
The Emerald Dragon

Born with a powerful quirk and an even more powerful body, Izuku is fueled by the desire to change the world where the corruption of Heroes, and the war against villains don't exist and instead replace it with a society where only the strong rule. As the war between UA and the League of Villains starts, a third player enters the game. Izuku/Harem. Inspired by Kaido My Subscribestar adult page to support me: subscribestar.adult/kingen My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xDPTRQYyhV

KingYub · Anime e quadrinhos
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10 Chs

Strip Party



"Take this!" Bakugou shouted as he cocked his fist back, and punched forward, creating an explosion the moment his hand made contact with his target. The blonde teen stood in his backyard, using his personal training dummy.

Because his parents were fairly well-off, not only did they have a large house, but they also had a spacious backyard, which the blonde used quite a lot for his training. Public use of quirks is prohibited, but doing it on private property was another matter. So this was a perfect place to train for him. Moreover, his parents also used that money to buy him a training dummy since they always fully supported his dream of becoming a hero.

The dummy he was using his quirk on was made to withstand explosions like his. It was made of hardened steel so that it wouldn't break or even melt unless attacked by exceptionally high temperatures. Of course, using his explosions on that thing wasn't enough to improve himself. He needed to be stronger physically, too. Sure, he worked out, but he wanted to withstand the pain and make his blows stronger. Thus, he regularly punched or kicked that pole, even risking breaking his knuckles or legs.

The blonde looked down at his hands, which were shaking and covered in bruises. His knuckles were slightly bloody, but nothing too serious. He needed to be stronger, to be the best. He needed to train every day without fault otherwise he wouldn't become Number 1! All of it was to surpass All Might… and him…

The one wall in his life. The one that stood in his way the most. The one obstacle that looked insurmountable. If it weren't for him, he would have lived the life of a king by now. Everyone around him would have realized the pebbles they were when faced with him. Well, everyone except his parents because the old hag he called a mother didn't know her place.

He let out a battle cry as he slammed his fist into the dummy again, pain shooting through his whole body as something cracked. This was… nothing. If he couldn't handle some steel, then he couldn't handle him. He imagined that guy standing where the training dummy was, making him look up. There, stood Midoriya Izuku, who he often called Snake Breath. They were somewhat childhood friends before that relationship abruptly ended. Bakugou clenched his teeth. He couldn't stand looking weak compared to him! He was the best! If he couldn't defeat him, then Katsuki wasn't the best, was he?

"You bastard… How dare you think you're better than me!" Katsuki shouted at the illusion of the other teen, who remained silent. The blonde would never forget the humiliation he suffered that day…


10 years ago

"Are we going exploring again?" Tsubasa asked while stretching out his wings. 

"Nah, my Mom said we couldn't go too far today," Katsuki clicked his tongue with his arms crossed.

"Eh, I'm too lazy to go anywhere, anyway," Saito, who extended one of his fingers to scratch the top of his head, replied. The three boys were currently in a park near their homes, and usually, they would go into the nearby forest to explore. "Wanna play heroes and villains? Can me and Tsubasa play the heroes this time?" He asked hopefully; however, before Katsuki could reply, the boy turned around. "What do you say, Midoriya?" He inquired to the fourth boy.

The green-haired kid was playing in the sandpit, building a sand castle with the help of a bucket. He didn't seem to have paid attention to their current conversation as he turned to look at them.

"Hm? Yeah, that's fine," The boy shrugged before standing up and dusting off his clothes.

"Nice! Can we?" Saito addressed the blonde boy this time, who merely scoffed.

"Don't wanna," He shook his head. Saito and Tsubasa's faces fell in disappointment, but before they could make a remark, a feral grin suddenly formed on the blonde's face. "I've got a better idea. Look over there," He pointed at a nearby tree. There was a boy their age sitting in the shade and playing with figurines.

"Isn't that Muto?" Tsubasa muttered in confusion.

"Yup! I heard yesterday that he was quirkless!" Katsuki laughed and slammed a fist in his palm. "Let's beat that loser up!"

"That'll be so awesome!" Saito immediately perked up excitedly.

The blonde proudly snickered. Of course, they were on board with this. He had such a great quirk, so it only made sense that they would listen to him. And it made even more sense to beat Muto's quirkless butt to the ground. This extra dared getting a better mark than Katsuki the other day in school, even though he was nothing! Watching him wither in pain would be enjoyable, and probably quite funny. However, another voice suddenly brought his excitement to an end.


Katsuki widened his eyes before turning to look at the one who asked as Tsubasa and Saito did the same. It was Izuku. The green-haired boy stood there nonchalantly.

"What do we get out of this?" The boy asked, seeing as his three friends weren't responding.

"What do you mean?" Saito inquired, unsure of what he was getting at.

"Isn't it obvious? What do we get out of it? His lunch money? His toys?" Izuku clarified his question.

Katsuki frowned. Why the hell was he questioning him?! He was supposed to be one of his sidekicks and nothing else!

"We get fun out of it, duh! He's a loser and I want to beat him up, that's all!" The blonde loudly responded.

"Oh. I'm not interested then. Not worth the trouble," Izuku shrugged, then turned around to walk back to his castle.

"What do you mean you're not interested?!" Katsuki stepped up, making the other boy pause and look at him in confusion. "You should be! We all got quirks and he's a nobody! Don't you think strong guys like us should put weaklings like him in their place?!"

"Oh, so that's what this is about!" Izuku grinned in realization. "If I did that to everyone, then I'd have to beat you, too, guys," He explained with a carefree attitude.

Tsubasa and Saito exchanged nervous looks while Katsuki laughed. He wasn't surprised these two were already shitting their pants at the prospect. The two of them were pretty weak compared to him and Izuku. However, they were still better than someone quirkless.

"I know these two aren't much, but ya don't need them like that. They're still stronger than that quirkless weakling," Katsuki snickered. Izuku, however, tilted his head in confusion.

"I was talking about you, too, though," He revealed, much to the blonde's shock.

"What?" He immediately stopped laughing.

"Whether someone's quirkless or as strong as you… It's all the same to me. I don't really notice a difference," Izuku shrugged nonchalantly.

Katsuki froze. What did that bastard say? He didn't mean it, did he? There was no way! How dare he talk to him that way? How dare he imply he was no better than that quirkless weakling?! Everyone else was smart enough to see how much better his quirk was, so why didn't he get it?! Was he too arrogant because of his quirk?! If that was the case, then Katsuki needed to teach him a lesson he would never forget and teach him to respect him!

"Oi! That's not true! Take that back!" Katsuki spat with anger.

"Huh? Why?" Izuku asked in confusion. "I'm just telling the truth," He shrugged.

"You…" The blonde growled, his blood boiling. The other two extras were losing respect for him! He could feel it! He knew it! "Then I'll make you take it back!" He launched himself, sparks flying out of his palms.

The next thing Katsuki perceived was the sky. The young boy lay on his back, bruised up and with a bleeding nose. He was unable to stand back and held his head in pain. The blonde did his best to hold down his tears, but the pain as well as the humiliation of that instant defeat made it quite difficult. Tsubasa and Saito stood at his side, asking him if he was alright and trying to help him to his feet; however, he remained down. Damn it… They were taking pity on him!

Meanwhile, Izuku stood there, completely unscathed. It didn't look like he had been in a fight at all!

"Why did you attack me? Aren't you supposed to be my buddies?" The green-haired boy asked with narrowed eyes. However, after receiving no response for several seconds, he sighed. "Oh, well. I guess I was wrong. It was fun hanging out with you while it lasted. See ya," He waved before leaving. What these three didn't know was that he had already been used to people who were supposed to be on his side attacking him, and his father was the biggest proof of that. He supposed they were never friends in the first place… So he bid them goodbye.

With shaking legs, Katsuki stood on his knees, watching the other boy's back as he left. There was no way… He couldn't even scratch him! Why couldn't he?! Izuku couldn't be… better than him, could he? He was supposed to be the best! How did he dare speak to him that way?! Katsuki gritted his teeth. No matter what happened, he would make him pay!



Ever since that day, Bakugou had been training ceaselessly, growing stronger every day. He would challenge Izuku from time to time, and lose every time. Unfortunately, it was like he made no progress, but he knew that wasn't the case. He was perfectly aware he was strong, now. However, since the horned teen hadn't accepted any challenge for the past few years, he couldn't tell if he was on his level.

Bakugoy had a feeling he wasn't. His opportunity to show how much he had improved and see if he surpassed Izuku would come soon, though. Once they would both enter U.A. (something he was also mad at because he wanted to be the only one in Aldera to get in), he'd show everyone.

"Katsuki!" His mother suddenly called out to him from inside the house. The blonde teen clicked his tongue, gave one last look to his training dummy, and then went back to his house. He was aware that his mom would only annoy him more if he didn't listen. "Come on, you trained enough. You'll blow the neighbors' eardrums if this goes on," Mitsuki said as her son went in.

"Tch. There's no reason I should give a shit," Katsuki replied dismissively.

"Well, you should! Because any problem you cause is my responsibility, you shitty brat!" Mitsuki shouted at him, showing clearly where he got that temper from. However, she immediately calmed down once she noticed his bloody hands. "What the hell happened to your hands?"

"Nothing, old hag!" Katsuki yelled back at her before trying to go up the stairs. "I need a shower, so don't bother me!"

"How many times have we told you that this training dummy is for your quirk only?! You're not supposed to bust your hands on it like a dumbass!" Mitsuki shouted; however, the teen scoffed and ignored her. This was already a shitty day, and he didn't want it to be worse by arguing with her. Thus he walked away without a care in the world. "For fuck's sake… That kid doesn't listen to shit," She pinched the bridge of her nose. Sometimes, she didn't know what to do with him. She should ask Inko for tips because the other woman never complained about her son, so she must have been doing something right with Izuku.

Katsuki glanced down at his bloody knuckles again and sighed. No matter what anyone said, this wasn't enough.


Later, in the evening

"Now that's what I call a party!" Izuku laughed cheerfully as he made his way to the counter. "Much better than the boring fest I stumbled on yesterday!" He exclaimed.

The gang's strip club was far livelier than before. Following his instructions, Zhong Liu opened it to as many clients as possible, even if most were their own members. Music blared throughout the room, while colorful lights flashed incessantly to which several strippers pole danced.

Some wore bikinis, like the ones he saw at Zhong's feet yesterday. Others wore something more classic, bunny suits. Some simply had lingerie on. He could say there was some variety, but nothing crazy. The important part was that everyone seemed to have fun, especially since they still had a supply of drinks after the ones he broke when he came in the first time. He rarely had the opportunity to celebrate, so he also never organized parties. Some of his schoolmates invited him to their parties, of course, but it was nothing as entertaining as what he would see on the TV or the internet. The kind of parties they weren't allowed to organize because of their ages.

Obviously, he wanted to grab the first girl he'd lay his eyes on and have her give him a private dance, especially because of his pumping blood. His draconic blood would make him wild and bloodthirsty, which could be fixed with a fight or more… peaceful means. A strip club was a good way to do it. However, he needed to check on Zhong and Himiko first.

After passing the counter, Izuku's eyes finally landed on the two. They were toward the back of the room, sitting on armchairs around a dancer currently performing on a pole. The horned boy grinned before rushing to join them. A guy his size was hard to miss, so most of his new henchmen fearfully bowed to him every time he crossed their path. Even if they had fun, they still hadn't accepted him fully, but if their fear of him overshadowed the temptation of betrayal, then it was good, too.

"Oh, Ryu-kun!" Himiko exclaimed the moment she noticed him. Thankfully, it looked like she still didn't forget they used codenames in public.

"Master," Zhong greeted him, getting off the chair and kneeling to him despite the injuries he was riddled with.

"Yo," Izuku smiled before gesturing for the bull-man to get up. "Come on, there's no need for that. We're here to have a good time, aren't we?" He snickered as he grabbed a nearby armchair and sat in it while Zhong Liu returned to his seat as instructed. "I'm happy you listened and put your all in this night, even if it was improvised," After all, they were supposed to be on the verge of closing because of the mafia. It would have been understandable if they couldn't afford to open this night and make it look so good. Izuku would have still severely punished them for it, of course, but still.

"Thank you, Master. I only did as you ordered, but to be honest, I'm quite satisfied with the result, too. It seems everyone is having fun… even though it is likely in order to forget yesterday's night," Zhong responded.

"Good, good," Izuku nodded then turned to Himiko. "Everything went well, Ace?" He inquired.

"Yup! No problem! Organizing this was pretty fun!" The blonde girl grinned before picking a drink up from the table and showing it to him. It was seemingly a red cocktail. "I even got to try some cranberry margarita! It's pretty good!"

"Let me try," he said, gesturing for her to hand it over. She did so without hesitation, and Izuku raised the drink to his lips. He pursued his lips as he tasted it, letting half of the drink flow down his throat. It was refreshing, that was for sure. It had a bold and tart flavor, but it was also sweet. "Give us more of that," He ordered a nearby henchman before returning the drink to his companion. "I'd say you've got good tastes, but knowing you, you probably picked this one because of the color," He remarked.

"What? No…" Himiko giggled sheepishly. "Anyway, I was starting to wonder if you'd even show up,"

"Of course, I would. Was it getting too boring without me?" He replied.

"No," Himiko shook her head, then glanced toward the dancer before them. "This place is pretty fun, and… I also never thought I'd see so many boobies in one place," The blonde commented, blushing while watching the woman's boobs jiggle as she danced, her eyes following the stripper's chest everywhere.

"Never been to a place like this?" Izuku questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, no? I never thought about it," Himiko shrugged. After all, she had too many problems to ever think of enjoying herself like this. Even alcohol had never been on her mind before since all she thought about was blood. However, discovering new experiences was pretty nice. "Did you?" She inquired.

"Eh, not I haven't either," The horned boy replied, much to Zhong's surprise.

"Really? I thought someone your age and of your caliber would have, Master," The bull-man spoke.

"Huh? Someone my age? The hell's that supposed to mean?" Izuku grunted in annoyance, ticked off by the other man's remark. However, before Zhong Liu could ask what offended him, the green-haired man waved the remark off. "Just, forget it! Let's have some fun, alright? This is a great day!" Izuku exclaimed cheerfully. Who wouldn't be happy to have their plans go so smoothly, after all? "I think the one who contributed so much deserves some form of reward," He grinned.

Suddenly, Zhong stood up, a wide and grateful smile on his face.

"I'm honored, Master, but all I did is prepare a party worthy of your-"

"Sit down, you cow-brained moron!" Izuku barked at him, prompting the man to sit back down in shame. "I'm talking about Ace, obviously," He smiled at the girl, who looked more proud of herself than ever.

"Thank you, Ryu-kun. I was just doing what you told me to do," The blonde blushed, slightly hoping to fish for compliments.

"Nonsense, I know you've been keeping them in line while I was away," He said, grateful. "Now, Zhong Liu," He suddenly addressed the other man, making him perk up. "Can we afford to lose a dancer?" The sudden question made Zhong pause.

"I'd say yes, we can. We'll likely even have to fire one or two of them because of the profits we lost lately," Zhong explained in confusion. Why were they suddenly talking about business? He wondered.

"Great, then here's your reward, Ace," Izuku talked to Himiko again, who tilted her head. "Pick a dancer. Anyone that catches your eye, and do whatever you want with her in one of the private rooms," He instructed, making the girl snicker, thinking it was a joke. However, from his tone alone, Zhong figured out this was no attempt at humor, and the blonde quickly realized it, too.

"Wait, really?" She asked in shock, to which Izuku nodded in affirmation. "I can do anything?"

"Anything," He confirmed.

"Hee! You're awesome, Ryu-kun! Thank you!" Himiko jumped high and wrapped her arms around his neck, tightly hugging him. The horned boy didn't protest, and she got off swiftly enough. "I already saw a pretty cute one earlier!" She exclaimed before running off to find whoever caught her eye.

"Huh, I didn't know she swung that way," Zhong commented silently.

"Let's just say, she swings all ways," Izuku interjected, to Zhong's utmost confusion. He had no idea what that meant. "She'll need a mask, by the way. I don't want people finding out Ace's identity,"

"I can take care of that, then," Zhong nodded since it was an easy enough request. "Will you need one, too?" However, Izuku simply arched an eyebrow. The bull-man's eyes wandered from up to down, looking over the boy's figure. "Right, stupid question," A mask would likely never be enough, would it?

"For now, I want to have some fun. We can discuss business tomorrow, though, I hope you already sent someone to look for that bull we need," Izuku said, leaning back in a relaxed manner.

"I have. There's a slaughterhouse not too far from here, so I've contacted them to check if they have a bull they need to get rid of," Zhong replied. They also needed to give them quite a sum of money to get that bull and get them to keep quiet about this whole affair.

"Good. I want to improve our relations with the mafia as quickly as possible. Once it's done, this place will be much livelier! And bigger!" Izuku exclaimed, greatly anticipating the income they would have. He grabbed a glass of cranberry margarita one of the men left a little earlier, and drank it all in one gulp before setting it down again. "Come on! I want to see a nice show!" He lightly slapped Zhong on the back and turned his attention to the dancer in front of them. The woman smiled when their eyes met, showing off more sensual moves.

For some reason, a new idea struck him as he watched her. All the women here didn't bear any distinguishable features. No multiple arms, horns, or a tail. They looked completely human. The lack of heteromorphs slightly bothered him since he was pretty sure that the more variety they had, the more they would receive potential long-term clients. Moreover, he couldn't deny he had a small form of kinship with heteromorphs. He wasn't as different as they were, but he was still pretty big and bore horns on his head. However, before he could mention it to Zhong Liu, the bull-man spoke.

"If I may, Master. There's something I prepared just for you. You could call it a gift for besting me and becoming our leader," He declared, piquing the horned boy's curiosity.

"Oh? Consider me intrigued," Izuku responded, which seemed to make Zhong quite satisfied.

"I'm happy to hear that! Come, girls!" Zhong suddenly called out to someone behind him, gesturing for them to join.

Izuku raised an eyebrow as he recognized them. These two were the women who were present the previous night. Just like that night, they only wore simple laced bikinis, the first woman's one was white, while the second one was yellow with flower prints. Now that they were both so close, he got a better look at the two.

The first dancer was blonde with shoulder-length hair, and fair skin. She was slender but shorter than the other. The second one had long black wavy hair and dark skin, she was curvier than her partner and had a more visible hourglass figure. Both had quite ample breasts.

"Hey, Boss," The blonde crooned, hands on her hips.

"This one is Mio," Zhong gestured to the blonde, who smiled and waved. "And she's Isami," He pointed at the dark-skinned one.

"Glad to meet you under better circumstances," Isami greeted him.

"Nice to meet you, too," Izuku's eyes wandered all over their bodies. "I'm guessing you're introducing them for a reason,"

"I am. They're my best and most loyal workers, and I thought someone like you deserved the very best introduction to your new business," Zhong explained with a smile.

"Are you trying to get in my good graces?" The horned boy chuckled.

"Not at all, Master. I simply want to make your takeover as enjoyable as possible… My meeting with you has humbled me tenfold," Zhong Liu bowed his head.

"Defeat will do that to you," Izuku muttered before glancing at the two women. "Oh, well. I'd be stupid to refuse. Though, just so you know… Every single person working here belongs to me from now on, including you," He told the bull-man, who nodded in respect.

"I am aware, but I still wish to give you this gift. Again, a reward for defeating me and learning my techniques so easily," Zhong retorted.

"As long as we're on the same page," Izuku finished another of his drinks, then stood up. "The boss of this place must have room to relax, right? I still haven't gotten to see it, so show me the way," He ordered the Mio and Isami.

"Right this way," Mio winked and walked away. Isami grabbed the dragon boy's hand and led him after the blonde.

The dragon boy followed them out of the main space until they reached what was supposed to be his private bedroom. To his relief, his smell didn't pick up anything once they got inside, meaning this room was certainly clean. It was appealing to the eyes, too, since the bedroom looked luxurious as visible even in the dim light. The walls and the carpet were lavender, and the large bed was red. There were two long nightstands with multiple drawers, a few cupboards, and a chest in front of the bed.

"Looks cozy," Izuku commented while looking around.

"The room reserved for the Boss, after all. It belonged to Zhong Liu, but it's only right it's yours, now," Isami explained before gesturing to the cupboards. "We have different outfits here if you'd like to see us wear anything in particular," She stated.

"Nah, what you're wearing is fine," The horned boy waved his hand before sitting at the edge of the bed. "Besides, I'd like to get back to the party after we're done," He said confidently.

"Are you in a hurry? We're not good enough for you?" Mio joked while looking through the drawers. After a few seconds, she pulled something out and fiddled with it, out of Izuku's view, who could only wonder what it was about. "It's ready,"

"Hm? What is this?" The dragon boy inquired when Mio finally turned around and revealed the object, a syringe filled with a strange blue liquid.

"Never heard of it before?" Mio asked, only for Izuku to shake his head. "A method of contraception that has been out for a couple of years. Pretty expensive, but so much better. You inject it into you, and it interferes with the reproductive organs," She explained.

"Yup, gotta stab you right in the balls with it," Isami snickered, making the blonde roll her eyes and smile.

"She's just joking. Gotta do it in the thighs,"

"In any case, that won't work on me," He said, and before they could ask why, he tapped on his chest. "A needle will never be able to pierce through my skin," That was the main reason he never got his shots, too.

Truthfully, the doctors had special needles specifically designed to pierce through tough skins; they were harder, and bigger, and would have been quite painful to regular humans. However, Izuku never needed those either. Doctors had done several tests on him, which allowed them to confirm he wouldn't even need those shots. His body was tough down to its cellular level, and his antibodies were efficient enough to exterminate most viruses and negative bacteria that entered inside. He didn't speak out of arrogance when he said his body was invincible, his draconic blood simply made him superior to normal humans in every way.

Mio clicked her tongue, seemingly annoyed, but ultimately shrugged in acceptance.

"Guess we'll need two, then," She said before handing the syringe to Isami and preparing another for herself.

The brunette didn't seem to mind as she slowly inserted the needle in her thigh, and injected herself with the liquid. Mio proceeded to do the same a few seconds later.

"Now that's done, let's get to the fun," Isami smirked after they put the syringes on the nightstand.

(Smut start)

To their credit, they didn't seem intimidated by his massive size as he towered over them even while sitting on the bed. Obviously, they were used to big guys.

"Let's see what we're working with," Mio licked her lips before kneeling in front of him, followed by Isami while he pulled his pants and underwear down, revealing his manhood. The blonde widened her eyes as nearly all her vision was suddenly obstructed by the erect monster. "Oh. That's… gonna hurt in a minute," She whispered, but despite her seemingly worrying remark, a wide and lustful smile stretched across her face.

"Getting cold feet?" Isami asked, though her eyes were still stuck on the massive dick standing straight before her.

"As if," Mio proudly smirked. It would take more than that to scare her! Moreover, she was aware of the benefits of being on the Boss' good side… She also couldn't deny this would feel quite good, of course.

Izuku remained silent, choosing to observe while they started to pleasure him. They didn't start slow, for sure, since they immediately used their mouths. Mio planted her lips on the tip of his cock while Isami ran her tongue across the underside of his shaft. They had plenty to share, after all. Both their lips were soft, and the way they moved their tongues just showed how experienced they were.

The blonde sucked on his tip, which was already partly inside her mouth. It was warm, and since this was his first time, Izuku couldn't explain why that warmth gave him pleasure in the first place. Mio slowly pushed the until it was halfway inside and slightly sliding down her throat. She left some room for her partner, Isami, to enjoy herself by kissing the boy's cock over multiple spots, wrapping her lips around and suckling on them. The blonde moved her head up and down, using this as an opportunity to run and lick his length with every move.

The brunette glanced enviously at the other woman, having wished to have a better taste of his cock, too. By now, his pre-cum already leaked down Mio's throat, filling her mouth with a sour taste, but most importantly, making her wet. Isami could only frown as the blonde suddenly pushed their boss' dick deeper in, leaving nearly no room for the brunette to pleasure the horned boy.

She would have gladly gone for the balls, but she would be overshadowed by the other woman, who was moving her head faster and faster as seconds passed, seemingly easier the more she was used to the man's length and girth. Even a bulge could be visible in her throat every time the tip went far enough. Izuku held down a moan, having never experienced getting his dick in something so tight before. Her throat firmly squeezed his manhood, caressing it with every one of Mio's moves, which constantly sent shudders through his body. His crotch was getting hotter and hotter. When he was too overwhelmed by hormones before and couldn't fight anyone, he would just jerk off, so he imagined the feeling would have been the same, yet it somehow pleasured him tenfold. Was it because Mio was that good?

"Ugh. Come on, you're hogging it all to yourself!" Isami complained from the blonde's side, watching her vigorously blow that cock. Mio seemingly smirked with her eyes, enjoying Isami's envy. The brunette rolled her eyes, then grabbed the back of her partner's head and pushed her down, forcing her to take the whole cock down her throat. Mio widened her eyes in surprise but miraculously didn't gag. "Alright, take it then!" Isami grumbled, still pushing the blonde's head down to make her give the man a deepthroat.

"Don't worry, you can have some fun, too," Izuku suddenly spoke up before giving her his hand. Isami let go of the blonde's head, who bobbed it up and down more vigorously. It seemed the brunette's earlier action filled her with lust. She rarely had the opportunity to blow the manhood of someone that strong, after all. Getting it all inside her mouth and throat made her body so much warmer.

"What are you planning?" Isami asked as she grabbed his hand, only to yelp when he suddenly pulled her up and made her lie on his lap.

"This," He answered, taking off her bottoms and spreading her legs, and sliding a couple of fingers in. The brunette breathed out immediately as he somehow already found her most sensitive spot. The dragon villain could tell from that touch alone that her pussy would firmly hold his dick later. A part of him wanted to go straight to fucking, but he supposed they deserved some kind of reward, too.

"Oh! Fuck!" Isami exclaimed as watched the man moving his fingers inside her as if exploring her most private place. "You know… how to use your hands, for such a big guy!" She commented as he used his other hand to tear off her top, leaving her breasts bare. The woman couldn't help but moan as he suddenly pinched one of her nipples and squeezed her tits.

"I can see that," Izuku smirked. Isami was already wet from those moves alone. He wasn't sure if he was that good or if she was just a slut, but Mio looked like she was aroused and he hadn't touched her yet because of her focus on his cock.

He fingered the brunette for several minutes, making her moan in sync with the suction sounds Mio made as she deepthroated his dick. The more time passed, the more he wanted to replace those fingers with his manhood and finally get a taste of her pussy. However, the blonde seemed nearly glued to it, hoarding it for herself while Isami slowly approached her climax. If he stopped now, they'd be disappointed both. Besides, his crotch was already burning hotter than earlier, notifying him he wouldn't last much longer either. Mio had been relentless and hadn't paused to breathe even once!

"Ah… Ah… I'm coming…" Isami announced at the last second, orgasming once Izuku moved a finger further inside her. "Oh, the size of your fingers definitely helped…" She muttered dreamily.

"You're not the only one reaching your limits here," He replied, a feeling of electricity running through him. The boy didn't even let Mio an opportunity to pull back before grabbing the back of her head and slamming her onto his cock until her nose was pressed against his pelvis. A second later, he shot his load down her throat, and while the blonde attempted to gulp it all down, drops of it spilled out of her mouth and rolled down her chin.

"Mwah," Mio voiced once she was finally allowed to pull her head back. She smirked and opened her mouth wide, showing there was none left inside. "See? Drank it all up like a nice girl," She panted. No surprises there, she didn't have much room to breathe all this time.

"No fair," Isami complained, her breathing returning to normal.

"You'll have your turn next time," Mio winked her way mockingly.

"Now, now, who said it was over?" Izuku questioned to their surprise. The two women realized with shock that his dick was still hard and standing straight, seemingly not satisfied yet.

"Oh, my. Our Boss has quite the endurance," Isami remarked as she was suddenly thrown on her back. Before she could say anything, Mio took off her bikini, threw it over her shoulder, and right on the brunette's face. "Hey!" She complained while the blonde got on all fours beside her.

"You can look after them while the Boss rails me from behind," Mio declared smugly, swaying her butt from side to side. "What do you say, Boss?"

"Hey! You got to blow him, so it's only right he does me, first!" Isami interjected stubbornly. The blonde chuckled, ready to argue; however, whatever she was about to say was cut off when the horned boy they were speaking of threw off his clothes, revealing completely his naked body. It… was a lot of muscles, much to their pleasure.

Oh, Izuku enjoyed watching two women fight over him, but it would never end if he didn't step in.

"Both of you will get your turn, don't worry," He smirked before grabbing Isami's legs and spreading them apart to see her wet pussy. "You first!" He announced as he plunged his cock deep inside her.

The woman moaned as Izuku's manhood hit the back of her womb, an electroshock going through her body. It was so big it stretched her pussy to its limits, and the shape of it was visible through a bulge on her stomach.

"Shit! That thing will split me in half! Still… Fuck me, stud!" She pleaded, her desire having built up ever since they entered the room.

"As you wish!" Izuku happily declared, rocking his hips back and forth. He couldn't do it too hard so as not to hurt her, but he still held little mercy with every thrust, slamming his meat against her flesh.

Any pain he was inflicting upon her seemed to only make it more pleasurable for her. Even if her pussy was tight, he could still tell she squeezed his dick with it, wanting to keep him inside her as long as possible. The warmth her flesh provided, coupled with the dripping love juice it expelled made it feel like his cock would melt.

"Oh! Oh! It's so fucking good!" Isami moaned, curling her toes and grasping the bedsheets in ecstasy. The bed creaked with every thrust as the man plowed her pussy. She wasn't sure if it was the size or something else, but it felt incredible. Her crotch was already blazing hot as if about to burst.

"Is it the best fuck you've had?" The dragon boy smugly asked, holding her ankles in a tighter grip.

"It's… ah! Going to be!" Isami responded between two moans. "Where have… you been before?"

"It's that good? Now I'm really jealous!" Mio grumbled as she watched her partner being railed by the massive cock.

"Ah! Boss! I can't, anymore!" Isami shouted, overcome with pure pleasure. She released another moan, spraying out love juice all over his dick as she finally orgasmed again. The brunette was left breathless, yet, was about to ask for more. Unfortunately, to her dismay, Izuku pulled his manhood out. "Wait! You didn't come yet!" She said, hoping for another round.

"Oh, I know, but as you can see, I have your friend to take care of," He gestured to the blonde, who was more than happy to shake her butt for him.

"Finally! Hurry up, Boss, and fuck me! And harder than you did with Isami! Until I can't walk anymore!" Mio pleaded, much to the green-haired boy's amusement.

"If that's what you want… Don't regret it!" He grabbed her ass cheeks, sinking his fingers in her flesh before slamming his cock inside her pussy with no mercy. The blonde jerked her head back, letting out a pained cry as his dick pushed her womb all the way up and stretched her up.

"FUCK! You're not playing around, are you?!" She shouted with a wide smile, clenching her fists.

"That's what you wanted, isn't it?" Izuku retorted before rocking back and forth even harder than he did with Isami, making Mio's ass ripple with every thrust.

"Oh, GOD, YES!" The blonde responded. It seemed she had completely forgotten why she was doing this in the first place since all she felt now was insatiable lust just like Isami earlier. "I love it, Boss! Oh!" moaned as Izuku moved back and forth, slamming his meat against her flesh. "So good!" Mio screamed.

Mio continued to scream the word "good" as he pounded her. She couldn't care less if it made her look like a desperate whore, what mattered now was how good she felt. She could understand why Isami didn't want to let go of that dick when it was rammed into her! Izuku's cock throbbed, realizing he would reach an orgasm again, soon.

"I'm c-coming!" Mio moaned, her pussy juice rolling down her thighs. Feeling his throbbing manhood, she had hoped he would finish inside her, especially since she bothered injecting herself with that contraceptive. Unfortunately, he pulled his dick out and quickly grabbed Isami by her head.

"Huh?" The brunette voiced in confusion before her mouth was filled with his manhood, making her gag at the sudden action.

"Since you wanted it earlier. Take it!" The horned boy declared, shooting his load down her throat and forcing her to swallow as much as she could, which she gladly did.

The brunette took it all down her gullet, some of it overflowing until he was done and released her head, letting her fall back.

(Smut end)

"Aw… I wanted a good creampie…" Mio complained, trying to push herself up, only to fall back on the bed. Her legs hurt…

"Ah… Ah… Ah…" Isami panted, desperately trying to catch her breath as she fell on her back. "I wanted it, too… But that wasn't too bad," She licked her lips, wiping off some of the semen that was left on it.

"Next time when I need to relieve some tension," Izuku grinned, proud of his work. The two women lay on the bed, sweating profusely and too tired to move.

"I hope we… were to your liking," Mio muttered tiredly.

"Oh, you definitely were. I'll have quite a lot of fun at this place," Izuku chuckled while putting on his clothes. "I'll let you clean everything up," He instructed.

Taking over this place was sweet already, but having girls like them to use as toys was a nice bonus, too. They likely wouldn't be the only ones either. However, he had a party to go back to.

He left the room without another word and returned to the strip club's hub, which was as lively as he had left it. The fact that it didn't even seem close to closing was good. It told him that this place had a lot of potential if they worked hard enough.

"Zhong Liu! Give me some drinks!" He immediately shouted the second he returned. The bull-man, who was still in the seat he left him in, was seemingly occupied with a stripper dressed in lingerie and dancing over his lap. However, the second Izuku's voice reached his ears, the man perked up. "Whatever you have!"

"Right away, Master!" Zhong exclaimed before gesturing for a nearby man to go and bring more drinks. "You heard him! Go and get him something good!" He ordered, refusing to stand up as he held the stripper before him with a hand on her ass. "Was your prize to your liking, Master?" He inquired once Izuku was close enough.

"Sure was. They were good," The horned boy nodded, much to the bull's relief.

"I'm happy you were pleased. As the boss here, you can take any of our workers any time you want," Zhong stated.

"Is that what you did?" Izuku asked curiously, though he already expected the answer.

"Indeed. Never really had to force them either. Most of them come to work here because they have little choice. Either they desperately need the money or they've always loved showing their bodies or selling them," The bull-man chuckled as he ran his hand across the woman's hips, which she didn't seem to mind. "Obviously, a job like that's dangerous, so they have to be careful. They want good protection, and the Wild Dogs and I could offer it to them. They'd open their legs for me to gain my favor. Now, you showed you were even stronger than me. Beat my ass," He snorted, remembering that night. "They'll flock around you soon enough. Think you can handle it?"

"Easily. Though, they better not expect a fucking every day. We'll have a lot of work to do, soon," Izuku responded, reminding Zhong of their current task.

"Indeed we do…" Zhong looked down. Their first order of business was the Chinese mafia, and he was still concerned about the plan. He hoped it would work. He would rather avoid an all-out war with them. He'd want nothing more than to destroy them to the point they get as weak and forgotten as the Yakuza, but he was aware it would have been a difficult task for him alone. With his leader, though… He had wanted to make those bastards pay for what they did even before this whole affair, and when he was about to abandon the idea of revenge, they had to mess with his business!

"For now, let's enjoy ourselves. We can talk about it once this party's over," Izuku slapped the bull-man on his back, having noticed the way he lost himself in his thoughts. "Ace still isn't back yet?"

"Not from what I've seen. She must be having the time of her life," Zhong whistled.

"Guess who!" Someone suddenly jumped on Izuku's back and covered his eyes with their hands.

"You do know I can recognize your voice and your smell, right?" The horned man asked.

"Gross. I showered yesterday, you know?" Himiko asked offendedly, taking her hands off him and jumping off his back.

"You're done, then?" Izuku inquired while looking the girl over. Her hands were bloody, but the most disturbing part was the blood all around her mouth, some even on her lips. It didn't seem there was any on her clothes, though.

"Yup! It was fun!" Himiko exclaimed happily, putting her hands on her cheeks and smiling wide. "She was so cute!" She gushed over the woman she likely already killed.

Of course, this caused the woman dancing over Zhong to slightly quiver in fear. Nevertheless, with a seemingly steeled resolve, she put her trembling to a stop, opting to please Zhong instead in the hopes of not ending up in the blonde's hands.

"I bet," Izuku replied nonchalantly. He was about to end this conversation to enjoy one of the whiskeys the waiter brought; however, he was stopped when a lightweight suddenly jumped on his lap. "What are you doing?" He asked Himiko Toga, who had her arms wrapped around him and rested her cheek against his chest.

"Hugging you, silly! Thank you for the gift," She muttered, hiding her face in his chest. Nevertheless, he had an idea of what her expression looked like… thanks to the small tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Let's just have fun," Izuku simply spoke, knowing better than to bring it up.

Fortunately, they had quite some fun. They drank, but not to the point of getting drunk, and even played pool. Since neither Himiko nor Izuku knew how to play, though, Zhong Liu utterly destroyed them in every game. To call it a humiliation would have been an understatement. Still, while they played, something Izuku hadn't thought about yet was brought up.

"I can't believe I lost again!" Himiko whined and slumped against the pool table.

"Grr," Izuku growled with clenched teeth. He was this close to breaking the pool cue in half out of anger.

"Heh. Too easy!" Zhong Liu grinned in pride.

"Rah! Just kick his ass, Ryu-kun!" Himiko shouted, pumping up her fists. Oh, Izuku wanted to, but this would make him a sore loser. The bull-man did perk up at the blonde's remark, though.

"That reminds me. Is Ryu your real name?"

"Why do you want to know?" Izuku answered with a question.

"If it's not, then I was wondering if it was your villain name," Zhong explained.

"Oh, right! I forgot all about that! Never thought of getting a villain name," Himiko commented. Izuku placed a hand on his chin. Now that he thought about it, he never even considered a villain name before. He was focused on other things. "Do you have one, Zhong?"

"I do, but I rarely use it since I never go out," He shrugged. "I'm Minotaurus," He pointed at himself with his thumb, only to receive deadpanned stares. "I didn't pick it, okay?!" He exclaimed offendedly.

"In any case, I wonder what name would fit me best…" Himiko asked herself before glancing at Izuku's way. The blonde blushed and smiled wide. "I kinda like Ace," She said, showing a toothy grin. Of course, she loved the name he picked out for her. Couldn't it be considered his first gift? "What about you, Ryu?" She asked. From the looks of it, he soon wouldn't even need to use that codename. Besides, Zhong would learn Izuku's true identity at some point for sure.

"Yeah, I've been thinking. I was born strong," He looked at his right palm, remembering the training he had with his father. "But I still trained every day to get stronger and stronger. It was never enough. When my body seemingly couldn't get any stronger, I trained my mind," This time, he remembered the hours he spent studying, doing homework with his mother, analyzing every fight he witnessed outside or on the TV, and the heroes he watched, which he also admired in a few aspects. "It was all so I could become invincible. It was all so I could become one above all and conquer anything in my way. To rule," He clenched his fist. Zhong widened his eyes as he watched the man openly declare a glimpse of his goals. "I told you, didn't I, Ace? I will change the world, and only the strongest can accomplish that," He turned his head to the blonde.

"You did, and I believed you since the moment you said it," Himiko smiled warmly, her heart beating faster than ever.

"I know what name I will take," Izuku confidently stated.


Somewhere in the city of Nagoya…

A man took a puff of his cigar before placing it back in the ashtray. Sitting behind a desk in a nicely furnished room, he read a newspaper while classical music played softly in the background. He wore a suit and tie, which did not conceal the gills on his neck, and his slick gray hair added to his distinguished appearance. He was none other than Lei Xue, leader of the Chinese mafia. Just as he was about to turn the page, someone knocked on his door.

"Come in," He said in a gruff voice.

"Uhm… We have received a package, Father," Someone said. Lei Xue raised his head to see one of his men coming in, and holding a large package.

"Seems you already know what it is," Lei Xue remarked, seeing the man's worried expression.

"We opened it. There was a letter with it," He replied before putting the package on the Father's desk and opening it. Lei Xue widened his eyes in surprise. This was… a bull's head. Its eyes were wide open and its tongue hung out of its mouth. Wait… He saw that head somewhere, didn't he?

"Zhong Liu?" Lei Xue voiced in shock. His man nodded before holding the letter that came with it.

"Some killed him and took over his group. Changed the gang's name to Beastlords Legion. Apparently, this is a peace offering. They want to meet you," His man explained.

"Interesting… I didn't think someone would ever take out Zhong Liu," Lei commented. Suddenly, he chuckled and stubbed out his cigar on the bull's forehead. "Serves that bastard right. What's the name of the one who did this?"

"He calls himself Haō (Supreme Ruler),"

"Haō? How arrogant," Lei Xue remarked before leaning back in his chair. "Alright, send a reply back. I'd love to meet this Haō," The man grinned.