

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

CHP:5 Setting Off for War

Korg/Hiroim POV

As me and Korg head back to the palace. I can't help but be amazed at our king. He has witnessed and been a part of so much pain, loneliness, and suffering. As I think of these things my power begins to emanate from me. My companion stops for a moment as he senses my anger. I also stop, look to the sky, and then say, " Korg when we return not a word about what we have learned to our other companions unless the king says so." He nods in agreement. He looks at me and says, " I never thought that after so many of the things, these so-called heroes have gone through, they would do this their own." I agree, even angrier as my power of the old strong cracks the earth around us. I take a moment to calm myself down. Then I say, "When we arrive on earth, NO MERCY!!!!" "Except for the innocents." Then I blast off the earth with my power and begin running back to the palace.

POV Korg


As I look at my comrade blasting off the ground, I can't help but feel sorry for the heroes. Only a little bit, as they have brought this upon themselves, also they have much bigger problems than me and my companions. Namely The Green Scar, my King. He has changed somehow, though for good or bad only time will. Now let me catch up with Hiroim. BOOM!! he takes off running. As he runs, he can't help but wonder, "Will THOR be there, I hope so." "We haven't fought since the wars between my people and his." He laughs in his mind and can't help but feel his blood boil in anticipation of the fight ahead. 

POV Thor, Asgard Training Grounds

Crackkkk!!! CRUMMMM!! A blast of lightning strikes the ground as Thor in his greatness appears. 

He looks for the reason he is here, and to his left, he looks and yells, "ENOUGH GAMES LOKI!!"


The sky begins to darken with lightning and thunder and the winds begin to pick up as Thor's temper grows by the second, suddenly a sly voice full of arrogance and playfulness says, " Calm down brother or you'll destroy this part of the castle."

Then a shimmer appears in a golden glow and Loki appears.

Thor looks on in annoyance and says, "What is it, L.O.K.I!" THRUMMM!! the thunder booms loudly as to reflect his annoyance.

Loki although nervous, laughs, though a quick look from Thor he stops and says, "Alright brother, the reason I called is because of a piece of news that I just so happened to acquire that you might be interested in."

Thor looking at him with a scowl on his face says, "What news." "And be straight with your words Loki!" Thor says, almost growling.

Loki still feeling nervous, even more so as he sees the mighty Mjölnir buzzing with lightning. Knowing he needs to hurry; he then tries to regain his composure. clearing his throat, he looks at Thor and smirks for a moment then says, "I caught news of your friend, THE HULK."


"Well, I guess we should head on back to the palace and prepare to leave," Banner says to Hulk in his mind. "Yeah, let's change back," Hulk says to him. "No, I want to try running to the palace". Banner says. Hulk pauses, then agrees. Banner crouching down to the ground of sakaar, closes his eyes and summons the rage and gamma power in him. Mustering the power in him, bright green vein-like lines appear on his neck, legs and part of his arms. Then, Boom!! He takes off like a comet, running so fast and jumping so high that it looks like a green missile in the sky. Though he is going way, way, faster than a missile. 

Banner enjoying the moment of the wind on his body hears hulk in his mind. "We should change back the palace is right in front of us." Banner although reluctant agrees, as we see him mid-fall, his body emits green vapers and begins growing back into the Hulk. CRACK! As Hulk lands back on the balcony he takes one look at the planet. And thinks, "I won't let you die." As he knew the fate of it if he never returned. Then he heads to his chambers. Creak!!! Opening the door, he looks at the empty bed, feeling sorrowful for a moment, and then that all too sweet burning rage returns like and inferno and spreads across the room in fiery green energy shaking it. Calming himself barely he looks to the mannequin where a gift from his wife rested. It was a Roman-type piece of armor, made from the red king kings' old golden suit of armor and other materials of the planet and reinforced by the old power. (Think of Kratos and Zeus god of war armor from the game, though no chest piece, and the color is dark silver.) It was like his wife and could use and summon strength from whatever planet it was on.

Hulk picks it up and then begins to put it on. After. he looks at himself in the mirror. "Looks pretty good," He hears Banner say. Hulk nods, then he pauses, because of the warmth he feels from the armor. "Just like her," he thinks. Then he hears, Banner say, "Bring out the new weapon we received." Hulk nods, closing his eyes he then he feels the rage and summons it forth. Wringgg!!! With a flash of red and black light, his new gauntlets appear on his arms and hands. It moves like a symbiote and then it solidifies in position. Hulk looks in the mirror again thinking he likes the new look. Banner says to him, "it's time." Hulk narrows his eyes, turns, and walks out of the room. As he walks everything begins to shake and illuminate because of his gamma energy. Thud..Thud...Thud. Step after step he takes, and his aura grows alongside it. Soon he reaches the ship hangar. There he finds his Warbounnd waiting for him." It's all done and ready my liege." Hiroim says. 

Hulk nods and then says," Everyone I first want to thank you for coming with me and helping me." "Nonsense my king we will follow you through hell and back, "Meik screams. The others all nod in agreement. Hulk smiles, and then he begins to think, on the memories of a name he received, then a force of nature of power and the feeling of death and rage erupts from him in a green blast to the very heavens themselves. Shaking the planet and the very cosmos itself. His followers, you think would be afraid of it, but no, they were relishing in it. Hulk with his glowing figure then says in a mighty voice that shakes the very foundation of planet Sakaar, "NOW LET US DEPART AND WRECK VENGANCE UPON THOSE WHO HAVE DESTROYED ALL WE HOLD DEAR." "AND LET THEM KNOW AND FEAR THE ONE KNOWN AS,