
The elixir of life: chosen ones

Ruth_Rhoda · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


" hey dear, we are leaving" he said as Soon as he got to her.

"so soon, what happened"Yvonne asked sensing the anger clearly written on his face.

"nothing, let's leave here first"

"are you sure? did you have a fight with your parent? she asked again.

He held her hand and pulled her up from the bench on which she sat and begin to pull her along with him.

"wait, wait Yuan, let me say goodbye at least" she said while he continued pulling her.

"There's no need for that" he said his voice husky and thick.

She as never seen him this angry. She didn't know what to do at this moment. "Yuan talk to me, you're scaring me"she said her face etched with worry.

He stopped in his track released her hand before running off,he needed to cool his head, what was wrong with him marrying a princess,why couldn't he just date who he wants, it wasn't his fault that he fell in love with her,why couldn't they all understand.

Even his father didn't take his side. would meng'er do the same if she was here. Maybe he was wrong, maybe he wasn't the best for her, maybe it's better for him to leave her.

Yvonne stood in the spot he left her in frozen, she didn't know what to do,why he had run off was still a mystery to her, was she supposed to run after him or just let him come back to her, what did his parent say to make him behave like that.

After waiting for a few minutes she saw him walking back.

"Am sorry I ran off like that, I needed to cool off"he said as soon as he got to her.

"Huh" she nodded"what's bothering you Yuan, you can talk to me" she added

He signed deeply. "Spill whatever it is that's bothering you, I'm here to listen to you, she said.

"Yvonne do your parents approve of me" He asked out of the blue.

"Why are you asking that question suddenly"she asked with a grown

"I guess they wouldn't"he said flashing her a nervous smile. maybe they are right we are from different worlds. you are a tigeress while am a sheep, we are not just compatible"he said.

"Yuan,I don't understand you why this all of a sudden" she said her eyelids wet with tears as she forces her tears not to fall.

"am sorry Yvonne,you deserved better than I can offer and it will be selfish of me to hold you back"

'' no you are the best that I need" she said her tears falling helplessly staining her smooth cheek.

" you can't do this to me yuan, tell me it's a joke" Yvonne said shaking her head

He moved closer to her but with every step he took forward she also took a step backwards.

he walked faster,grabbed her hands and held her firm.

"listen to me Yvonne,am a jackanapes,q jerk,a bastard and I don't deserve your tears,if you need a reason for me doing this then it's simple I didn't deserve you, now wipe your tears and return back to being the princess that you are" he paused for a while and then continued.

" thanks for everything I really appreciate, it's as hard for me as it is for you,we were not meant to be at all and it's best for everyone if we just part" he looked her in the eye and continued" am sorry, thanks,i loved you and I still love you" he concluded and then turned to leave. He felt hot tears stride down his cheek as he ran off again.

Yvonne stood there transfixed in a spot she so wanted to wake up from whatever bad dream this was.

but boom it's reality facing her squarely he is gone ,was it her fault,was it his insecurities speaking,did his parent say something, or he was just being a bastard

" I guess I'll never know"she said wiped her tears and left for the palace.