
The Empoyee

"How might you please me, Miss Parker?" "How would you want me, Mr. Holden?" I should stop. It was only a tease I had mindlessly put up, hoping to get a longer moment with him, listening to whatever I had to say, but apparently, he was a persistent young man, one who would get to the end of every matter started. "I'm only scared we don't speak of the same thing here" He followed. "Oh, I very much follow, Mr Holden" "Here's the thing Miss Parker" He began, figure tearing off the chair, approaching my form. I fretted at his incoming profile, eyes averted away, not daring to meet that striking gaze of his. Even in the calming space, I could feel the burn that rushed to my chest. He had soon pulled up beside my form, eyes peering on at my warded off profile. "I'd like to see how so well you think can please me" He called. "If you manage to have me forget how troublesome the morning has been, then I assure you, the position is all yours" Eyes had snapped up to him at once, gaze beholding the sincerity in those grey eyes. "Also.....He paused for a long minute, figure inching closer.....If you manage to have me aroused........ He drew even nearer, breath so close, it fanned against my neck. "Then you, Miss Janet Parker, will be the company's new marketer to be employed" *** He is a 24 year old heir to his father's company. She is a 28 year old lady, fired from her last job for burning the CEO with hot tea. A fiery one she is, not until she meets a man, who is just intent on breaking her.

ArazellaSnow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


Life is hectic.

Some days it brought smiles, other days, it pulled confusion, Frustration, utter dejection.

I wasn't the weakest, nor was I the strongest, but I sure could feel. I could feel hurt, and I still was. Now, the reason for that being, I don't know.

But I knew how much I hurt.

I was hurt that there was nothing more that could happen in what I had found myself crossed in. More hurt that there was nothing I could do about it.

Sometimes we find ourselves longing for something, but realize those are just wants of our heart. Utter desires.

I could hear the cars honking past my staggering figure, some peeking out their windows, throwing curses my way, but I cared not at this point.

Body and mind was exhausted.

One might as well run into me.

Also, the wild downpour which had decided to come unannounced on a fine New-York evening, right in the middle of March didn't do much in helping matters at all.

Form drenched clothes to skin, I pushed on, holding on, as the outline of my apartment drew even nearer, giving me every hope that I was close to my comfort, close to my peace.


My body sank deep into the bath, the warm water seeping in my skin, easing every tension off my frail shoulders

This was just what I sought for.

Body deep into the water, while every thought that had lingered since the dawn of day, washed away with the dirt I had stepped in with.

I had not longed for such calm as this.

It relaxed me, relaxed every bone in my body.

"Jane!" The voice of Tara bounced into the room, her eyes down-looking my figure spread in the tub.

"Someone's here to see you"

My form had shot up at the utterance, eyes narrowed at her figure away, hoping it wasn't one of those games she chose to play.

"Oh, please don't tell me it's George" I called at once, hands reaching to pull the towel hung on the rack.

"Well, it would be a lot better if it was" She followed in a whisper, with hands motioning for me to hurry.

Only one person came to mind, and I swear every part of me ached for it to be, but the instant I stepped foot outside, I was met with a wide grin on the face of someone I least expected to find stood out there.


My voice was barely a whisper, with eyes

widened at the figure stood away, his gaze sure was wholesome with delight.

"How did you—

There were a thousand questions I had out for him, but I knew not where to begin.

Wherever had he come from?

Most importantly, how did he find out where I lived?

"It's abound, Jane" He followed in a low breath.

"Besides, there's always a person that knows another person, who knows another person out here in New-York"

My arms wrapped around my scantily-clad body, eyes onlooking in bewilderment.

"I'm sorry about the other day" He began, inching closer.

"I didn't mean to start a ruckus"

Well other than the fact that I could have been thrown out of office, it's all fine.

"It's fine" I poured in a breath.

"No, please!....Permit me to apologize properly" His hands had taken a hold of mine, eyes peering on.

"Come with me to dinner" He let out in a rush.

"Diego, it's fine. Really"

"I haven't been able to forgive myself, Jane"

"Do this one for me, and I promise to get off your back"


"Please, Jane"