
The Empoyee

"How might you please me, Miss Parker?" "How would you want me, Mr. Holden?" I should stop. It was only a tease I had mindlessly put up, hoping to get a longer moment with him, listening to whatever I had to say, but apparently, he was a persistent young man, one who would get to the end of every matter started. "I'm only scared we don't speak of the same thing here" He followed. "Oh, I very much follow, Mr Holden" "Here's the thing Miss Parker" He began, figure tearing off the chair, approaching my form. I fretted at his incoming profile, eyes averted away, not daring to meet that striking gaze of his. Even in the calming space, I could feel the burn that rushed to my chest. He had soon pulled up beside my form, eyes peering on at my warded off profile. "I'd like to see how so well you think can please me" He called. "If you manage to have me forget how troublesome the morning has been, then I assure you, the position is all yours" Eyes had snapped up to him at once, gaze beholding the sincerity in those grey eyes. "Also.....He paused for a long minute, figure inching closer.....If you manage to have me aroused........ He drew even nearer, breath so close, it fanned against my neck. "Then you, Miss Janet Parker, will be the company's new marketer to be employed" *** He is a 24 year old heir to his father's company. She is a 28 year old lady, fired from her last job for burning the CEO with hot tea. A fiery one she is, not until she meets a man, who is just intent on breaking her.

ArazellaSnow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


And here we were, forms centered on the office floor, with burnt cig ashes littered over the marble tiles, while the sound of my laughs poured out into the room.

"I'm telling you, Jane. I found myself mopping floors with my garments, all in sakes of bringing food to my mouth" Spoke Louis.

"It was a hectic one, Jane"

"Life never is easy"

"Not in a million years would I believe you come from such home, so raggedy, even to an extent of being feasted by rats" I called in a low voice.

"Oh, not just the rodents, Jane" He whispered.

"Even the roaches and snakes took abode in our home, and only then did it hit me, that I wasn't living. Not until I got the comfort I sought, the peace...and the joy" He called in a low voice.

"One never is serious, not until they get a push" He let out.

"Mine came about, at the height of the poverty that feasted my heart. That, Janet Parker, was my turning point, and my snap to work"

"What is yours?" Those eyes searched through mine, words hitting my ears, while that intensity resided in that gaze.

"You're a special one, Jane. I tell you"

"Also— He puffed out a breath, pulling out another cigarette—I think I'm knocked up"

"My wife would throw a fit, if she was to barge in here, beholding me crumpled on the grounds"

"Oh, such a rage she'd go into, not after having this suit washed herself" His utterance earned a low chuckle from me, with my eyes lingering on the profile away.

"She's been the backbone since the start of it all, Jane" He sighed.

"There always is that one person we find ourselves around..... Who in one way or another pushes us"

"In this case, it is my wife"

"Mr. Vettriano"

"Oh with such low voice, I only can tell what is to follow" His lips tugged a grin, eyes turning to me.

"I don't know where to begin"

His eyes smiled at my profile, a light chuckle escaping his lips.

"You can begin by telling me what your heart really thinks"

For some reason, mind had found its way pulling around an image. An image of that man flashing before me, with grey gaze doing enough to grasp a hold of me.

I was lost in those thoughts.

Thoughts of whatever Kristoffer would be doing at the moment.


Just why, couldn't I rid those maddening thoughts. Oh, how quick they rushed in, piling up, jeering at me.

Those thoughts of me wishing he was here.

"I can't, Mr. Vettriano" A smile graced his lips, eyes holding onto my form.

"This is everything, I swear it is. But..... There's somewhere else I should be" I followed in a low breath.

"Somewhere my heart yearns to be"

And with that, I had torn off the floor, puffing the last smoke of cigarette, and turning away.

Heels in hands, figure dashing into the halls, I went hurrying past the lobbies, floor to floor, and finally out Cigg Holdings, with just one name ringing in my head—Kristoffer.