

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chp4: Preparation


BOOM!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!

In the mountain range far away from his palace. We can see green shockwaves traveling upwards towards the sky. The cause of this is our MC Hulk. Right now, what he is doing are a series of punching techniques he's learned from the mantra. The fist techniques name is "Wrath of The Asuran Fist," this move involves imbuing your essence and rage into the form of a fist that incinerates your target. There are 3 levels to this. The first level is called "The Demon of Rage." Where you imbue rage, and whatever energy source you use into your fist and strike. It can take form of a fist made your energy and strike and long distances. The second level is "The Arms of Wrath" this is where you form arms and fists from your soul, rage, and energy. This causes the formation of an outline of extra arms on your back to form, then you destroy what's in front of you. The third level is "Form of the Asura." This where you have perfect energy control and can form a silhouette of your existences pure state and can be used to fight. (This kind of like a Susanoo.) Each level has an entry, intermediate, and master level of it.

BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! Punch after punch Hulk throws and he can feel it. The power, rage, and gamma growing inside him. He as Bruce talks to him. "Hulk we should save the breakthrough for the upcoming fights and refine our techniques." Hulk agrees with a nod. Then he stops and thinks for a moment. Then he says, "Banner you should train to in your human form." Bruce looks for a moment, then he says, "your right I should." Hulk nods and closes his eyes. On the outside his body starts to Shrink down. Now in their human form Bruce opens his eyes. He breathes deeply. Then he says, "This mantra has augmented my body as well." He stretches for a moment then he looks at his body and he begins to think, "Well I can see some differences in myself."

He then looks at himself noticing, "I've grown?" Yes, he has. As we look at him his previous height of 5'9 he is now standing at whooping 6'1. Hulk in his mind laughs, "Hahaha!!!" "Oh, be quiet," Banner says. Hulk keeps laughing, Banner ignoring him begins to practice. "Now I might not be on the level of widow, iron fist, or any other crazy martial artist alive but I'm not a newbie to this." "With my newfound abilities I will soon arrive and surpass all of them." He says with a firm conviction. Then he begins to practice. CRACKKK!!!!!! His first shoots in the sky with power and grace. BOOM!!! BOOM!!! Shaking the very space in front of him. Time passes as he trains.

Soon it is night and as we see him in the meadow of the mountains standing still then he breathes in and pauses his movements. Then his eyes open and in them specks of green are present. "HAAAAHHHH!!!" He growls out, and as quick as thunder he punches towards the next mountain top. And "BOOM!!" A green fist outline shoots towards it and he blows it apart. " Haaaaaahooo," he breathes out and sits down. Soon he hears running and panting 300 meters away. This is also another effect he has figured out; his bodily functions have increased as well. He smiles as he thinks to himself no longer do I need to always rely on Hulk in stressful situations." Hulks laugher echos in his mind again. Banner scowls then gets up and says to him, "We should be honest to our followers about us." "And tell them about you," Hulk says. "Yes," Banner says. Hulk thinks for a moment then says, "It's what she would want." "Yes, I think so as well," Banner says.

As they converse the footsteps come closer. Then they both say, "No time is like the present." 

Korg/Hiroim POV

10 minutes ago, we were working, when all of a sudden. " BOOM!!!! sound fearing the worst we began to run to the source fearing another attack not before telling the guards and Miek to stand guard just in case of an attack. Then we looked at each other and began to run to the source fearing the worst. We then saw a flash of green in sky. "Must be the king," Korg says I nod in agreement. "Let us pick up the pace," I say. He nods and runs much faster. Summoning on the old power i began the manipulate the earth and my gravity to run much faster.

Soon we arrive expecting our king, but instead we see a HUMAN!!! I stop as I notice a green glow off his body that is familiar. But my comrade Korg does not. Human!!! he yells as he takes off in greater speed and lifts his fist to strike the human down. But instead of the fear I was expecting to see the human just smiles. "I have a bad feeling about this." I think to myself. I yell out, "KORG STOP!!" but was too late. BOOM!!!


As I see my warbound approaching Korg screams out and attacks me. I smile. As I can see Hiroim has better awareness. But this is fine I need to check out my improved body any way. Korg moves do slowly, it's not him but my sense of awareness is stronger. I raise my hand and catch his fist.  BOOM!!!! The dust settles and all three are shocked but for different reasons Korg because this human just caught his punch without any struggle, and he can't move. He looks down at the human who just has a dumbfounded look on his face. Hiroim is surprised because of the green glow the human's arm that he recognizes. It's his king. Banner is surprised is because he felt nothing. No impact or force from the punch. He then thinks it time to stop as it is time to explain.

KORG!!!" Hiroim yells, "That is our king!!!" Korg pauses his next attack not because of his companion's scream, but because of a sense of danger if he moved to attack again. He then looks into the humans' eyes and sees its glowing a bright and dark emerald, green. Like and inferno of fire. He knows these eyes because he has seen them before of his friend and king Hulk. "Well guess it does work." Bruce thinks. Hulk grunts in agreement. What Bruce just did was use a bit of rage and aura to induce killing intent in his eyes.

Korg drops down and apologizes to his king. "Friend I'm so sorry I didn't know." Bruce smiles and let's go of his hand and says, "Its fine, though I guess you guys want some answers. They both fiercely nod. Well, it all began 38 years ago.