
The Elusive Book Keeper

Zane Black, the illegitimate child of an elite family received a diary from his future self. The diary not only detailed his fall into obsession and obscurity, but it also contained a set of requests and regrets. Incidentally, he begins his life as a member of the Gnosis society, the Universe's largest intelligence gathering organisation, gaining an edge that he never had before. But an edge is not the only thing that he would gain, family, friendships and dare he say it... Love. The problem in his otherwise wonderful life ... Keeping his huge secret from his protagonist brother who seemed to have huge secrets of his own and more importantly, his lover whose genius was emphasized in the diary nine times. Zane must learn to be smart, discreet and elusive. After all, the worst fate of a spy is to be caught. Two sticky people, one secret to keep. Dedication: For those who have been waiting for an action/mystery bl with a heavy side of wholesomeness and romance, this one is for you. #Cover to be taken down at owner's request!

Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
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357 Chs

Night Market

The second time that Zane met Calix was the night of the next day. The night markets in Amherst College were very famous for having a bit of everything. Zane had posted a request for some cobra lily root and someone had responded and said that he could come over by 8 pm to collect it at the stall beside the water fountain.

After his paper was published, the invitation that he had been getting for clubs had spiked a great deal; he had spent the whole afternoon chatting with Mrs Ossi, his introduction to Alchemy lecturer. His classmates had surrounded him and they had a lot of things to ask him. It was a little difficult for him to separate from them and headed to the Night market.

He had been as incognito as possible, wearing dark clothing and a black face. He swiped his card when he heard a voice, "Zane. Hello again."

Zane's lips twitched, he was really stalking his online movements, he turned back with a faint smile, "Calix. How are you doing?"