

Zane had never seen a market like this. It was a small-scale market with stalls made of wood and bamboo located around. Some people placed the items they wanted to sell on the ground, with a layer of straw sheet or cotton blanket at the bottom and some built a simple shelf to display the items they wanted to sell.

It might be a small-scale market but it was bustling. Players were wearing so many different clothing as they haggled deals with loud voices. From where he was standing, there was a person selling artworks, he painted various images on some kind of white wood, giving it a rustic feel but it was very eye-catching.

"Watch out…" Zane did not finish the sentence when the man bumped into Jasper. He frowned, he had been so distracted by the artwork that he had not noticed that his younger brother was already ahead.

"Watch where you are going. My shoes, I just bought them now, do you know how much I got?"