
The Empoyee

"How might you please me, Miss Parker?" "How would you want me, Mr. Holden?" I should stop. It was only a tease I had mindlessly put up, hoping to get a longer moment with him, listening to whatever I had to say, but apparently, he was a persistent young man, one who would get to the end of every matter started. "I'm only scared we don't speak of the same thing here" He followed. "Oh, I very much follow, Mr Holden" "Here's the thing Miss Parker" He began, figure tearing off the chair, approaching my form. I fretted at his incoming profile, eyes averted away, not daring to meet that striking gaze of his. Even in the calming space, I could feel the burn that rushed to my chest. He had soon pulled up beside my form, eyes peering on at my warded off profile. "I'd like to see how so well you think can please me" He called. "If you manage to have me forget how troublesome the morning has been, then I assure you, the position is all yours" Eyes had snapped up to him at once, gaze beholding the sincerity in those grey eyes. "Also.....He paused for a long minute, figure inching closer.....If you manage to have me aroused........ He drew even nearer, breath so close, it fanned against my neck. "Then you, Miss Janet Parker, will be the company's new marketer to be employed" *** He is a 24 year old heir to his father's company. She is a 28 year old lady, fired from her last job for burning the CEO with hot tea. A fiery one she is, not until she meets a man, who is just intent on breaking her.

ArazellaSnow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


I was met with a quiet house upon my entrance.

With the figure of Kristoffer nowhere to be seen, I had given a thought to turn around, and report to an impatient Adalynn, who would be ready to have it out at me.

I had been ushered in by one of the guys outside.

The security guards or whatever they were, made leave the instant they took me in, leaving me to behold such enormity of a house.

It was big.

Big, big, big!

I barely could control my own eyes as they were found shifting here to there, taking in everything that came with the space. This wasn't the home I had visited when his father requested to have dinner with him.

This was another house.

His house, which only had my legs turning numb, at the fact that I was now within the walls of his home.

You're here for business, Jane! A voice in my begged to voice light to reasoning, but part of me welcomed other thoughts. Perhaps the fact, that I had now stepped into the home of a man, who I'd make out with every now and then.


I spun around at the voice at once, eyes soon beholding the presence in the room.

His figure was stood feet away, gaze holding onto mine.

This sure was the first time I was seeing him in anything other than corporate wear, and I can tell you, they had such fitting on him.

The black tee clinging onto his body, gave

proper emphasis to his arms, with pants hanging below his crotch, I forced my eyes to avert.

"Good day, Mr. Holden"

I was left swallowing at his longing stare, gaze staring at anywhere but his.

"When will you stop with the formalities?"

"Not as long as I work here" I followed immediately

"Then would you have me fire you?"

His utterance had managed to snap my gaze in an instant, eyes beholding the expression held on his face.

"N-no sir. I didn't mean that" My own words wavered.

"Then you will call me Kristoffer" He pronounced.

"Yes Sir" His eyes intent on my form, with brows raising, only got me swallowing hard, lips emitting a low breath.

"Sorry, Kristoffer" I followed.

"I realized I haven't had the chance to thank you well enough" He began, pulling out a glass from the bar at a corner. I watched him pull a bottle of wine from the counter, filling the glass with it.

He went around grabbing some ice, dumping it all in, and in a second he was stood before my figure, holding it out for me.

"I don't drink while working, Sir"

"You're not working, Jane" He followed.

"You're in my home. And please, these are compliments"

"Compliments? What for?" My voice was low, hands soon reaching for the glass of wine.

"For what you've been doing for the company, as of late"

"Shucks! you're making me feel important"

"Don't flatter yourself much, Jane. These are all just mere thoughts from a few members of the staff" He followed at once, knocking the delight off my face.

My hands went smacking his arm, a low chuckle escaping his lips at the light impact.

The glee that had rushed to those grey eyes was one that left me peering on. I itched to have a peek in there.

Just a little insight to the things he embodied.

For a long minute, our eyes holding onto each other's was all I could tell of, with silence coming in, leaving me averting my gaze.

My gaze longed to remain in his.

And right then did his hands pull my figure, lips brushing against mine.


Maybe, just maybe, I said I wasn't down for his antics, still, those lips sliding gently into mine, with hands roaming every part of my skin, left me with nothing but to give in.

Sometimes, we just had to go back on our word. Especially if it involved striking grey-eyed men.

I heard the glass of wine smash to the ground, with hands wrapped around the neck of Kristoffer, my lips pulled his.

Eyes crossed with delight, his hands pulled me even closer, and in a second, he had lifted me off the ground, with our lips left welcoming each other's.

He lifted me up the stairs, away from the living room, and with our bodies still held tight, he took me further into the halls.

The sound of a door pushing open was all that came, right before my body had sank into the plush bed.

I could hear his breaths pour out heavier.

And with tongue slid further in, lips went trailing from my mouth down to my chest.

I felt his hands roam all around, and at once, they went tugging the shirt on me, snapping the buttons that held it on at a go.

My fingers soon went tracing around the tee worn on his body, prying it off of him in a second, bringing his chest bare.

I watched him pull my hands slowly to the surface of his chest, and the warmth that followed at the touch of it, all but left me in shambles.

His body had come atop mine in an instant, with hands pulling my brassiere off, I watched his lips cup the entirety of my bosoms, body lighting up at his touch.

He undressed me.

Yes. From my brassiere, all the way to my skirt, I watched him take it off, eyes lighting up at each clothing he pulled away.

I let him pull apart the red panties I had taken from my closet earlier this morning, with its threadings coming off from the rip that followed, and at once he had tossed them to a side.

His hands went tracing around the skin of my area, a grin tugging at his lips at the longing that filled my eyes.

He teased me. And he just so enjoyed every bit of it.

Who knew my decision to wax my private area the night before would leave me being grateful at the moment.

Those fingers trailed around my vulva pulling in and out, while sharp gasps poured from my lips, with eyes not daring to let go of his.

"Do you want me to go on?" His voice was barely a whisper. Eyes holding onto mine, they never let go.

And only at the nod I gave, had he gone pushing into my thighs, with a sharp gasp emitting my lips.

His body pushed up against mine, hands parting my legs even wider, while the feel of him pushing further in, soon hit me.

Figure went arching at the slow thrusts that followed, and at every second that went by, they became faster, with my breaths pouring out heavy.

Our skin kissing, I could feel his member pushing deeper into me, his hands wrapped around my frail form, with my call of pleasure all to be heard.

My nails dug into the sheets, lips pursed tight, while I felt I was one to suppress the cry that threatened to pour out.

His breaths got even heavier, firm hold on me tightening, as I tried accommodating the lot of him.


His hands ran through my hair down to my bosoms. With lips kissing my neck, they trailed all the way to my belly, pausing there for a long moment.

My body had soon turned to a side, our figures met spooning, and right then did his thrusts come even faster, with hands cupping my breasts, his lips roamed every part of my skin.

"You're beautiful, Jane"

Perhaps the pleasure which had gotten a hold of me, left me hearing words, but that soft breath pouring into my ears, with such warm hold that had me pulling on, was all I wanted for the moment to last.

It found me so bad, I wished not to let go. Only to linger in the comfort I felt with me being in his arms.

And that night, while my call of pleasure cracked the silence of the space, I found myself wishing for a moment bound to end anytime soon, to surpass the morning, and bring every warmth I sought.