
The Emperor's Pampered Wife

[Book One of the Regal Family Series] Hou Wei Yan had recently returned from States and the first thing she ever did was to work hard on the new hospital she was assigned. When she finally got a day off to return to her household, much to her horror, she was sold off by her father to a wealthy man comparable to that of an emperor. In an instant, she was dragged by his men to sign their marriage contract. She had long accepted that such a tragedy would come, but she never thought she would have a weird husband! He was set on not showing his face and yet pampering her to no end!

themilesaguanta · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

Her Value

"Ah Li." Elder Bei gently called out once they entered the car. The military hospital is still within their view. He observed carefully the sullen face of his grandson.

"Are you okay?"

Ji Li Zhao looked at the hospital once more before looking at his grandfather. "I'm fine."

"Tell me the truth." the elder demanded. He wanted to know what he was thinking. He may have a spartan training and he knows no mercy when it comes to business, but outside that, he is still a grandfather who looks after his own kin. "Are you okay?"

"I don't think anyone would be okay if they went through the same thing." he honestly replied to his grandfather, only giving him a glimpse for a few seconds before gazing once more outside the car window. He was still in a daze, unsure how to express the horrible feeling inside the pit of his stomach. "She forgot everything, didn't she?"

"We're not sure of that yet."

He looked at his grandfather seriously after hearing this. He had heard from other members before that they had inquiries that can be compared to this before. "You've had experiences like this before. What do you think of it, Grandpa?"

Bei Jin Lin sighed when confronted in such a way. He indeed saw people who suffered the same fate as Hou Wei Yan now. He had even seen worse and by watching such scenes unfold and hearing all the doctor's opinions during those cases, he can already guess what is going on.

"She probably forgot everything," he replied, his voice stern and serious. "She did suffer quite a hit on the head."

It was not directly stated what Hou Wei Yan is suffering from, but the bottom line is, she forgot everything. She forgot their memories and now she will be living without them.

"She might remember." Elder Bei said in the silence that engulfed the car. He knows that Ji Li Zhao feels horrible right now for the sudden event that unfolded, but he wanted to give him hope. He didn't want him to plunge into darkness just because of this event. "There are instances where they regain their memories and remember."

"Grandpa. Don't you think this is the best?"

Bei Jin Lin was taken aback by this sudden question. He was told and had already observed how infatuated Ji Li Zhao is with the young miss of the Hou Household. And yet her losing her memories is for the best?

"What do you mean?"

Ji Li Zhao who has been avoiding the Elder's gaze since earlier finally looked him straight in the eye. His eyes were now filled with grief and terror which was contradictory to what he was saying. "It's best that she forgets the horrible thing that happened to her. Right?"

It would have been good if that was the case.

But alongside the horrible experience, Hou Wei Yan lost all her memories. She was unable to remember who she is or the people she interacted with.

The accident didn't only take the bad memories...it took everything.

"Are you really okay?"

Elder Bei promised to watch over Ji Li Zhao and he has no plan of breaking any of his promises. He wants to know what his grandson really feels regarding this situation and he was not willing to listen to any of his lies.

Ji Li Zhao momentarily stayed silent, until silent tears flowed down his eyes.

[ Saying I'm okay...is an obvious lie isn't it? ]

Seeing how tears continued to flow down his cheeks, Bei Jin Lin slowly held his grandson's shoulders and brought him close to his chest. There, Ji Li Zhao sobbed and cried his heart out.

"Wei Wei forgetting is more painful than all the training I went through." he honestly shared. His grandfather simply nodded his head and caressed his back ever so gently, making sure that he knows he is listening.

Bei Jin Lin made him feel safe. Right now, he is his grandfather and not the master that's training him to be a dependable and indestructible heir.

While the car was driving away, Ji Li Zhao stayed in his grandfather's embrace and cried his heart out. He cried like someone had died because truth be told, the memories they shared had now died in Hou Wei Yan's memories.

They are non-existent to her.

The beautiful memories and the promises they shared, now, only he knows about it.

"What are you planning now?" Elder Bei asked when his grandson finally calmed down.

Ji Li Zhao wiped his remaining tears away and looked at the bright sky. The gloom in his heart was a great contrast to it. "Losing memories at such an early age means regaining such memories is 50 to 0."

Elder Bei nodded because he has a point.

"I promised to marry her and I will uphold that promise. I will become stronger in order for me to do that," he stated with conviction. Even if the circumstances changed, his promise will remain and he is not the type of man who will break his promises.

His eyes continued to linger on the sky, and he watched in longing the clouds that passed by. "She may have forgotten about me, but I have our memories and I will treasure them. I will stay by her side and make new memories with her."

"Whatever you want...I will support you." the Elder assured and ruffled his hair. Ji Li Zhao indulged in such caring actions before he toughened himself up once more when they approached the gates of their base.

Elder Bei was the one who was guided out first and he looked at his grandson with eyes belonging to that of a fierce lion. "Let's proceed to where we left off. You need to become stronger, right?"

There was no need for hesitation.

Ji Li Zhao faced his grandfather head-on and continued his path to becoming the strongest leader of their organization.


"I was unable to return to her after that visit of ours and fulfill the promise of staying by her side…I was unable to make new memories with her as I promised." Ji Li Zhao muttered as he looked at Bei Changhai. He held his temple momentarily, trying his best to shake off the awful feeling of those memories.

Bei Changhai gave her older cousin some time to breathe before she bombarded him once more with her curiosity. "She forgot everything? Did her mind return to her toddler days?"

He shook his head to answer her question. "She suffered from retrograde amnesia. She was unable to remember anything prior to the infliction of the injury. They found no problem with her knowledge of everyday life. The one affected is simply her memories."

"And nothing returned? Didn't they enroll her in a therapy session or some other treatment? Why didn't you tell her your past? That could have triggered her memories."

"Even if I wanted to, I can't," he answered with a sad smile. "They tried everything, to regain her memories, but after a month, they gave up. They decided that it was best to make new memories instead of forcing the horrid past on her."

He did try approaching her and tried his best to see her, but Hou Wei Yan is a precious person to the Xings. She was protected more than ever and was even hidden from the rest of the world for her protection.

"They feared other children will hurt Wei Wei. She was more vulnerable than ever so Aunt Mei Yi decided to home-school her. She quit attending to any of their business and she focused all her attention on her. She trained her so that someday, Wei Wei will be able to protect herself even without her."

By that time, he was also getting rougher training. He had fully accepted then that her memories would not come back. So he focused on his training while she was creating new memories with her cousins.

"After Hou Jun Shen was born, Aunt Mei Yi became more protective. The only friends she allowed Wei Wei to have was her cousins. She was completely hidden from us. We only heard about her again when she entered middle school where we met again."

Bei Changhai raised her brows after hearing this from him. "Why can't she remember if you managed to meet her again?"

A tough question was finally asked.

He has been very generous with answering her questions. But this one is something he was not ready to reveal to her yet. Aside from the content of such a past being his greatest regret, it was also a very long story to tell and they do not have enough time for it.

Huang Xun had already entered the room and pointed at the clock. It was time for him to retire for the evening as he has an important appointment tomorrow with none other than his wife, Hou Wei Yan.

"How did the others react?" Bei Changhai asked, not wanting to end her inquiries just yet. Ji Li Zhao was generous with his answers and was genuinely willing to let her have a peek at their past, she just needs to ask the right questions and avoid certain topics.

Sure enough, Ji Li Zhao did not hold back as this does not directly reveal more details of their past. "Yu Shou tried to kill me."

Disbelief crossed Bei Changhai's face upon hearing this. She knew Han Yu Shou for a long time and he was her cousin's loyalist. He was more a dog than a human in front of his cousin, always wagging his tail at Ji Li Zhao so she finds it difficult to imagine such a man becoming enemies with her cousin.

"That Han Yu Shou?! He dared threaten you?!"

Ji Li Zhao slightly smiled at the memory. He and Han Yu Shou did not consider each other brothers at that time yet so he easily became hostile towards him when he heard Hou Wei Yan was hurt under his watch.

"He views Wei Wei as his little sister so it's understandable he would hold a grudge against me," he replied back before returning a frown on his face. The angry look and killer intent that marked Han Yu Shou's face back then was something he could not forget. "I failed to protect her. They trusted me to help protect her, and yet I failed anyway."

He clenched his fist, remembering what has been said to him before. They were still young back then and so emotional due to the event. The words they blurted out were unfiltered and truly brought out by extreme anger.

Because Hou Wei Yan's memories were not the only thing that got taken away by the accident.

Hou Wei Yan ended up getting taken away from their lives at that time.

She disappeared as though she was a ghost in their memories. The friends she had before gradually forgot about her. But the five of them just could not do it like the rest. So they made sure to remember her, creating even an album filled with their memories of her just so they could never forget. They filled it with notes of what was done and said during those occasions because they want to remember all of it and have proof of everything.

So that one day, if ever they have amnesia like her, they would still remember. They saw how painful it is for those around Hou Wei Yan to see her live a life without remembering any of their memories and they did not want it to happen again.

"It was not your fault." Bei Changhai muttered lowly when she saw the pained expression her brother was wearing. "If she eventually remembers, Big Sister will not blame you either. You saved her from a more terrible accident. I'm sure the others eventually understood that."

"I've heard that countless times already." he laughed bitterly. "That I was not to be blamed."

From his brothers to Hou Guanyu himself, he was told not to blame himself. But how can he not when he knew it was his weakness that caused such an accident?

"No matter what they say, I still feel that it was all my fault. She was there in the first place because of me."

"If you start throwing blame, then you're aiming at the wrong spot," she replied to him, causing Ji Li Zhao to seriously stare at her, waiting for her reply. "You've met her there countless times and nothing happened. That accident only happened because some trespassers entered. Those spoiled brats are only there because a certain someone invited them."

"That's beside the point."

"No. That is the point!" Bei Changhai insisted, now quite upset about her cousin always blaming himself and looking weak when the conversation lands on this topic. "You're going to start blaming anyways, why don't you blame the one who threw the party instead of yourself? That accident only happened because they threw a party and did not bother to keep watch of their guests."

"They are innocent."

She angrily stomped her feet and stood up to get close to him after hearing this. "So were you! You are innocent! More innocent than them, okay?"

Ji Li Zhao simply stared at her, unwilling to accept the fact that she was spewing. He was in his stubborn phase and Bei Changhai knows that nothing will be able to move him when he becomes like this. She could only surrender and huff in annoyance.

While busy lingering her gaze around, she noticed a mural hidden behind red drapes. She never really bothered to care about it, but now that she heard the story, she couldn't help but take notice of it. She slowly walked towards the drapes and pulled them aside, revealing a large mural of an orchid tree, two children beneath it, and a black and white bird perched on its branches.

The bird was looking down on the children, as though observing them and staying out of curiosity.

"Little Panda?" she muttered to herself, carefully tracing the details of the children on the mural. The female child had brown hair, her back quite chubby, and beside her is a child pointing at the sky with his black hair drifting through the wind.

Slowly, she turned to look at her older cousin with an indescribable look on her face. She couldn't help but feel a heavy burden on her chest as she watched the painting. "Is this the painting you wanted to give her that day?"

"A copy of it." Ji Li Zhao muttered as he too approached the mural. He spends quite a lot of time doing paperwork so he painted the same painting as murals in specific parts of his libraries. "I've hidden the original one, hoping to give it to her someday."

Bei Changhai looked at him, her eyes now filled with pain for what he went through. Ji Li Zhao touched the mural and smiled sadly as he traced the little fairy painted on his wall. "I wanted to give it to her when she woke up, but I decided to give it when she remembers our time together. Until she remembers our time in that orchid tree, that painting will remain hidden."

"This painting will remain as my secret…my treasure…my lifeline."


"It serves as a reminder to me," he muttered, remembering once more the vow he made for himself.

Bei Changhai took another look at the mural and observed how most of the decorations in the mansion revolve around orchids. She initially thought he only liked the flower, but there was a much deeper meaning behind it. "You really like torturing yourself."

"I didn't want to forget our time together." Ji Li Zhao honestly stated. The orchid has become his emblem now and it became an important part of him. It was his trademark now and he has no plans of letting go of it now. "It serves as a reminder...that I was loved by her once...and that I sinned for it."

"Big Brother, why do you say you sinned?"

He could only sigh at her question. "I coveted a goddess, didn't I?"

"I can't tell if you're serious or just joking," she muttered after observing his silence after blurting out such words. "You're stubborn and no one can argue when you make up your mind. I just want to say this though...you're being foolish. You're just torturing yourself when there are better things to do than blame yourself."

"Can't I do both?"


"Blaming myself and working things out...can't I do both?"

Bei Changhai looked at her older cousin weirdly. He was perhaps the most talented and wise person in her life, but he has become a fool of love. "Suit yourself...I just hope you still get her in the end because all that foolish overthinking and overplanning will be for naught if you can't get the girl in the end."

"I'm prepared to do anything to win her heart," he replied back before motioning Gu Man to come near them. "Please escort her, Uncle. It's time this curious kitten retires for the evening."

Bei Changhai was still unsatisfied but she knew better than to keep her older cousin up all night due to her curiosity. She gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheeks and followed behind Gu Man obediently...but not silently.

"Uncle, do you know Hou Wei Yan?"

Gu Man gave her a quick glance before proceeding with escorting her out of their mansion. "I would be called incompetent if I do not know about her."

"Right. You must have met her already or at least acquainted yourself with her."

"What are you curious about?"

Bei Changhai looked at him silently for a moment before asking her question. "Big Brother has become a fool thanks to her...do you think she's suitable for him?"

Although Bei Changhai was close to Ji Li Zhao, she still does not fully know the extent he can go through. He was their master and the one handling Palisades because he was feared. He was a good master and mostly friendly...but he is still a fearful existence that keeps everyone in check.

Some even called him a monster and a tyrant of an emperor due to his horrid actions.

He did not become a fool due to Hou Wei Yan.

"She made him human," he replied to her curious stare. "He is smitten by her and did things that are unbecoming of him...but that only made things better. Watching him fawn over her and care for her is like watching a villain turning into a human for the sake of his woman."

"You approve of her?"

"There is no woman more suitable for the young master than Doctor Hou Wei Yan," he added before opening the car door for her. Once she got inside, he held the door for a short period of time to give her a bit of advice. "See for yourself why. They will both be attending a health check-up tomorrow. The young miss might understand why we approve of her there."

And with that, Bei Changhai left the estate giving Ji Li Zhao only a few hours of peace.


Ji Li Zhao looked forward to this day. He was going to spend the whole day alongside his wife. Although he will be her boss this time, he still considers it a great day to spend time with each other.

When he went to the hospital to check on her team, hoping to go to the site with them, he found himself dumbfounded when he saw an additional woman standing with his wife.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, slowly approaching Hou Wei Yan's medical team.

The group bowed their head toward their boss. Long Lee showed great vigor as she watched Ji Li Zhao's masculine figure approach. Even before it was announced that he was their new boss, she already idolized him.

Having to spend the day with her idol is a dream come true.

Bei Changhai waved her hands when he came close to their view. "Big Brother, here I am."

"I can see that," he answered quite sarcastically and eyed her seriously. "What brought you here? Are you sick?"

She immediately shook her head and clung to Hou Wei Yan. "I came for Sister Wei Wei. I want to talk regarding some family affairs."

He was not buying her excuse. If it was a family affair, she may even know more than Hou Wei Yan since she invests her time currying the favor of the Xings since she sees them as her potential in-laws.

"She's working right now," he answered before turning to his wife who stood there unfazed by their drama. "You're a doctor right now, Miss Hou."

"I always am," she answered, quite offended by his words. Slowly, she turned to Bei Changhai and smiled. "I'll contact you again once I'm free. Right now, we need to leave for a medical check-up with Mr. Ji's company."

Bei Changhai was quite a good actress. She turned to her cousin, her head slightly tilted and her mouth forming a pout. "You're spending time with her?"

"We're here for work." he clarified, not wanting his true intention to be revealed.

"I want to go." she blurted out, her pout turning to a smile. "Can I?"

Ji Li Zhao heaved a sigh while shaking his head. "Again, we are here for work and we are going to be late soon."

As though on cue, Bei Changhai left Hou Wei Yan and clung to Ji Li Zhao's shoulders instead. She swung his arms back and forth with a cute smile on her face and a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I'll be good. Besides, I will only observe. Nothing more, nothing less."

"No." Ji Li Zhao answered firmly. "Not this time, Changhai. This is official work and a serious business. If you cause any trouble, there will be hell to pay."

"Which is why I will not cause any trouble." she insisted, still not letting go of his arms.

Ji Li Zhao sighed once more and looked around. Bei Changhai will not drop this request. He didn't want to cause delay anymore and cause more annoyance to his wife. In the end, he could only give in to his willful cousin. "I will not go easy on you if you cause even the smallest of trouble. Remember that."

Satisfied, Bei Changhai immediately saluted him with a huge grin on her face. "Roger!"

Although still reluctant and unsure of this, Ji Li Zhao decided to trust her even a bit. He was unwilling to let his guard down though.

After making sure that she knows how serious this business is, he turns to his wife with conviction. "I apologize for this, Doctor Hou. I will make sure to watch over her so she doesn't trouble any of you."

Hou Wei Yan turned to glance at Bei Changhai after he said this and slightly smiled. She had heard some gossip after she met Bei Changhai yesterday and it seems like everything they said was true. She was deeply adored and whatever she wants she will eventually get.

It was also well known how Ji Li Zhao pampers this certain cousin of his. Now she knows how all of this is true. He was even willing to compromise with their medical check-up just to accommodate her.

"We will do our duties well, Mr. Ji." she merely said before looking at her team. "Shall we?"

He was unsure whether she was angry or not due to this. His unease dissipate when Hou Wei Yan approached Bei Changhai and ruffled her hair with a smile before entering the van set up for her and her team.

"Huang Xun," he called out to his secretary.

The diligent secretary immediately went close and bowed, ready to receive his order. "Yes, President?"

"Tell Makio to heighten the monitoring. I don't want Changhai to babble anything odd to my wife. I'm afraid she will suspect something."

Huang Xun nodded his head in understanding because what he fears is obviously possible given Bei Changhai's untamed behavior. After relaying his order, Ji Li Zhao entered the same van which caused them to look at him in shock and confusion.

"What are you doing?" Bei Changhai asked, a cunning smile hidden behind her innocent question.

He who was looking forward to visiting the area in the same van as his wife had arranged for his seat next to hers. However, in his place was his cousin, obviously knowing ahead of time what he had in mind.

Aside from his seat getting taken, there are no other seats for him as he made sure no pest would try to come alongside them under the pretense of aiding with the check-up. Instead of Zhou Jinhai becoming his problem, another one came in and took his rightful place in the van.

He should be angry for this, for the ruined moment he was supposed to have with his wife, but all he could do was sigh and eye Bei Changhai. Although he knows this is deliberate, it is not something he should be angry about, especially when his cousin is the one he has a feud.

"Be mindful." he reminded before getting himself out of the van. He looked at her once more, firm and serious with no plans of spoiling her antics. He didn't want her to tell Hou Wei Yan anything or do anything that will make her suspicious.

He can't afford to have her find out now when they're still in the process of riding off his uncle and his minions.

Bei Changhai, although in a playful state earlier, returned the favor and nodded her head with eyes filled with conviction. "I will."

Satisfied, he left the van after giving Hou Wei Yan one last glance. She who was observing them both since earlier offered him a polite smile, clearly saying that it was time for them to leave. He expected this reaction.

Hou Wei Yan had already confessed to her husband, so any other men stand no chance. It was already reported that she can be brutal in her rejections. By now, she must have noticed he holds feelings for her and wants to reject him. However, given that he is her boss, she needs to remain civil and not cause any strain, that's why she chose to be ignorant of his feelings and remain polite and yet detached.

This way of her…can still be considered brutal though.

"Hmm?" Bei Changhai hummed in amusement as he watched their little interaction and the subtle rejection that Hou Wei Yan showed. "Sister, you don't like my brother?"


"You don't like my cousin?"

Hou Wei Yan momentarily paused when asked again. She didn't think anyone would notice her intention. She doesn't think anyone even noticed the subtle hints of affection that Ji Li Zhao was showing.

Not wanting to directly answer that, she decided to throw the question back at Bei Changhai.

"How do you say so?"

"You didn't show a positive reaction." she began before smiling widely at her. "I've been around him for quite some time and women line up to get a glimpse of him. My Brother is very handsome, even amongst my other cousins, he tops the chart. No one showed resistance to his looks."

Hou Wei Yan listened intently. It can't be denied that Ji Li Zhao is indeed a looker, but he is not the person she is attracted to. She was charmed during their first meeting, but she's a person who doesn't necessarily fixate herself on appearance.

In short, she was immune to his looks now.

He can be charming in others' eyes, but right now, he is but a boss in her eyes.

"The genes are indeed strong." Hou Wei Yan replied, unwilling to directly admit she agrees with Bei Changhai, for fear that someone will misunderstand. "They don't lie either. That must be why you're very beautiful."

"Hearing that from you is a pleasing compliment." the younger one replied, dazzled by the smile Hou Wei Yan displayed as she complimented her. "A beauty, and a genius. Everyone will want you as their daughter-in-law or even their sister-in-law!"

"This kid." Ji Li Zhao muttered as he listened to what his cousin was blabbering about in his earpiece.

Huang Xun who was also listening couldn't help but sigh. "Let's just hope she remembers everything you've done for her, President."

All of them in Palisades who are monitoring are praying the exact same thing. They pray that Bei Changhai wouldn't act like Han Yu Shou who keeps bringing them trouble and blabbering about their plans to people despite how much they had protected and saved him from his troubles.

Hi! Miles here, finally back from a long hiatus.

I apologize for not updating for a long time. I started working as a call center agent at the same time I stopped updating this story. I was unable to balance my time well since I'm still a medical student. I stopped working now because I need to focus on my studies. Now, I have extra time to write again, and thus, here I am. Ready to serve you once more Ji Li Zhao and Hou Wei Yan's love story.

As an apology (I don't know if all of you will like this), but in this volume, you'll see Ji Li Zhao mustering enough balls to confess. Guess what Hou Wei Yan's reaction will be. ;)

Anyway, I updated 4 chapters today and will be back on February 11. I know I just returned, but I have a 1-week examination so I'll be disappearing once more. No worries, I'll be back on time.

By the way, I uploaded a prologue to my other story, hope you'll find interest and give it a go. It's an isekai-themed story, only this time, our female lead isn't the one who got reincarnated, but our beloved male lead. The title is "Villainess By Choice" and the username is @milesaguanta. I decided to create another account since I'm having issues deleting some stories in this one.

Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for waiting. I promise not to disappoint.

themilesaguantacreators' thoughts