
The Empoyee

"How might you please me, Miss Parker?" "How would you want me, Mr. Holden?" I should stop. It was only a tease I had mindlessly put up, hoping to get a longer moment with him, listening to whatever I had to say, but apparently, he was a persistent young man, one who would get to the end of every matter started. "I'm only scared we don't speak of the same thing here" He followed. "Oh, I very much follow, Mr Holden" "Here's the thing Miss Parker" He began, figure tearing off the chair, approaching my form. I fretted at his incoming profile, eyes averted away, not daring to meet that striking gaze of his. Even in the calming space, I could feel the burn that rushed to my chest. He had soon pulled up beside my form, eyes peering on at my warded off profile. "I'd like to see how so well you think can please me" He called. "If you manage to have me forget how troublesome the morning has been, then I assure you, the position is all yours" Eyes had snapped up to him at once, gaze beholding the sincerity in those grey eyes. "Also.....He paused for a long minute, figure inching closer.....If you manage to have me aroused........ He drew even nearer, breath so close, it fanned against my neck. "Then you, Miss Janet Parker, will be the company's new marketer to be employed" *** He is a 24 year old heir to his father's company. She is a 28 year old lady, fired from her last job for burning the CEO with hot tea. A fiery one she is, not until she meets a man, who is just intent on breaking her.

ArazellaSnow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


My form waddled into the large room acting as a conference hall, eyes taking the number of figures scattered around the area, their forms surrounding the black, glossy oval table centered in the space.

Their voices poured out, each one engaging in a discussion with another.

I had been here for at least enough time to get acquainted, yet I felt a stranger. Perhaps, I was.

No one bothered sparing my incoming form a glance.

For all they cared, I was the company's new marketer.

"Oh, come on people. It's just a minor issue" A voice called from beside the chair I had pushed my form into, with the profile of a middle-aged lady coming into view.

"Perhaps it is only to address the new arrivals" Her gaze spun to me at once, a smile lighting up her red-stained lips.

"I'm Greta"

"You must be, Janet" I scrunched up my face at the whisk of Onions that blew past my nose, with nostrils taking a pause at the pungent smell.

"Oh, it's Chinese" She smiled.

"They have one of the best food in the area" She made known.

"You should have lunch with me sometime" She flashed a smile, revealing a set of food-perched teeth, with her gum holding onto stains.

"I'll try" Followed my voice, the same minute a figure had proceeded into the room, managing to seize every ruckus there was.

The sound of his steps drew nearer, coming over to my seat, and in a second, he had walked right past, going up front to take the mounted platform.

"I called this meeting for urgent reasons" That husky voice bounced into my ears, his figure stood away, staring back at every single person present in the room.

"There has been a huge drop of sales" His utterance got me shifting in my seat, eyes refusing to meet his.

"And it seems this recent days have brought about relaxation in every department"

"Need I remind you, the company chases after something. It has a mission, goals. And if such goals aren't met, it only forces us into taking drastic actions"

"Which is why I will be presenting a new employee into the team" That utterance got me snapping my gaze up, eyes beholding the girl who had stood to her feet, with soft eyes beaming on at the people before her.

"I introduce you all to Susy Clark" He called.

"And she will be joining the marketing department, assist to Miss Parker"

"I don't need an assist!" I blurted, eyes staring straight at him.

"Well I think otherwise, Miss Parker" Followed his voice.

"She will assist you with all you need. Pitching in ideas on how you can do better as a marketer, cause apparently you're failing" His words poured out flat, blunt to my ears.

"I've only been here for what? Five days. And you deem it fair to berate me?"

"It's not the duration that foretells, Miss Parker. It's the output"

"I refuse that, Mr Holden" My tone was firm, eyes squaring his.

"I refuse your order of having her as my assist"

I could hear the murmurs that broke out around me, the figures present in the room, only watching the sight before them.

He gave a low scoff, eyes only watching me.

"You've been heading the company for years now, and in one way or the other, the company stumbles, yet no one has brought it up as an issue to you" I followed.

"You don't see anyone imposing on you" He only watched me in silence, eyes gnawing at my form.

"Why then should you bite at me? Not even sparing a chance for me to prove myself" my voice broke out even louder this time, causing a break of silence into the room.

I had only realized how intense my sudden outburst had been when those grey eyes beheld mine.

"Are you done, Miss Parker?" His voice was low.

I felt the dumbest, left with nothing but the questioning gazes of everyone in the room, staring blankly at my profile.

"Very well, then....Miss Clark will commence work in your office tomorrow, and begin as an assist"

"Good day" And with that, he was proceeding out the area, leaving the figures in the room staring at one another, with me, all left to having a round of regrets of why I hadn't played the outburst in my head, right before emitting it.


I lost every containment in me, as my own hands went pushing open the door, figure soon proceeding into that spacious area.

Sat away, was the figure on the rewinding chair, back turned to the entrance, he had soon spun around at my walk-in, so his profile would behold mine.

At the hold of that gaze, my chest burned, head bent low, while those eyes scanned my figure.

"To what do I owe this, Miss Parker" He didn't seem much concerned about the occurrence in the previous meeting, instead, on his face sat a calm expression.

"I think your decisions are unfair" I let out in a tone that was pushed by rounds of frustration, anger, exasperation and adamancy.

"I thought we had all that banter settled in the meeting, Miss Parker" He followed, taking a sip out of the wine glass rested on his table.

"You need to withdraw your pronouncement"

"Why should I?"

"Because I can do this myself" I followed, voice firm.

"Can you?"


He had soon gotten to his feet, eyes watching me with intent.

"Is there something that has caused you failing, Miss Parker?"

I could hear that voice pouring into my ears, while his figure drew even nearer.

"None that I know of" I followed at once, fingers pinching at each other.

"Is the workspace uncomfortable?"

"It's perfect, Sir" I called.

"Then there must be something that's causing you to lose focus" He called in a low voice.

"Perhaps, my presence does" He let out in a breath.

"Your presence wouldn't stop me from working, Mr. Holden"

"Shall we put that to a test?" He followed, eyes watching every part of me.

I brought my eyes to him, beholding the warmth that filled that gaze.

"I can work just fine. Be you around or not, Mr Holden"

His hands soon pulling to my waist earned a sharp gasp from me, eyes staring into his.

"I'm afraid not" He let out.

"You see" He clicked his tongue, soon stepping away from me, leaving me to comport myself.

"This is a problem"

"My presence around you is"

"I oppose that, Sir" For a moment, his gaze paused at me, a grin tugging at his lips.

"You're charming, Miss Parker. And please, the name's Kristoffer"

"I choose to maintain the formalities seeing as to this is a working environment"

He scoffed at my utterance, figure advancing mine.

"Is that the only reason, or you fear something might break out?"

"Whatever is it you speak of?" I followed.

"You tell me"

His hands at once, slid underneath my skirt, eyes staring into my gaze.

"D-don't do that" I found my breath caught, arms holding his for support, while his hands went cupping my hips.

"I have you weak"

"Mr Holden" My voice had begun to waver, breaths pouring out fast.

"Call me Kristoffer"

And with that, he had pulled me to his chest, hands undoing the buttons of the satin shirt held on my body.

I relaxed in his hold right as he lifted me off the floor, laying me on the bare desk.

"You tease me" My voice was low, eyes staring into his.

"That's odd, cause I'm not one for teases"

"We need to stop, Mr Holden"

"Do you want me to stop?"

When no response followed, his lips went raving on my skin, hands grappling onto my bosoms.

I let him fondle every part of me, the sound of my breaths hitting his ears, while he pulled his figure between my legs.

"Please, stop" Voice low, those words hit him, as he at once shifted away moving to the window.

His back remained turned to me, eyes outlooking the environs below.

"Have the issue sorted out Miss Parker. And fetch me results"

With that I had fastened my shirt, exiting the space of his office.