DaiLu turned her head slowly to look at Feng and said, "Aunt Ai" as she looked like she was about to cry. Feng in disbelief said, "That can't be-" as he looked behind her at the tombstone that read 'Here lays Aunt Ai'. 

After he saw the tombstone, he dropped to his knees in despair that his mother has died. DaiLu knew how it felt to lose a parent and how much she wanted someone to comfort her when it had happened to her, so she hugged him in hope that it would help. 

They stayed like that for a while until Feng gently pushed DaiLu away with a face that looked like he wanted to ask a question. DaiLu, "What?" 

Feng said in a curious tone, "If mother is here...why isn't father here too? If father is not in the house or here, then where is he? Did he abandon us after she died?"

DaiLu, "You have a point. Where Is he?...Let's go and check his room to see if his stuff is still there." Feng got up off the ground and nodded. 

The room was empty. There was not even a note left behind. DaiLu finally understands that uncle has abandoned us and is that coming back, but she did not have the heart to say that out loud.

After realizing what has happened to them, she vowed to herself that she will make a home out of nothing and protect it even if it may cost her life in the process.