
The Empoyee

"How might you please me, Miss Parker?" "How would you want me, Mr. Holden?" I should stop. It was only a tease I had mindlessly put up, hoping to get a longer moment with him, listening to whatever I had to say, but apparently, he was a persistent young man, one who would get to the end of every matter started. "I'm only scared we don't speak of the same thing here" He followed. "Oh, I very much follow, Mr Holden" "Here's the thing Miss Parker" He began, figure tearing off the chair, approaching my form. I fretted at his incoming profile, eyes averted away, not daring to meet that striking gaze of his. Even in the calming space, I could feel the burn that rushed to my chest. He had soon pulled up beside my form, eyes peering on at my warded off profile. "I'd like to see how so well you think can please me" He called. "If you manage to have me forget how troublesome the morning has been, then I assure you, the position is all yours" Eyes had snapped up to him at once, gaze beholding the sincerity in those grey eyes. "Also.....He paused for a long minute, figure inching closer.....If you manage to have me aroused........ He drew even nearer, breath so close, it fanned against my neck. "Then you, Miss Janet Parker, will be the company's new marketer to be employed" *** He is a 24 year old heir to his father's company. She is a 28 year old lady, fired from her last job for burning the CEO with hot tea. A fiery one she is, not until she meets a man, who is just intent on breaking her.

ArazellaSnow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


"There are a lot of things left for one to behold in this world, Miss Parker"

My gaze shifted to the form of Louis, ears perked, at every word that came out his lips.

I dare not be distracted. He had so managed to earn my undivided attention effortlessly, with eyes watching him, watching every slight movement he gave.

"You, Miss Parker, are an exceptional lady, I must say"

He waved at the lady behind the counter, calling for her to return with the cups of coffee he had ordered minutes ago.

I gaped on like I was caught in some sort of trance. Perhaps, I was.

This man wasn't on my TV screen, or the page of some magazine held between my fingers.

No, no, no. Louis Vettriano was sat right before me.

Far away from Holden Inc. we were. For some reason, he had decided to take me to the café right down the street, prepared to make his business known.

I'd soon caught sight of the lady approaching, hands bearing a tray holding the cups of coffee, Mr Vettriano had requested.

"Their coffee's nice here, isn't it?" Uttered Louis.

"I can't say. I rarely come here" I followed with a low chuckle.

"Why is that, Miss Parker?"

My gaze came meeting his, eyes beholding the look on intrigue that had graced his face.

"Work wouldn't permit me walking in and out of the office at every minute"

"Well, that's surprising"


"It is surprising, Miss Parker" He stated.

"A lady like you shouldn't bear such restrictions" He followed at once.

"In fact, I must tend to the reason why I had journeyed out here"

"I believe it's time I make my offer known to you"


"I'm sorry, can you repeat those words?"

My eyes blinked at the figure away, gaze watching the grin that had taken his lips. Every delight filled those eyes, with figure soon drawing closer to mine, mirroring my form.

"We would like to employ you in our organization, Miss Parker"

Those words poured out for the second time since the past minute. With every weight it bore, mind was lost trying to accept all that came with it.


"Employ me?"

"But I don't—

"Our organization is on the look for brilliant people as your caliber, Miss Parker" He began, taking a sip out the cup in his hands.

"Your pitch at the conference blew me, Jane" I could feel the change in the atmosphere, at the sudden switch of tone.

"And believe me when I say this, I'm not usually impressed with people, but the moment you took that stage, you earned my undivided attention"

"My interest piqued in getting familiar with your character, Jane" He followed.

"Accept my offer" His voice was firm, eyes holding onto mine"

"Become a manager at Cigg. Holdings." He dropped those words.

I found my own words struggling to pour out, eyes staring blankly at the man away.

Louis Vettriano.

The girl five years ago, would probably had gone bollocks by now. Oh she sure would be proud having to be in the same space as the man who she'd looked up to right from college days.

That same man who was now stood before me, with an offer, I still couldn't work my way through.

"But...I'm a marketer, I deal with communicating better with the people, persisting them, as regards to the company—That's what I do" The words stumbled out my mouth.

"I have no business in managing a company"

"Jane" He pronounced.

Voice low, a grin tugged at the corners of his eyes, with gaze sizing my form.

"If you can make a company develop in every department in merely the span of three months, then I see no better fit, but you managing that company"

His eyes did enough in holding mine, with words so pushing, one would be bound to fall in its pull.

"Now, I admire Holden Inc., I really do. But do permit me to call them out-right for not appreciating you enough" He let out at once.

"With such capabilities as yours, you, Jane Parker, should be able to make your own demands which the company must meet up to"

He had taken a pause, lips pouring out a sigh.

"Here's the contract, Miss Parker" He followed,  slipping into my hands a black envelope.

"In there, holds your passage to a better future"

"Sign those papers, and your life changes for good"